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I'm a level 47 Combat Sentinel with a pretty good handle on all of the basics and a few of the more complex/"expert level" concepts. Not many, but I hope to get there. I have a few things I want to throw out there that seem to get a lot of debate and hope for some good feedback for my personal knowledge and others who might read this. As I close in on level 50, I'm fine tuning my Jedi and his stats as well as my Doc. Without a healer of some kind, I truly believe that a sentinel really is that "glass cannon" that everyone seems to have said at one point or another. So...


Strength vs Power


I was a little hesitant to buy a certain earpiece off GTN the other night because it came with -10 strength. However, the power boost was huge. Despite the strength drop, all of my damage stats increased by a pretty sizable number. I thought Power didn't really start coming into play until bonus damage? Can someone elaborate on this one just a little bit more?


Critical Chance/Critical Rating vs Critical Multiplier/Surge


This one has a little bit more actual theory to it. Unless I've completely misunderstood something, if we have say a 25% Critical Chance then (theoretically) 1 out of every 4 attacks will be a critical attack which then uses the multiplier to determine how powerful that attack is. Recent talk seems to be valuing surge over critical rating and while I understand there's a pretty substantial DR for CR, shouldn't CR still be more important? Theoretically (and dealing with just hypothetical numbers for the sake of discussion) I would rather score critical hits more often than higher powered ones. Say you have a 25% Crit Chance that does 1000 damage vs a 20% Crit Chance that does 1400 damage. In your first 8 attacks with 25% Crit Chance, you theoretically do 2000 Critical Damage while in your first 8 attacks with the higher Multiplier, you've still only done 1400. Only at a much higher number of total attacks does the higher multiplier outweigh the higher chance. Keeping in mind that these numbers are just hypothetical for the sake of the concept/theory, what do most of you prefer?


Endurance vs Damage


"The best defense is a good offense". Heard that one. ;) However, is it really to our overall benefit as "fragile" sentinels to go with all might armoring/might hilts and other high strength/low(er) endurance items? If all sentinels are doing the same thing, then in a one v one PVP match whoever has the more expensive gear with the higher overall ratings even though both are doing the same thing is going to win. But what if you beefed up your endurance a little more than other sentinels, doing a little less damage but with a longer life?


Accuracy Rating


This one interests me a lot because nobody that I've talked to seems to unanimously agree. Having over 100% accuracy takes away from your opponent's defenses but some people insist on putting everything into the other stats and ignoring accuracy altogether. One or two misses in an attack could be the difference between life and death for our fragile sentinels since we're relying on our offense for our defense. By guaranteeing that you never miss and actually taking something away from your opponent's defense, why would you not want to bolster your accuracy?


Alacrity Rating


This one's on here because of my admittedly poor understanding of it right now. Most people agree that alacrity is kind of pointless or a waste for sentinels, but back to "damage per second" - if we're attacking at a faster rate (like when we use Zen) isn't this also to our benefit? Muhammad Ali (speed) once KO'd George Foreman (power) and even criticized him before hand saying he "punched like a mummy" - where his punches were definitely powerful, but too slow. By not using alacrity are we being George Foreman's out there in Jedi World where smaller, faster guys (and gals) can beat the crap out of us?


Hope this wasn't too long for everybody. I'll look forward to your replies/discussion. Thanks for your help!

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I'm a level 47 Combat Sentinel with a pretty good handle on all of the basics and a few of the more complex/"expert level" concepts. Not many, but I hope to get there. I have a few things I want to throw out there that seem to get a lot of debate and hope for some good feedback for my personal knowledge and others who might read this. As I close in on level 50, I'm fine tuning my Jedi and his stats as well as my Doc. Without a healer of some kind, I truly believe that a sentinel really is that "glass cannon" that everyone seems to have said at one point or another. So...


Strength vs Power


I was a little hesitant to buy a certain earpiece off GTN the other night because it came with -10 strength. However, the power boost was huge. Despite the strength drop, all of my damage stats increased by a pretty sizable number. I thought Power didn't really start coming into play until bonus damage? Can someone elaborate on this one just a little bit more?


Critical Chance/Critical Rating vs Critical Multiplier/Surge


This one has a little bit more actual theory to it. Unless I've completely misunderstood something, if we have say a 25% Critical Chance then (theoretically) 1 out of every 4 attacks will be a critical attack which then uses the multiplier to determine how powerful that attack is. Recent talk seems to be valuing surge over critical rating and while I understand there's a pretty substantial DR for CR, shouldn't CR still be more important? Theoretically (and dealing with just hypothetical numbers for the sake of discussion) I would rather score critical hits more often than higher powered ones. Say you have a 25% Crit Chance that does 1000 damage vs a 20% Crit Chance that does 1400 damage. In your first 8 attacks with 25% Crit Chance, you theoretically do 2000 Critical Damage while in your first 8 attacks with the higher Multiplier, you've still only done 1400. Only at a much higher number of total attacks does the higher multiplier outweigh the higher chance. Keeping in mind that these numbers are just hypothetical for the sake of the concept/theory, what do most of you prefer?


Endurance vs Damage


"The best defense is a good offense". Heard that one. ;) However, is it really to our overall benefit as "fragile" sentinels to go with all might armoring/might hilts and other high strength/low(er) endurance items? If all sentinels are doing the same thing, then in a one v one PVP match whoever has the more expensive gear with the higher overall ratings even though both are doing the same thing is going to win. But what if you beefed up your endurance a little more than other sentinels, doing a little less damage but with a longer life?


