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Hi there, I wonder your opinions about accuracy and surge or even critical in PvP.


I'm Lethality Sniper pvp oriented.


Most of the forums and guides i red says, that for sniper most important is accuracy.


I think, its not correct, especially in pvp environment. If i have high acc (+100%) i assume, my shots woudn't miss, and avarage dmg over some time will be higher.


But, above mentioned logic is flawed, because, on warzone we rarely have that comfort to start cycle and attack opponent to the end. More often, you have a chance to hit red only few times, then u will surly get attacked, disrupted or opponent will go LoS.


So, isnt it better to invest in surge, just to have massive critical to inflict most damage in few first shots? Even, if one of them will be missed, massivenes of dmg will overcome outpud in short time. Long run isnt a concern, because you will not get it anyway :)


Pls, tell me your thoughts about acc and rug in pvp, because im going to invest in augments and don't want to miss the point.

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Hi there, I wonder your opinions about accuracy and surge or even critical in PvP.


I'm Lethality Sniper pvp oriented.


Most of the forums and guides i red says, that for sniper most important is accuracy.


I think, its not correct, especially in pvp environment. If i have high acc (+100%) i assume, my shots woudn't miss, and avarage dmg over some time will be higher.


But, above mentioned logic is flawed, because, on warzone we rarely have that comfort to start cycle and attack opponent to the end. More often, you have a chance to hit red only few times, then u will surly get attacked, disrupted or opponent will go LoS.


So, isnt it better to invest in surge, just to have massive critical to inflict most damage in few first shots? Even, if one of them will be missed, massivenes of dmg will overcome outpud in short time. Long run isnt a concern, because you will not get it anyway :)


Pls, tell me your thoughts about acc and rug in pvp, because im going to invest in augments and don't want to miss the point.


In pvp you will hit ppl with 5% melee and ranged defense all the time ( probably he will have +10% internal/elemental dmg reduction buff, but its another story). Sorc/consu has 10% defense, but you dont want to gear extra +5% acc because of this. So you basically want to reach 5% accuracy: 3% from skill trees, 1% companion plus 2 acc enh should give you 5%.


I personally dont use any acc in leth for PvP, neither skillpoints nor gear. Simply because the most dmg u do will be in form of elemental tech which cannot be deflected like ranged attacks. Tech abilities are yellow, ranged white. But its rather a matter of taste, if you want to have a 4% miss chance on a ranged attack.


PS: never use acc from augments, rather from skillpoints or enhancements

Edited by X-Boson
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Remember that 1) Ranged attacks have a base 90% hit chance, goes up to 94% base if you're specced properly 2) your basic free attack has a base 80% or 84% chance to hit 3) Tech attacks have a base 0% resist chance and 100% hit chance against most enemies. 4) In addition to these MISS chances, your enemies also have a base defense chance of at least 5% 5) In addition to the base defense chances that all classes have, tank-specced players will have additional defense bonuses


For Marksman/Sharpshooter, almost all of your attacks are ranged. Essentially only your corrosive dart/vital shot and your orbital strike are not tech. The other two specs incorporate much more tech damage.


Since each PVP match sets you against completely different enemies, and since the prevailing FOTM class and builds change every... month, it's almost impossible to say with certainty what the best stat distribution is. Just get at least 200 points in acc and surge.


So, isnt it better to invest in surge, just to have massive critical to inflict most damage in few first shots? Even, if one of them will be missed, massivenes of dmg will overcome outpud in short time. Long run isnt a concern, because you will not get it anyway :)

Imagine firing an Ambush/Aimed Shot. If you hit, that's -5k to -10k damage, depending upon your spec, gear, enemy, cooldowns, etc. Then imagine that you had diverted some points from accuracy to surge. Now your Ambush/Aimed Shot hits your enemy for -5.2k to -10.4k damage. That's not a big difference at all. Also remember that if your enemy has 8k HP, having dealt 10k instead of 10.4k damage is irrelevant.

Edited by MGNMTTRN
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Remember that 1) Ranged attacks have a base 90% hit chance, goes up to 94% base if you're specced properly 2) your basic free attack has a base 80% or 84% chance to hit .


This is patently false, and something I believed myself for a very long time until it was pointed out to me about two months ago. I went the previous 4(?) months of my sniper's existing believing this.


Your special attack accuracy is ranged + 10%. If you don't believe me, mouse over your ranged accuracy in game and see for yourself. The tooltip pops up and tells you. The difference between this and tech is the type of danage it is (it's still ranged damage, versus tech).


If someone runs their base accuracy over 100% they are completely wasting stats as that allows you to hit the 110% special needed to hit all classes (at a base level). Most will suggest that simply having 94% accuracy is more then adequate as it gives you a 99% chance to hit most non-tank spec classes, and 94% chance to hit inquisitors/sages.

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thanks for feedback


two points:


im in lethality, so a lot of dmg is tech and its rather periodical than one time. So if i miss one shot, it will not make a difference. But if eny of my ability will make better critical, especialy with lethality build wich support periodic criticals, i belive it will make a difference.


real question is: if i augument all my gear to artifact surge augment 28, will it significally improve my dmg and criticals? Or it is matter of 400 dmg to most powerfull shots...

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Atm none of your attacks are so "lethal"/"devastating"/"skullcrushing" that you have to land them for sure or it's game over.


If I had that kind of attack, which, for example, could took like > 1/2 of average hp pool of 55 lvl (e.g. > 15 000 hp) in one hit, and this attack would be ranged, then i would care about accuracy in PvP.


And again, swtor developers made it so RNG (as always), so one must think: "Okay, how many inquisitors i will have in that wz which is loading up? 1 or 8?" -, cause freak you snipers, lets make 2 advanced classes with 10 % base dodge on ranged.


In that circumstances jumping from your pants aquiring + 10 % accuracy for PvP is, imho, not justified. I easily use + 4 % (3 % from talents and 1 % from companion) and I'm happy.

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