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Why I am leaving again...


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I thought as I exit I would leave my thoughts as to why this game cannot keep my sub.

Under summary I explain what it would take for me and I believe many others to return.


I tried again Bioware. I really gave it my best.


What I like

--the storytelling is pretty good, yes pretty darn good for an MMO.

--Graphics are just perfect except for tatooine, which actually managed to not look as good as SWG. the sand is glossy...that's kinda ridiculous.

--the companion system was pretty clever, and I hope a better MMO takes that and runs with it.



What makes it impossible to stay


Firstly the terrible, and annoying linear nature. MMo's started out as trying to be living breathing worlds and more and more they have become narrow quest hubs with arrows pointing you to your next mission that combat wise plays out like the first mission in the game.

Every planet I am on makes me want to get to the next one in a hurry because the layout is so linear and repetitive.

Sadly once I get to the next planet, sometime during the first mission, it starts over.


Crafting has become a joke in all MMO's and this one is no change. I remember the intelligent design in SWG of resource gathering and I look at this game which just copied and pasted the warcraft model (shame on you seriously)

many younger players have no idea how much better crafting can be and how it used to be an entire game in itself once. It always needed to be better but this crafting system is so brain dead and boring you should have just not bothered. It is so bad it is automated. WTH were you thinking?


The overlapping story lines and questing makes replaying with other characters TORTURE. Everyone hits spacebar over and over making the terrible linear nature of the game stick out even more.


Space ships and space combat are laughable right now. Let's face it people, already hated this system before they even played it. Remember before launch in the forums? Well we were right. Space combat plays like a browser game. I am sure a lot of work went into it but it is ridiculous to expect star wars fans in a MMO to enjoy playing on rails. It can be amusing the first time. After that it feels like you just had no originality.


SWG space was so much better except for the pvp part that the fact it was made so long ago should shame you.

How you gave the okay on this system is bewildering.

Our ships could have been a bit like housing.(please don't tack on housing that way, nobody will return for that) Also travel is so unoriginal that our ships are not even needed. We could just have shuttled. I mean I try not to be irritated but Space could have been so darn amazing. Instead a few people will say " I like space" not knowing or thinking about what could have been done.

This game should rival Space MMO's! It's Star Wars! (where did that near 200 million dollars go?)


PvP needs tweaking bad. I cannot enjoy it at all and I LOVE pvp. huttball was a worse concept then space.

PvP does work in the open world but this game is not designed for that, and it should have been. Actual PvP in a way that matters, like you would expect in star wars should have been a must in the planning stages. Not a warcraft battleground model. lack of originality here is still stunning to me.


No housing (I can hear those that have no interest in it warming up). The thing is housing would have been the easiest thing to design and you know the half that claims that they do not want housing would have enjoyed it anyway and the other half would have been extremely grateful. How many would have chosen to not own a house? well the past proves for a fact next to nobody, right there next to him :)





How many people left your game? It is hard to hide that is was over 90%. That should have kicked you in the butt. I am not seeing that.

You can alter PvP going forward and make it so we are fighting in open world by design. We should be able to lose and capture cities!! come on you know that makes sesne. PvP should feel like it matters. the Idea of luke going to play huttball makes me sick inside.


you can replace space with something...something...I mean something.


YOu can create an open planet or 2 for housing that can be placed anywhere. I promise you every single person would love choosing the layout of their house and then finding that perfect place to put it. Not much thinking leads you to realize how PvP and housing can go hand in hand too..come on guys..."clap" wake up here, please.


you can make resource gathering and crafting intelligent on new planets. Will you? Will you do this stuff? I see a ton of players coming back if you do.




PS and non related.

I think if someone made a MMO that was mainstream with no combat they would be on to something. I think that is what would dethrone warcraft. Not that I want no combat but all these companies are blind to what they are doing wrong and a game that let's you garden, craft, live in increasingly better housing etc. will would finally bring originality back to MMO's and then these games would borrow from that. That is the only way I see this stupidity ending.

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PS and non related.

I think if someone made a MMO that was mainstream with no combat they would be on to something. I think that is what would dethrone warcraft. Not that I want no combat but all these companies are blind to what they are doing wrong and a game that let's you garden, craft, live in increasingly better housing etc. will would finally bring originality back to MMO's and then these games would borrow from that. That is the only way I see this stupidity ending.


They did its called the Sims:sul_embarrassed:

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you do have some good points regarding how repetitive the game is.


It should have been more of an open world like star wars galaxies, allow more freedom.that way the game would never clearly be finished. You'd have other things to persue. Housing could help with that.


Personly I roleplay so theres always more to do with that. A shame that the game is not nearly as RP friendly as NWN, but it still works.

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You certainly could have such an MMO. The question is would it be popular enough to be viable?


That is the point RTS games appeal to niche market and genrally work better as single player can you incoporate elements of RTS into a MMO not sure. Games like sims also appeal to a younger kid generation that use it as a learning tool as much as a game as it does not have a real objective in terms of completing it.


Bioware are trying to make it appeal to a broad range of casual gamers, hence the introduction of F2P and more casual gamers that just what to pick it it up an play from time to time along with other games. Your average single gamer especially a male player likes a completion goal / target hence having a level cap and story end then move on, and most gamers like lots of stuff to kill and don't care for much else like it or not. Bioware have bolted on a mutil player element to it with Ops and Flashpoints and call it a MMO when you infact spend alot of time gaming on your own merry way with little influence over other players and you don't have to either.


