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Focus Spec Build Stats


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Fellow Focus Sents,


I posted this in another post on here, but thought I would post it as its own. What is everyone's crit, surge, and accuracy at? I'm running 25%, 73%, and 100.48% respectively. But my guildmates have been telling me to drop critical for power. However, they use combat tree. Just trying to get like mind's advice on Focus stat priority.

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The knee jerk reaction for focus is that because sweep is auto crit you don't need crit at all, but you get a 15% surge bonus on blade storm and force exhaustion, so you should have a little bit to take advantage of it. For juggs at least, you do want to drop your crit down to about 52-100 rating. Literal 0 crit rating is used by the best parsing rage juggs, so it really is going to come down to personal preference, as the visible differences between 0 crit and 100 crit seem to be imperceptible on a parse by parse basis.


You want to get as close to 100% melee accuracy as possible while dumping the rest of your enhancements into surge. Augmenting for might is a no-brainer for a jugg, but as a sentinel you have the option of power augs. The difference there will be minuscule so you could just get whatever is cheaper.

Edited by Marb
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This is a question for those who respec between rolls, so don't know if I need to create a new thread or not(will if needed). Been reading up on Focus builds and rotations to add it to a few fights and i'm running into an issue. I've only spent a little time trying to find out the answers, so pardon me if this is an obvious fix and i'm just retarded.


I currently run Combat with optimized 72's with set bonuses and when I repseced to Focus my stats went crazy. I'm trying to find the most economical way to up my acc and drop some surge without having to loose any set bonuses or swapping just the enhancements.


To those who respec between rolls, how many pieces do you sub out, and can you hit the 100% acc mark with just implants/earpiece? Currently im running with the power/surge implants/earpiece, so I have a little acc in main gear. Currently with Focus acc is at 96-97%ish. (run with 99.6 on combat)


Like I stated before, I have not been working on this long and can probably find the answers on my own if needed, but I do not have alot of time to research and no one in my guild can help me out.


Thanks for your time and happy gaming!



P.S. This is mostly for PVE, though i might start smashing sith's if I enjoy the playstyle.

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Little update and another question. Played around with some gear I had lying around tonight and I was able to get to 100.75% acc with replacing both implants and earpiece along with adding an acc enhancement(had an old 69 chestpiece) So that parts solved, and probably wont take too long to get the better versions of what im currently using for it. That puts it at 3 enhancements and implants/earpiece.


Now for the question. I read somewhere that focus surge goal was 70-75% which makes sense to me, but with 100.75% acc im sitting at 82.61% crit multiplier and if i drop it down to 99.87% acc, multiplier goes to 85.27%.... This seems way too high lol. I dont know if im spec'd wrong or if this is normal.


Currently using the noxxic PVE build:




I know, I know. Noxxic has kinda taken a dive post 2.0 but it seemed like a good place to start. Career Focus sents if you have any comments or suggestions any feedback is welcome.

Edited by Gogocid
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i havent seen any spreadsheets for rage/focus, so everyone is kind of in the dark right now.


I'm actually working on one very part-time. It's coming along, though there are some significant inaccuracies that I need to address (e.g. who knew that Zealous Leap did more damage on average than Force Sweep?). ;-)


A bit of napkin math though does indicate some interesting things. For example, Strength augments are superior to Power for Focus spec, though not by a huge amount. This hints that some amount of crit is probably ideal, though it remains to be seen how much.

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i havent seen any spreadsheets for rage/focus, so everyone is kind of in the dark right now.


I was closer than I had thought on fixing the problems with the spreadsheet. It's done now. It does simplify certain things. For example, I don't take into account the Zen buff or the Heightened Power buff, and I also ignore abilities like Strike, Force Lash, Twin Saber Throw and Zealous Strike. In terms of determining ideal statting though, it should be pretty close.



Short form verdict… No crit, strength augments, unlettered mods, 100% accuracy, no alacrity. Note that the difference between 0 crit and 100 crit is about 1 DPS, while the difference between power augs and strength augs is just over 3 DPS. Weaponmaster 4pc Arkanian set bonus. Ideal relics remain unclear, but empirical testing suggests that the Boundless Ages and the Serendipitous Assault are optimal.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Little update and another question. Played around with some gear I had lying around tonight and I was able to get to 100.75% acc with replacing both implants and earpiece along with adding an acc enhancement(had an old 69 chestpiece) So that parts solved, and probably wont take too long to get the better versions of what im currently using for it. That puts it at 3 enhancements and implants/earpiece.


Now for the question. I read somewhere that focus surge goal was 70-75% which makes sense to me, but with 100.75% acc im sitting at 82.61% crit multiplier and if i drop it down to 99.87% acc, multiplier goes to 85.27%.... This seems way too high lol. I dont know if im spec'd wrong or if this is normal.


Currently using the noxxic PVE build:




I know, I know. Noxxic has kinda taken a dive post 2.0 but it seemed like a good place to start. Career Focus sents if you have any comments or suggestions any feedback is welcome.


It's normal, I always leave 2 accuracy enhancements lying around if im planning on respecing. I run 3 accuracy enhancements/earpiece/implant for Combat and 5 accuracy enhnacements for focus. I also never use accuracy augments so if ur doing that, then u should swap it to power or strength (depends on which u prefer).

Edited by Jesz
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I was speaking about PvE. Clearly Matrix Cube is pretty much the ideal first relic for everyone right now in PvP, with the SA likely taking second place. Boundless Ages doesn't even exist in PvP.

Oh! Sorry then. Dunno why but I was sure that this thread was about pvp :p

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Wanna thank everyone for the feedback from this thread. Went on a TFB SM to try everything out and was pretty pleased with the result. I knew going in there would be a dps drop(new to role, mistakes, yadda yadda), but was overall happy with the output. Definatly going to be viable for some fights when i get stuck on add duty once i get everything nailed down(usually run 2 combat sents in HM runs). Rotation still feels a little clunky but I can see how it can flow quite nicely in PVE.


It is pretty satisfying throwing down big smashes haha.


Thanks again!

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I was closer than I had thought on fixing the problems with the spreadsheet. It's done now. It does simplify certain things. For example, I don't take into account the Zen buff or the Heightened Power buff, and I also ignore abilities like Strike, Force Lash, Twin Saber Throw and Zealous Strike. In terms of determining ideal statting though, it should be pretty close.



Short form verdict… No crit, strength augments, unlettered mods, 100% accuracy, no alacrity. Note that the difference between 0 crit and 100 crit is about 1 DPS, while the difference between power augs and strength augs is just over 3 DPS. Weaponmaster 4pc Arkanian set bonus. Ideal relics remain unclear, but empirical testing suggests that the Boundless Ages and the Serendipitous Assault are optimal.


So I see where you have information on what the damage is with no Crit on your gear. Have you also ran the numbers on what your damage would be with stacking Crit on your gear? Now I know you wouldn't want to stack all crit but wouldn't there be benefits to stacking some Crit?

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So I see where you have information on what the damage is with no Crit on your gear. Have you also ran the numbers on what your damage would be with stacking Crit on your gear? Now I know you wouldn't want to stack all crit but wouldn't there be benefits to stacking some Crit?


Yep, I did run the numbers, and at present gear tiers, it is not beneficial. Full power beats it by a few (1-2) DPS, depending on how much crit you stack.

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