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A Few Suggestions and A Warzone Idea


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I wanted to throw a few ideas I had into the mix for the future of the game. I think the way progress has been going has been great, and I look forward to the upcoming future changes. The focus of these suggestions is mainly centered in PVP, as it is where I have been spending quite a bit of my time lately. But, a lot of my thoughts are applicable to the PVE game as well because I attempted to express my observations while playing that portion of the game. Also, I am pretty thorough with my suggestions to try to explain the thought for others, so I warn any reader in advance to the upcoming length. But, I will set things up for easy intake at a glance as well and break the suggestions out with responses.


The first suggestion is for class/skill design enhancements:


Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut


• Add the root effect from “Force Leap” instead of knockdown to “Guardian Slash” when armor reduction is present that affects any single target vulnerable to root for at most 3 seconds.

• Add a 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% per second healing effect for the duration of “Warding Call” on the talent “Beacon of Might.”


Click on the spoiler button to see detailed information:




I am mostly a player of this class because I love it so much as a Star Wars fan. I have been branching out playing with a Sage/Sorcerer class lately which actually prompted the skill suggestions presented here. I have been struggling with the class for quite a long time trying to figure out what actually I felt was missing. I cannot speak as to the other tank characters yet, but if they are missing something similar here, I would say they should have something added as well.


I have read a lot of theories of the game and class design and the consensus for the guardian seems to be massive tanks with the ability to do decent damage if chosen. I honestly feel that the DPS part of that philosophy is in a good place, and the tank part has become quite a bit better than it used to be. However, something was still bothering me that I couldn’t place until just recently. I have arrived at the conclusion that the defense skill tree needs slightly more of the “you shall not pass” and “not dead yet” section filled. So, after several weeks of playing around and looking at the defense tree, I think I have arrived at what I am thinking is missing.


Guardian Slash is the high point of the defense tree and supposedly the main carrot at the end of the stick for the commitment. Well, the skill did not live up to expectations until recently, and I think the skill now is really good. However, the knockdown part really does not make sense to me, as it does not help much because it is only useable against targets that most people who invest into this tree are not going to be fighting. Tanks at this level do not fight standard or weak enemies except by themselves, so this trait of the skill is pretty much pointless to have on there for operations or flashpoints due to the DPS taking care of the standard/weak enemies. PVP is the same way as all players are not in this category at all, so you basically have an effect that is not used 95% of the time for designated tanks taking up space when something more useful can be added.



My argument to solve this problem is to include the root effect generated by “Force Leap” instead to give the tank the pay attention to me and brick wall feel. It should be useable in all of the same situations that “Force Leap” can be used in with all of the same limitations as well with the addition of armor reduction required for it to hit. It should also be noted that the root effect should only apply to the main target and at most for 3 seconds because I know how annoying it would be to have a tank “Force Leap” in, use “Force Sweep” to apply armor reduction to more than one player, and then “Guardian Slash” to root everyone for 3 seconds. To compound the problem, another Guardian could jump in, and root quickly since armor reduction would already be present and effectively paralyze up to half of the opposing team if the root it is applied properly.


Also, the root effect instead of a knockdown is more consistent with the philosophy of the guardian tank because the tank in PVE would be most concerned with the single most dangerous target and keeping their attention from the team. And, in PVP this would allow the tank to halt a pursuit or pressure of the most dangerous perceived opponent to allow the ally time to escape or act by occupying the opponent for up to 6 seconds when used in combination with “Force Leap.” This change will allow the skill to have an effect that can be used in more situations the guardian tank will be in, not require any massive changes, and help the tank to protect their team or hold an enemy like they are supposed to do. Additionally, this change is consistent with the removal of situational skills (Pommel and Opportune Strike) which I believe fits the knockdown effect currently on “Guardian Slash.”


Warding Call is an excellent skill and a critical one in any defense focused guardian’s arsenal. I believe this skill is well balanced and fills the stone wall philosophy effect of engaging a tank. When this skill is used, either the tank is preparing for a massive strike, or needs to be able to survive under heavy fire. While this skill does a good job of portraying the survivability aspect in both PVE and PVP, it does not provide as much impact of using it as I think it should to justify the long delay in reuse. This skill seems to me to be a form of a final stand skill before the end is coming, so it needs some additional impact to make the use of it really feel like it is something to be concerned about by opponents and a small breath of air for allies to avoid catastrophe.



My argument to give the guardian the feeling of a situational stone wall is to adjust the talent “Beacon of Might” to apply a small healing effect for the duration of “Warding Call” when it is activated to increase mitigation a bit. The numbers would require some additional balancing, but from looking at the Sage/Sorcerer healing tree as an example of barrier healing, I think splitting the healing up per rank would be .25% per rank with the initial rank at .50% for a total of 1% at maximum ranks. “Focused Defense” has a similar effect as well, but it has a quite nasty threat loss in PVE which is not found in PVP making it more useful in one arena over the other. Since “Warding Call” does not have this threat loss, it makes it a much more effective tool in PVE and PVP for the high investment in the defense tree, and it allows the guardian to survive a little longer when under heavy fire potentially allowing an ally to keep them alive. With the high delay in reuse, “Warding Call” is already prevented from anything but designed situational use, and the healing as mitigation mechanic is present in other defense focused classes as well. With this effect combined with all of the other defensive skills that can be used, this could allow the “massive tank” to actually feel like a stone wall for a few seconds which I think is missing currently.




