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CorSec Electrobaton


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Yep, it's gone today.


I really don't get this, the electrobaton has never been mentioned in any patch notes EVER. It appeared mysteriously in Collections and has now spent an unannounced 24hrs on the CM.


Is this seriously how we're gonna get new items now? Stuff that has never been officially mentioned anywhere?? I get they want us to check the CM regularly, but this seems to be taking it a bit far IMHO.

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Yep, it's gone today.


I really don't get this, the electrobaton has never been mentioned in any patch notes EVER. It appeared mysteriously in Collections and has now spent an unannounced 24hrs on the CM.


Is this seriously how we're gonna get new items now? Stuff that has never been officially mentioned anywhere?? I get they want us to check the CM regularly, but this seems to be taking it a bit far IMHO.


This sort of stinks.

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Can anyone confirm if this was on any other server than Harbinger? And does anyone from Harbinger have screenshots of their toon with the baton to show they got it?


The real strange thing I find here is that it appeared after Harbinger went down and came back up, and then disappeared after Harbinger went down again and then came back up. Almost as if the devs turned it on just for the one day, then shut it back down.

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Yep, it's gone today.


I really don't get this, the electrobaton has never been mentioned in any patch notes EVER. It appeared mysteriously in Collections and has now spent an unannounced 24hrs on the CM.


Is this seriously how we're gonna get new items now? Stuff that has never been officially mentioned anywhere?? I get they want us to check the CM regularly, but this seems to be taking it a bit far IMHO.


Yea instead of being mysterious and exciting it comes off amateur and clueless. Or just buggy.

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Is this seriously how we're gonna get new items now? Stuff that has never been officially mentioned anywhere?? I get they want us to check the CM regularly, but this seems to be taking it a bit far IMHO.


Yeah, this is just bad business, plain and simple. If you're trying to generate more sales, then informing customers of what you have for sale seems like the first step in the process. At a minimum, at least make the updates to the CM weekly so people know when the new stuff is coming. However, I can't imagine a few posts to let us know when new items are added to the CM costs any more time and effort than that Battle video they put together.

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I think someone mentioned earlier on that it was not available on their server, which got me to thinking. I know that Harbinger was having some issues, that were then "resolved", and I am wondering if popping that baton in was accidential and that's why it was removed without anything being mentioned.


I was able to pick one up, and equip it, but I am currently at the office and, having not logged in since then, I cannot confirm/deny that it's still with me.


Can anyone else on Harbinger that purchased one confirm that they still have it?

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And does anyone from Harbinger have screenshots of their toon with the baton to show they got it?


I don't have screenshots right now, but I'll get one tonight and post it here.


Also, will note that I decided to actually purchase coins to buy it rather than wait until today for my monthly grant, which if I had waited I wouldn't have it, since it's gone. However, I went into collections to try to unlock it globally today when my coins posted, and it's not possible. It's unlocked in that my sorcerer that actually bought it can get copies just fine, but when I go to another character and click the cartel coin, nothing happens.


EDIT: Screenshot as promised.



Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I don't have screenshots right now, but I'll get one tonight and post it here.


Also, will note that I decided to actually purchase coins to buy it rather than wait until today for my monthly grant, which if I had waited I wouldn't have it, since it's gone. However, I went into collections to try to unlock it globally today when my coins posted, and it's not possible. It's unlocked in that my sorcerer that actually bought it can get copies just fine, but when I go to another character and click the cartel coin, nothing happens.


That seems to lend more proof to the idea that it was accidently released to us on Harbinger. I think it is pretty safe to assume that it will be released again, to all servers, and that you should then be able to purchase access for your other characters.

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That seems to lend more proof to the idea that it was accidently released to us on Harbinger. I think it is pretty safe to assume that it will be released again, to all servers, and that you should then be able to purchase access for your other characters.


Oh yeah, I'm sure it will be soon. Just think it's ironic that I reaally didn't want to spend the money to actually buy more coins this week but... I wanted the baton so bad, I didn't want to wait.

