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New to RP, any feedback?


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Hi there RPing community :)


I recently rejoined The Progenitor, after a rather long break. The first thing that hit me, was the ammount of people RPing all around the planets I was visiting. As I never actually RPed, I was wondering if you can give my some cunstructive feedback on "how to". I imagine I have to create a backstory for my character and find myself a guild that will be interested to play with me. Also will it be possible to RP during doing quests? I am currently a lvl 31 Pyrotech and am focused on lvling up right now. Also is most of the RP seperate from the story of each planet/class or can it be combined?


Thank you in advance for any help :)

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Hey there,


As a fellow Proger, I just want to say welcome back. The right way to go is keeping class story and backstory seperate, reason being is that you want to give your character a sense of originality. To help develop the sense of uniqueness about your character. Think of how many other bounty hunters are running around saying they too started small time on Hutta. As far as "learning" how to RP, I suggest the best way to do this is to "watch and learn". Head on over to Slippery Slopes Cantina on the Promenade (Nar Shaddaa). You can find some casual to heavy RPers there. Observe them, see how they emote and speak dialogues and such.


Another great resources is: swtor-rp.com


That site is great for building connections within the RP community. Happy hunting!

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Thank you for the reply. I was wondering, how it's actually made? You decide in advance about the outcome of the dialogues or it's more spontaneous? I tried to RP once with a friend as a sith Warrior, but we just did one heroic like this. And all the RP I saw so far was just people standing in places, talking. It looks fun and all, but I think I would prefare the more "mobile" type of story telling.
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You could think of many different kinds of RP that way, really. The kind of RP you've seen must mostly have been spontaneous RP; the kind of RP where you simply stand around in a cantina or some other place to meet with people and just chat away with them - much like you would in real life. On the other hand, you could have organised RP as well, which means going out there in some attempt to reach a certain objective in character. It largely depends on the organizer whether or not that event ends up having a pre-planned outcome or is completely subject to the decisions made by those involved (I personally prefer the latter).


It's easy enough to just RP during missions or even flashpoints if you manage to find someone who you know would be interested in doing so alongside it. I wouldn't recommend assuming every single person you randomly group up with would be interested, as not all of them might automatically be RPers, of course.

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I think one of the best ways to do it is to try to stay "in character" at all times. That means that you always talk and act as you think your character would. Usually when I end up in a group or meet someone, if I act in character (IC), the others will stay IC as well. Of course there are exceptions, but as long as you avoid people with silly names (that's a sure sign of someone who will not RP well...) you usually will have some RP fun everytime you run into someone.


Short version: Stay IC and you'll have more fun!

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