The next suggestion is in regards to achievements I feel are not covered effectively:





• PVP needs achievements to have protection included as well as objectives.





I am person that enjoys protecting others while making life difficult for those around me. The general tank philosophy is to sacrifice in damage and killing in order to gain an increase in control and survivability. So, not having an achievement to reward those who fill in this group is just a bit of an oversight. This role is pretty much a requirement in PVE and in a lot of ranked PVP games as well. So, I feel that they should not be left out especially if the general idea is to try to make the PVP field more equal and get more players into different sections of the game. Having an achievement in this area just makes sense as the other two (healing and damage) are already present.




My next suggestion is for a new warzone and consideration for future warzone design:


Warzone – Platform 42


• A new 15 to 20 minute warzone with elements of existing warzones that combine to create a control and resource focus that emphasizes a tactical and objective approach with the possibility for game changing strategy.


Click on the Spoiler button to see detailed information:




I am not usually a fan of PVP in most games, but I enjoy the games and the warzones. However, I think some room for different objective flavor does exist that can make the games more entertaining. My initial thoughts on the warzone design centers around some mechanics that may not be feasible or desired with the current warzone philosophy, but I will organize each of the components so they can be easily modified and disassembled to make it fit more smoothly into something that can work. I also tried to think what could be accomplished with current warzone mechanics to make it as easy as possible to design something fun for everyone.



This is a story driven game, so a warzone not having a story is not really going to be considered much here. This story I thought up initially did not involve the Hutt Cartel, but I decided to adapt it when the expansion released to make it fit in a little better. The story begins when a smuggler captain is commissioned by the Hutt Cartel to load and deliver some recently mined Isotope-5 to Nar Shaddaa for resale and storage. After successfully avoiding detection by the Empire or the Republic during the escape from Makeb, spies from both sides received information regarding the smuggler and his shipment shortly after he entered hyperspace.


Recognizing a prime opportunity to intercept Isotope-5, both the Empire and the Republic commissioned their best (and deniable) forces to intercept the element. With their strike and salvage teams on location in a cargo shuttle, imperial agents waited for the freighter to complete its indirect hyperspace route and arrive on Nar Shaddaa. As the freighter began its final approach to the Hutt Cartel controlled landing platform, agents detonated previously placed ion charges to cripple the engines and send the freighter into a death spiral into the lower levels. After colliding with several levels, the freighter’s wreckage and cargo comes to rest on “Platform 42.” Imperial forces in the cargo shuttle closely followed the wreckage on its chaotic decent, and landed on an open area of the platform to begin setup for the retrieval of the freighter’s cargo. Unfortunately for the Imperial strike team, the Republic mobilized its own team and cargo shuttle to attempt to beat them at their own game by landing on a separate open area of “Platform 42.” The Empire and the Republic forces have to hurry and collect as much of the Isotope-5 as they can before the Hutt Cartel forces arrive and captures or kills them all. Can the strike teams search the wreckage for Isotope-5 and get it back to the shuttle in time?



Empire and Republic teams for this game consists of the standard warzone 8 players who make up the strike team. A group of NPC’s (2-4) will make up the salvage team and will provide the resource the strike team needs to return to the shuttle.


Teams can be Republic vs. Republic or Empire vs. Empire. Training simulations can be used but may not needed as multiple strike teams could be put together who do not have time to determine faction.


Modifications: This warzone can be modified to include the Hutt Cartel retrieval team in opposition to the other two teams on a different section of the platform.



The main area of conflict is the expansive “Platform 42” found in the lower city of Nar Shaddaa. The platform is built with a large central landing platform connected to docking bay 42 and can accommodate massive luxury freighters. “Platform 42” also has four smaller connecting satellite platforms to land any escort ships or shuttles. One of the satellite platforms was heavily damaged during the crash, but the other three remain intact and operational.


The Republic and Imperial strike teams each control of one of these satellite platforms opposite one another where the cargo ship remains waiting for the retrieval of the element. The satellite platforms are not nearly as big as the main platform, but large enough to land a shuttle in the center. The connecting ramps to the platform are wide enough to allow cargo skiffs and crew enough space to work. The shuttle has established a defense screen to prevent additional damage from debris falling from above, and a solid force field surrounding the platform with a gate and control that allows the strike team to drop it as needed. A control is also on the opposite side of the barrier in order to allow the strike team to lower the barrier when bringing in cargo. To compensate for the quick setup and possible malfunction of the gate, cargo and ramps are piled high enough on the shuttle side of the barrier to be able to leap over it should the gate controls be compromised. Unfortunately, due to the limited space, the cargo and ramps had to be setup in a circular stairwell type of pattern in order to get high enough to bypass the defense screen.