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I think someone mentioned earlier on that it was not available on their server, which got me to thinking. I know that Harbinger was having some issues, that were then "resolved", and I am wondering if popping that baton in was accidential and that's why it was removed without anything being mentioned.


I was able to pick one up, and equip it, but I am currently at the office and, having not logged in since then, I cannot confirm/deny that it's still with me.


Can anyone else on Harbinger that purchased one confirm that they still have it?


Yep.. they persisted. :D I even saw one for sale on the GTN earlier today.


I put a pair on a new Character today and I have to say.. these are SWEET! So glad I nabbed one. I particularly like the lightening animation between the spikes on the baton when wielded.. and the fact that they retract and go the glow effect goes off when you sheath them.


BTW... collections works for the character that unlocked it. I grabbed my second one right out of collections. :) No idea if it collect across the account yet.

Edited by Andryah
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Also, will note that I decided to actually purchase coins to buy it rather than wait until today for my monthly grant, which if I had waited I wouldn't have it, since it's gone. However, I went into collections to try to unlock it globally today when my coins posted, and it's not possible. It's unlocked in that my sorcerer that actually bought it can get copies just fine, but when I go to another character and click the cartel coin, nothing happens.


Hmm.. I'll give a try a little later on an unlock across the account and see if I can confirm you results.


Edit: confirmed.. you cannot unlock the item in collections yet via CCs.. so you will only be able to replicate it from collections for the character that unlocked it into collections.

Edited by Andryah
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So, when are BW gonna cop to this whole mess? They put it in Collections way ahead of time and now they have accidentally released it on one server for 24hrs with no notice.


Do they hope if they keep quiet we won't know? Cos wake up and smell this thread. We know. So why not just give us an explanation of wth is going on with this item?? Was it supposed to be released to Harbinger only? Is it a way to say sorry the state of our server? :D

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Yep, I bought two, so the one you saw on the GTN may have been me.


I'd encourage everyone to buy it :D PM me with huge bids :p


Hehe..yeah I saw 4 of them up a little earlier. Asking 5 - 6 M each. Not sure they'll sell at that price.. but I certainly can't blame the listing party for giving it a shot.


The one I saw yesterday was 1M (a steal IMO.. but I already had one).

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So, when are BW gonna cop to this whole mess? They put it in Collections way ahead of time and now they have accidentally released it on one server for 24hrs with no notice.


Do they hope if they keep quiet we won't know? Cos wake up and smell this thread. We know. So why not just give us an explanation of wth is going on with this item?? Was it supposed to be released to Harbinger only? Is it a way to say sorry the state of our server? :D


Given that when the server restarted.. we got the two dyes and the CorSec.. had to be a bug related to the restart IMO. I bet there is a little selling configuration table for the CM toggles that they forgot to initialize when they restarted the server. Only way to test it though would be to gank the hamsters. :p


As to commenting about it... this is the SWTOR forum we are in. Anything said would be twisted and stomped on worse then silence IMO. :) They probably added a line to the restart workflow for the techs that says "remember to reset the sales configuration table for the CM before allowing players to log in."

Edited by Andryah
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I bought this when it was available (on a character on Harbinger) and I unlocked it in collections (there was a problem with that part of it? worked fine for me) and claimed a copy (on a character on Red Eclipse). Now that it has been removed from collections (doesn't even exist for the characters that have bought or claimed one), I'm wondering if my collections unlock will persist when it gets added back in.
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I bought this when it was available (on a character on Harbinger) and I unlocked it in collections (there was a problem with that part of it? worked fine for me) and claimed a copy (on a character on Red Eclipse). Now that it has been removed from collections (doesn't even exist for the characters that have bought or claimed one), I'm wondering if my collections unlock will persist when it gets added back in.


Yup, we're all wondering, lol. Harbinger people paid money for it, so I sure as hell hope it is still unlocked when we get it back. It's not our fault they released it accidentally. They haven't even had the courage to officially admit that it happened - they've just removed it from us after we bought it fair and square.