Certainly F2P has boosted the population which is good and has with the cartel market boosted finances to Bioware, but may have in doing this put long term improvements to the finer points of the game like crafting, charater development, stories, guilds, interations and effects on others etc.. on the back burner to the derterment of the long term loyal players perhaps.


No game is truly playable forever and no doubt SWTOR will eventually suffer population kill but does a better job than most, but lots more can be done afterall being space and set the future the limits of expansion are almost boundless to you own imagination. It just comes down to will and money from the devs, how far do they really want to take this or do they just move on to a new project. There are certinly lots of very valid improvement suggestions that players have come up with on the forums here, but will they listen?. ;)

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I'm not sure what goes on at BW HQ, and I know they are a company that needs to make money, but I think it's time they started ironing out the core points that people are shouting out for. Endgame players want more ops and other players just want new content so they all don't get bored, but sorting out the finer points and adding more MMO features might bring back players lost. I understand they can't keep everyone happy at once and its a bit of a tradeoff, but from what I'm seeing there are plenty of features that a large majority of players want integrated yesterday.
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I thought as I exit I would leave my thoughts as to why this game cannot keep my sub.

Under summary I explain what it would take for me and I believe many others to return.


I tried again Bioware. I really gave it my best.


What I like

--the storytelling is pretty good, yes pretty darn good for an MMO.

Firstly the terrible, and annoying linear nature. MMo's started out as trying to be living breathing worlds and more and more they have become narrow quest hubs with arrows pointing you to your next mission that combat wise plays out like the first mission in the game.

So you want non-linear stories???


--Graphics are just perfect except for tatooine, which actually managed to not look as good as SWG. the sand is glossy...that's kinda ridiculous.

Explanation for that is in KOTOR, Rakata in the past blasted the planet until it turned to glass, Tattoine sand is essentially broken glass.

--the companion system was pretty clever, and I hope a better MMO takes that and runs with it.


What makes it impossible to stay


Crafting has become a joke in all MMO's and this one is no change. I remember the intelligent design in SWG of resource gathering and I look at this game which just copied and pasted the warcraft model (shame on you seriously)

many younger players have no idea how much better crafting can be and how it used to be an entire game in itself once. It always needed to be better but this crafting system is so brain dead and boring you should have just not bothered. It is so bad it is automated. WTH were you thinking?

Have seen better systems, but have also seen worse, much much worse.


Space ships and space combat are laughable right now. Let's face it people, already hated this system before they even played it. Remember before launch in the forums? Well we were right. Space combat plays like a browser game. I am sure a lot of work went into it but it is ridiculous to expect star wars fans in a MMO to enjoy playing on rails. It can be amusing the first time. After that it feels like you just had no originality.

Yeah, have to agree.


SWG space was so much better except for the pvp part that the fact it was made so long ago should shame you.

How you gave the okay on this system is bewildering.

Our ships could have been a bit like housing.(please don't tack on housing that way, nobody will return for that) Also travel is so unoriginal that our ships are not even needed. We could just have shuttled. I mean I try not to be irritated but Space could have been so darn amazing. Instead a few people will say " I like space" not knowing or thinking about what could have been done.

This game should rival Space MMO's! It's Star Wars! (where did that near 200 million dollars go?)

Space travel is limited by the films, if you watch the films the travel is actually boring, the space fights are good, but not the travel. If they did it like EVE or any other space MMO, then people would have said "Why copy EVE?, why not do somethng original?, where did the $200 million go?"


PvP needs tweaking bad. I cannot enjoy it at all and I LOVE pvp. huttball was a worse concept then space.

PvP does work in the open world but this game is not designed for that, and it should have been. Actual PvP in a way that matters, like you would expect in star wars should have been a must in the planning stages. Not a warcraft battleground model. lack of originality here is still stunning to me.

PVP does need tweeking, unfortunately everybody has different ideas on which direction it should go, so nobody is going to be happy, but it's not that bad.


PS and non related.

I think if someone made a MMO that was mainstream with no combat they would be on to something. I think that is what would dethrone warcraft. Not that I want no combat but all these companies are blind to what they are doing wrong and a game that let's you garden, craft, live in increasingly better housing etc. will would finally bring originality back to MMO's and then these games would borrow from that. That is the only way I see this stupidity ending.


You mean the Sims, ok, The Sims MMO.

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This isn't a suggestion, this is you whining.




Even "whining" is the expression of an opinion.


Who are you to condemn expressions of opinions ?


And even opinions : People learn from them, too. Well, perhaps not you, because you outright state that this is not an "suggestion", but most people do.


Because there's a thing called "reading between the lines".


Most people fail to read between lines, however.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Even "whining" is the expression of an opinion.


Who are you to condemn expressions of opinions ?


And even opinions : People learn from them, too. Well, perhaps not you, because you outright state that this is not an "suggestion", but most people do.


Because there's a thing called "reading between the lines".


Most people fail to read between lines, however.

A suggestion should be concrete and not require people to "read between the lines."


As the person to whom you were replying stated, OP is not a suggestion, it's just a rant.

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