The central area of “Platform 42” is huge and littered with wreckage, cargo, and debris preventing a direct approach to the other shuttle and salvage teams almost cutting them off from one another. The main part of the freighter is taking up most of the middle of the platform, but is still off center enough to have a part of it hanging over the edge ready to fall at any moment. The satellite platform wreckage is also present contributing to lots of open areas contrasted by blocked and climbable surfaces. The wreckage itself contributes to different high and tunnel paths available for use to protect and oversee each salvage team as they attempt to collect and package the remaining Isotope-5 samples. Each salvage team is located partially inside the freighter wreckage gathering and packaging Isotope-5 in separate locations of the wreckage’s interior.


Modifications: The main design of the “Platform 42” combat area was left at an outline idea level in order to facilitate the design process and allow for greater flexibility in approach. The tunnel areas can be removed as well as the high areas and instead focusing on paths to the salvage teams exclusively. The stairwell and barrier gate can also be modified to be straight or automatically controlled respectively. The debris can also be modified to include less available strategic vantage points and fill a role for hiding and obstructing sight from others.



The two main objectives to win the warzone are to “Defend the Salvage Team” and “Deliver Isotope-5 to the Shuttle.” Also, not an exclusive winning objective, but “Defending the Shield Control” at each team’s shuttle is also necessary at times in order to successfully deliver Isotope-5 into the shuttle’s cargo hold. Defending objective points are gained from the salvage team and the shuttle defense screen control. Attacking points are gained from claiming the opposing team’s salvage team and shuttle defense screen control. And, general objective points are gained from collecting and delivering Isotope-5 to the shuttle’s cargo hold.


Modifications: Objective points can be reduced to all or only collecting Isotope-5, defending the salvage team, or attacking the salvage team.



Now that the foundation is set, the mechanics are the rules and gameplay that make up the fun of the warzone. The modifications have been worked into each section for clarity.


Warzone Time: The countdown clock before the Hutt Cartel arrives to claim their shipment begins at 15 or 20 minutes.


Winning Conditions: The first team to collect 10 to 20 pieces of Isotope-5, or the team that has more Isotope-5 than the other team whenever time runs out will win the warzone.


Losing Conditions: Failing to collect the 10 to 20 pieces of Isotope-5 before the other team, or running out of time and not having more Isotope-5 than the other team before time runs out and the Hutt Cartel arrives will cause the team to lose the warzone.


Objective Scoring: Strike team players that are carrying a packaged sample of Isotope-5 will need to have control of the shuttle shield in order access to the delivery area. Once past the shield, the player will need to run to an area at the back of the shuttle (similar in design to the pylons and energy cube delivery system in the Ancient Hypergate warzone) to deliver it and receive credit.


Reviving: The shuttle acts as the staging area for all defeated strike team members. When the gate is under control and open, no barrier prevents running back to the fight. If the barrier is up, the circular walkway to leap over the barrier should take about 5 to 10 seconds to traverse. Combined with the run down the platform ramp, it should take close to 20 to 45 seconds total for someone to return to the fight near the salvage team.


Shield Control: The shield control operates on the activation mechanic used on the turrets in the Alderaan Civil War. Once someone activates it, it is under that team’s control until someone from the opposing team claims it. The activation time is the same as the Civil War of 6 seconds and should only vary in the range of 2 to 8 seconds.


Salvage Team: The salvage team NPC group will produce 2 packaged samples of Isotope-5 every 30 to 60 seconds, but will not be able store more than 2 crates at a time. The crates will be a stationary object that will activate again once a strike team player has taken a sample in the same manner that the energy cubes work in the Ancient Hypergate warzone. The salvage team will continue to produce samples as long as they are under their team’s control, but the supply team also operates on the same influence mechanic used at the Novare Coast stations or 10 to 15 seconds to make the transition. If an enemy presence is great enough to switch the influence to their favor, the opposing supply team will no longer produce samples. To reactivate a salvage team’s packaging ability, their strike team will need to wrestle control back from the enemy.


Power Items: Damage increase and health restoration items should be placed in areas nearby the salvage teams in the main area of wreckage as well as strategic points players may travel. Movement enhancements should be placed on the shuttle platforms leading to the main area as well as a few scattered in the main area itself.


Traps and Barriers: The wreckage is full of short circuiting equipment, fuel fires, and explosive substances than can be placed in tunnels, the wreckage, and around the salvage team. The damage done by each trap should be comparable to those found in Huttball or 10-30% less if needed with timing varying for each trap but no more than 20 seconds of activity or 10 seconds of inactivity.




I encourage anyone to add to these ideas or help critique them (offer more than idea sucks please), so we may be able to arrive at something that has a great chance of making it into the game. Or, in the case of PVP, we can come up with something fun that we can stand playing for months on end!

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