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lv55 pvp


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Group q wins over solo q, because you reduce the possible # of total idiots.


I think there may be more periods of solo derpers flooding the pool on imp side, though I've had some really bad experiences on weekends as Republic.

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BSW, Unicorns/AD,and CP run 4ms regularly on imp side. when revelation runs, they do well also. I think there are two transcendent guilds. one of them has some players who grp and do well. generally, imps seem to own late night. and I don't just mean by beating pubs. I mean the only pops are imp v imp (and the matchmaking for those matches is atrocious; it's the worst time of day to solo Q as an imp!).


pubs have more guilds that premade, but I seem to go stretches at a time without seeing them...then I'll run into 2 diff guild grps in the same match.


honestly, I've had a hard time finding matches that aren't predominately pugs vs at least one 4m. so like the previous poster said, it's more an issue of whether you hit a premade or not. and even then, it's not that the premade is great so much as the majority of your teammates are really not good. or you get 3 tanks, no heals vs 1 tank,3 heals.


TL; DR: balance is about even. but carry low expectations for reg grps and zero for rated. also, avoid solo Q. you'll get stuck in a back fill loop like it's nobody's business.

Edited by foxmob
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