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Advice for returning player


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I am returning after a year break from this game. (I really got tired of the PT nerfs) .....Anyway, can someone give me a good direction to start in a viable build at this time ? I am strictly a pvp player and have only played pyro until they nerfed TD range. Ive seen some talk about AP with ION ? I cant imagine this could be any good at all in the state of this game that i remember. Thank you.
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If you left because of the nerfs, you picked a bad time to come back to the class. We were amazing from like 1.4 to 2.0... then 2.0 hit and we really kinda suck.


The best thing I have seen is a hybrid spec that is half tank half dps. I don't have the spec off-hand, but I think it is one of the stronger builds.


You can also go full AP, but just keep in mind that you are going to be "planted" while you do FT, and while you can preempt that cast with a Hydrolic Overrides, They can still stun you or move out of range of the FT attack (even with the slow on them, they can still get out of it.


As much as I love my PT, it is really hard to get over the recent nerfs, so if that is why you left the class, I am sorry, but you might not like it right now. I hope I am wrong, and I hope you can still find enjoyment, because I still love the class enough that I haven't rerolled, but I also don't pvp anymore because I gave up on trying to find something that would be competitive.

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