Why should we be denied access to something we paid for? You paid for the unlock - you should have it now. It wasn't your screw up, it was theirs.

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Odesius on Harbinger still has one for sale in the GTN for 3,076.760 credits if anyone has an itch to buy one of BW's uber-goofs.


Oh and by the way Bioware, the whole "making a mistake, trying to cover it up and not admitting it" schtick? Major fail on your part. Seriously.

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Odesius on Harbinger still has one for sale in the GTN for 3,076.760 credits if anyone has an itch to buy one of BW's uber-goofs.


Oh and by the way Bioware, the whole "making a mistake, trying to cover it up and not admitting it" schtick? Major fail on your part. Seriously.


Bugs suck and exploiting them rarely works out in your favor for very long but yea - the silence from BioWare on this issue is pretty poor form.


Not to mention, people might have been more aware of this bug (and avoided it) if BioWare was a bit more communicative about their primary source of income (the CM). This random mystery sale stance is pretty bogus.

Edited by hadoken
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Bugs suck and exploiting them rarely works out in your favor for very long...


Yeah, but none of us knew it was a bug. Eric said the Cartel Market updates dynamically, this had been previewed in Collections for ages, it came up at the same time as the dyes came back on... I had no idea it wasn't supposed to be there when I bought it. I didn't know it was a bug until I saw some people on the forums say it wasn't on their servers.


So I don't think it is fair that people spent money on unlocks and they can't use them for a while now. They should be refunded. Personally, I hadn't unlocked (didn't work for me) and obviously I have mine, so I'm good. But I don't think it's right for the unlock people. They didn't know it was bugged.

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Yeah, but none of us knew it was a bug. Eric said the Cartel Market updates dynamically, this had been previewed in Collections for ages, it came up at the same time as the dyes came back on... I had no idea it wasn't supposed to be there when I bought it. I didn't know it was a bug until I saw some people on the forums say it wasn't on their servers.


So I don't think it is fair that people spent money on unlocks and they can't use them for a while now. They should be refunded. Personally, I hadn't unlocked (didn't work for me) and obviously I have mine, so I'm good. But I don't think it's right for the unlock people. They didn't know it was bugged.


The only good solution for this is to put it back on the market and make sure people that bought it get it restored.

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Yeah, but none of us knew it was a bug. Eric said the Cartel Market updates dynamically, this had been previewed in Collections for ages, it came up at the same time as the dyes came back on... I had no idea it wasn't supposed to be there when I bought it. I didn't know it was a bug until I saw some people on the forums say it wasn't on their servers.


So I don't think it is fair that people spent money on unlocks and they can't use them for a while now. They should be refunded. Personally, I hadn't unlocked (didn't work for me) and obviously I have mine, so I'm good. But I don't think it's right for the unlock people. They didn't know it was bugged.


No given what little they've told us about how the CM works, you didn't do anything wrong at all. For stuff to mysteriously show up and vanish is apparently (according to them) exactly how it's supposed to work. But the fact that the collection itself was removed makes me think this is definitely buggy behavior of some sort.


It's pretty obvious they need to be a lot more communicative about the CM and how it works (or doesn't).

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  • 3 months later...

So, what's the deal with this now?


It was in Collections for months, accidentally released to Harbinger, some of us bought it, some people unlocked it in Collections, then it was removed from the CM and removed from Collections.


Are BW really gonna trash this item just because they are embarrassed about the early release? I'd like it back please. I have mine, but I'd like it in my Collection. Why can't it just go back in Collections and back on the CM for the other servers?

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So, what's the deal with this now?


It was in Collections for months, accidentally released to Harbinger, some of us bought it, some people unlocked it in Collections, then it was removed from the CM and removed from Collections.


Are BW really gonna trash this item just because they are embarrassed about the early release? I'd like it back please. I have mine, but I'd like it in my Collection. Why can't it just go back in Collections and back on the CM for the other servers?


Yeah I don't get it either... my sorceress has one but only one until they add it to collections.

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