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How long ago did Ancient Hypergates come out?


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What is it? 10 months now since the last playable content for PvP?


and people still didn't learn how to play it... not to mention novare coast (which came with 1.2?), huttball,civil war.... atleast most get the grasp of Voidstar.... but not quite.

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and people still didn't learn how to play it... not to mention novare coast (which came with 1.2?), huttball,civil war.... atleast most get the grasp of Voidstar.... but not quite.


I think what Voidstar did well was the voice overs. Not only are they great and cinematic but they were great for starters. They litterally tell you what to do every step of the way.


Unfortunately, (and I would be on to help petition for this change), in Ancient Hypergate, the first thing the VO says right out of the gate is "Seize the pylons!". Which is actually stupid because I always see 7 of my allies charge the empty pylon, see 7 blue 'capturing pylon' pilars of light and then I see the 'click to respawn' in the middle of my screen because I just got destroyed in a 7v1 at mid.


The first thing you should always do in AH is to all 8 charge the mid and collect orbs and then all 8 cap the pylon afterwards with (hopefully) 4 players with orbs.

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ah right. 8 months ago. I feel sorry for Pvp in this game


Well you are right as it will be 10 months (perhaps more) since 2.4 is not slated until October.


And I feel sorry for this game but I resubbed since I still enjoy the people I play with and have intentions of running arenas.

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I think what Voidstar did well was the voice overs. Not only are they great and cinematic but they were great for starters. They litterally tell you what to do every step of the way.


Unfortunately, (and I would be on to help petition for this change), in Ancient Hypergate, the first thing the VO says right out of the gate is "Seize the pylons!". Which is actually stupid because I always see 7 of my allies charge the empty pylon, see 7 blue 'capturing pylon' pilars of light and then I see the 'click to respawn' in the middle of my screen because I just got destroyed in a 7v1 at mid.


The first thing you should always do in AH is to all 8 charge the mid and collect orbs and then all 8 cap the pylon afterwards with (hopefully) 4 players with orbs.


thing is, that is not valid option either. if other team sees it, they will send tank/healer combo for your pylon, keep tank/healer combo on their pylon, and defend which ever you attack. then you end up with minimal 150/0 (if you don't die even once) after first round.


that is what I love about AH most. it's unpredictable. and there are many ways of winning/losing it and both teams need precision, timing and focus on every round. you can be winning 598-300 and lose 598-600+ on last round if other team playes it right.


key word is team. you move as a team, work as a team, defend and kill as a team.

not 3 people go our pylon, 3 people go their pylon and 2 people try to keep middle.

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thing is, that is not valid option either. if other team sees it, they will send tank/healer combo for your pylon, keep tank/healer combo on their pylon, and defend which ever you attack. then you end up with minimal 150/0 (if you don't die even once) after first round.


that is what I love about AH most. it's unpredictable. and there are many ways of winning/losing it and both teams need precision, timing and focus on every round. you can be winning 598-300 and lose 598-600+ on last round if other team playes it right.


key word is team. you move as a team, work as a team, defend and kill as a team.

not 3 people go our pylon, 3 people go their pylon and 2 people try to keep middle.


Well that's what I'm saying 8 players bum rush mid and them all together once they have orbs, bum rush a pylon. A tank and a Healer is still 2v8 and I've seen that easily destroyed. Moving as a cluster **** is the way to go, you're right about that one.

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Well that's what I'm saying 8 players bum rush mid and them all together once they have orbs, bum rush a pylon. A tank and a Healer is still 2v8 and I've seen that easily destroyed. Moving as a cluster **** is the way to go, you're right about that one.


and then when they see where you go, healer from P1 moves to P2, other dps rush to help and offheal, you swap, they swap.. but we could go on with tactic talks for a long long time.


we agree on most important thing - team work. I will add flexibility, which I think you will agree, and we can call it a day :D


team - 4 letter word, so hard to remember...

good thing about pvp is, that content is people, and people change, tactics change, composition change. so it's not as boring as it would be with just 4 operations for 10 months and no other content.


but hey, we will get 3 new arenas, maybe they will add new huttball map by accident. all we can do is wait.

Edited by Atramar
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I think what Voidstar did well was the voice overs. Not only are they great and cinematic but they were great for starters. They litterally tell you what to do every step of the way.


Unfortunately, (and I would be on to help petition for this change), in Ancient Hypergate, the first thing the VO says right out of the gate is "Seize the pylons!". Which is actually stupid because I always see 7 of my allies charge the empty pylon, see 7 blue 'capturing pylon' pilars of light and then I see the 'click to respawn' in the middle of my screen because I just got destroyed in a 7v1 at mid.


The first thing you should always do in AH is to all 8 charge the mid and collect orbs and then all 8 cap the pylon afterwards with (hopefully) 4 players with orbs.


LOL you go to mid by yourself? That is worse than everyone going to your pylon. And sending everyone mid to begin is worse than every player going to the pylon at the start. You know how easy it would be for someone to go cap "your node" and turtle it from you? This is why regular warzones are a headache people use these types of strategies.

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LOL you go to mid by yourself? That is worse than everyone going to your pylon. And sending everyone mid to begin is worse than every player going to the pylon at the start. You know how easy it would be for someone to go cap "your node" and turtle it from you? This is why regular warzones are a headache people use these types of strategies.


If we are talking even skilled teams here, it's very simple that a team of 8 players can beat a less than 8 group of players.


No matter how you defend against 8 players rushing mid...

West Pylon / Center Orbs / East Pylon


4 / 0 / 4

There are many ways that this could go down but best case scenario even if they split their forces 4 / 0 / 4... 8 players take all 4 orbs in the center with 0 resistance and then attack one of the 2 pylons with only 4 defending. Unless your team is terribad 8vs4 is simple. Kill all defenders, cap your pylon, leave some defense and resume WZ as normal.


1 / 6 / 1

8 players rush mid and meet 6 in the center. Again we are assuming even skilled teams here 8 > 6. Worst case scenario the original 8 kill all six and are left with 1-2 players themselves. Center orbs are theirs now and the remaining team (+ respawning team mates) rush one Pylon. Defending players have to guess correctly because it's easy for 8 players to overwhelm and cap vs 1 defender...


2 / 4 / 2 ... | ... 3 / 2 / 3

This is much easier than the 1 / 6 / 1 for the 8 rushing mid team because they can storm center and collect all orbs with close to no casualties on their side because 8 vs 4 means you might lose 1, maybe 2. And 8 vs 2 means you will likely lose no one. Collect orbs, rush 1 pylon and overwhelm them with superior numbers.



Because you get points for kills and orbs, in all situations above, the 8 player Death Ball will be ahead in kills because they have superior numbers in all engagements and they had all the orbs.


Is it possible for 4 defenders to hold back 8 players and turtle until the timer is up? Yes... if the team of 8 sucks and the 4 defenders are top teir good... but we are talking evenly skilled teams here.

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