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Hypersplit- Ranked teams, please read. PoT5- Stay Away


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So, as you all know, the current strat is to use team splits on hypergates to try and prevent any caps and rely on CC/full wipes to get a cap and therefore end the map. I'm not going to write a long description of it, everyone knows it and as such everyone knows the unpleasantness it brings. 9-24 round hypergate matches are no fun. When I see the map in a ranked pop, I want to just /logout sign off mumble and go to sleep, because at around round 15 I may as well be asleep and at least I saved myself 30 minutes of my life.


What I want, and would appreciate is if certain teams do agree to a gentleman's agreement. If you want to use this map as it was originally intended, and have a deathmatch on mid, with all the old fun in the warzone please discuss with your guild and sign this thread. Either as a GM or as an officer. I am not representing <Lukewarm Tauntauns> here either. I am 99% sure that every single one of us won't mind doing this, but I can't speak for every player. Like I already said, the guild leaders should be the ones who agree to it.

If you are facing a guild that is not signed into this page, quite simply don't try and host a mid fight. Nearly every match on this server is streamed nowadays so it'll be easy to check which team it is. If you are on this signature page, and you do it anyway to a team that is also signed, forever bear the shame of being an ******e for no real reason. Thanks very much Bastion RWZ players for having a great overall server attitude, and respect for each other, and I hope that you all make me smile in the next few days when I can run to the middle of the map instead of the walk of shame to the node.


If you wan't to play Hypersplit, then just don't sign. Know that I dislike you deeply, and with great gusto but no hard feelings. That is how you want to play. Nobody is going to pressure you into playing like this and if they try to do a mid fight, you'll just two cap them anyways so no problem for you.


Personally, I'm just tired of the hypersplit gametype, and I'd like to play Hypergates outside of regs.

Edited by Treblt
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I'm cool with it, at the very least as an occasional beforehand agreement. I'm not sure if it could realistically happen for every team every time, but I know the top guilds on the server are all in contact with each other when rateds are going on anyway to set this kind of thing up.


Hypersplit is actually pretty hit or miss for me, though. Sometimes I enjoy the small-scale aspect of a split team fight since it's a different dynamic than an all-out brawl. Especially since arenas aren't here yet. I feel the same way about the 3-way split in Civil. I think I'd enjoy the map a lot more if it was the same as it is now, but after 9 rounds the tie-breaker should be settled by kills instead of first cap.


But let's say hypothetically that this was agreed upon. Are you proposing that the map be played 100% deathmatch? So no orbs, no sap-caps, no off-node delaying whatsoever? That sounds alright to me, but there's definitely a lot of gray area that would need to be figured out.

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I'm cool with it, at the very least as an occasional beforehand agreement. I'm not sure if it could realistically happen for every team every time, but I know the top guilds on the server are all in contact with each other when rateds are going on anyway to set this kind of thing up.


Hypersplit is actually pretty hit or miss for me, though. Sometimes I enjoy the small-scale aspect of a split team fight since it's a different dynamic than an all-out brawl. Especially since arenas aren't here yet. I feel the same way about the 3-way split in Civil. I think I'd enjoy the map a lot more if it was the same as it is now, but after 9 rounds the tie-breaker should be settled by kills instead of first cap.


But let's say hypothetically that this was agreed upon. Are you proposing that the map be played 100% deathmatch? So no orbs, no sap-caps, no off-node delaying whatsoever? That sounds alright to me, but there's definitely a lot of gray area that would need to be figured out.


I'm actually just asking that it be played the way it used to be played. There should be a dialogue over it either way.

You went to mid, and if your team ended up being behind after a few rounds then you would have to split heavily on one side to try and delay, or get a sap cap over their node guard. The important thing is that it will end at 9 rounds no matter what. This map used to be my favorite because it showcased so many different important skillsets. Mid fighting with smart CC to control kills, sap capping, delays to try and come back from a certain loss.... I just loved that gametype, and hypersplit sucks. I agree in that some games of it are fun because of the small scale, but at other times its just boring and frustrating. It just depends on how bold both teams are being that particular game.

truthfully, I'm expecting only 2-3 of the teams on the server to not agree to this, and thats because they never win mid fights and have to rely on their mezz caps. That's their gameplay prerogative so w/e

Edited by Treblt
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I prefer 8v8 mid (shadows want to have fun too!) and no capping the other team's pylon. Only objectives should be orbs (just so that teams can't leave mid completely).


As long as the games end before/at 9 rounds, Idc. 8v8 is fine with me w/e.

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Like teacher said, I actually really enjoy the split strats - the 3v3's, 5v5's, etc. are probably the most fun PvP that exists right now in ranked. The only thing I don't like about the strat is the length of the games.


With that being said, I'd personally be fine with whatever agreement teams came to, but I think the easiest way for people to get on board (at least at first), is just a gentlemen's agreement that during round 1, each team caps their side then battles it out in mid. Round 2-9 is FFA.


It wouldn't satisfy everyone (some people want 9 rounds of 8v8 in mid, some people want to run orbs, some people want whatever), but at the very least, it would guarantee the game ends at a reasonable time.

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I don't mind splits at all - the only downside is, if you are running a team without at least 3 very good healers, a guardian tank and at least 1 gunslinger, you are at a serious disadvantage. So the only gripe I would have is that Hypergate forces you to have a a specific team comp.
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