Accuracy Rating


This one interests me a lot because nobody that I've talked to seems to unanimously agree. Having over 100% accuracy takes away from your opponent's defenses but some people insist on putting everything into the other stats and ignoring accuracy altogether. One or two misses in an attack could be the difference between life and death for our fragile sentinels since we're relying on our offense for our defense. By guaranteeing that you never miss and actually taking something away from your opponent's defense, why would you not want to bolster your accuracy?


Alacrity Rating


This one's on here because of my admittedly poor understanding of it right now. Most people agree that alacrity is kind of pointless or a waste for sentinels, but back to "damage per second" - if we're attacking at a faster rate (like when we use Zen) isn't this also to our benefit? Muhammad Ali (speed) once KO'd George Foreman (power) and even criticized him before hand saying he "punched like a mummy" - where his punches were definitely powerful, but too slow. By not using alacrity are we being George Foreman's out there in Jedi World where smaller, faster guys (and gals) can beat the crap out of us?


Hope this wasn't too long for everybody. I'll look forward to your replies/discussion. Thanks for your help!


Strength vs power

Strength and power are for sentinels pretty much equally valuable with strength being ever so slightly better, so in general if you look at it from a 1:1 ratio go for strength but if the increse in power is bigger than the loss of strength, go for the power one. (This is why you DONT want the lettered mods (28A etc))


Critical rating vs critical multiplier

This discussion is not really relevant as crit and surge doesnt compete with each other, your mods come with either crit or power and your enhancements come with either crit or power and either surge, accuracy or alacrity. So the real question is crit or power? (the answer is power btw)


Endurance vs Damage

You are a dps, your job is to do dps, you should focus on doing as much dps as you can which you wont if you stack endurance. The increase in survivability from endurance is seriously minimal and you're gimping your dps way too much, As a raid leader i would never accept someone into my group that has gimped themselves by stacking endurance.


Accuracy Rating

Yes accuracy over 100% decreases your opponents defence, this doesnt mean your attacks will deal more damage it just means you will have a higher chance of hitting and at 100% your special attacks (every attack but strike) allready have 100% chance of hitting (110% special accuracy - 10% boss defence = 100%) so the only gain from accuracy over 100% is increses chance of your offhand attacks hitting and frankly the points are better spent elsewhere.


Alacrity rating

Yea alacrity does indeed increse your dps, the thing is the other stats (surge and accuracy) increse it by more so.. No to alacrity..

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A word of advice: Don't worry about gearing your sentinel until you hit 55. Then KBN's new guide is a good place to start. Else, gunte is right with all he said.

Just don't forget to use Blade Rush and never use Slash again once you get it.

Edited by atschai
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Critical rating vs critical multiplier

This discussion is not really relevant as crit and surge doesnt compete with each other, your mods come with either crit or power and your enhancements come with either crit or power and either surge, accuracy or alacrity. So the real question is crit or power? (the answer is power btw)


Thanks for your reply gunte. This quoted part is the only thing I disagree with. Most mods and enhancements do go one way or the other: crit or surge. The battle enhancements are the only one that I know of off the top of my head that have both crit and surge, so I'm not sure how it's not relevant. I'm loving what I'm seeing from power increases so far, almost even more so than strength (is there DR for strength?), but based on what you said then theoretically a 15% critical rating is perfectly fine if your power is high? If so, that goes against everything I've read so if you can clarify that part I'd appreciate it. :)




So crit and surge are both irrelevant and it doesn't matter if your critical strikes occur more frequently or more powerfully?

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Thanks for your reply gunte. This quoted part is the only thing I disagree with. Most mods and enhancements do go one way or the other: crit or surge. The battle enhancements are the only one that I know of off the top of my head that have both crit and surge, so I'm not sure how it's not relevant. I'm loving what I'm seeing from power increases so far, almost even more so than strength (is there DR for strength?), but based on what you said then theoretically a 15% critical rating is perfectly fine if your power is high? If so, that goes against everything I've read so if you can clarify that part I'd appreciate it. :)




So crit and surge are both irrelevant and it doesn't matter if your critical strikes occur more frequently or more powerfully?


Ah im sorry i may not have been clear enough, crit and surge are relevant but the discussion of wether to go for crit or surge is not. The thing is that all secondary stats, in our case: power, crit, surge, accuracy and alacrity come on your gear in different ways.


To break it down the stats are divided into different lets call it categories, i will only use the stats relevant to dps:

Category 1: Main stat

Category 2: Endurance

Category 3: Power, Crit

Category 4: Accuracy, Surge, Alacrity


Your armorings come with Category 1 and 2, main stat and endurance.

Your mods come with category 1, 2 and one stat from category 3, meaning that in your mods you can choose between power or crit.

Your enhancements come with category 2, one stat from category 3 and one stat from category 4.

This means that since crit and surge are in different categories they will never compete with each other. The only stats that compete are the ones in the same category (the exception is mods and enhancements that sacrifice other stats for endurance but you want to stay away from those anyway).

For example you can have an enhancements with crit/accuracy but you can never have one with for example surge/accuracy. So once again crit can never be traded for surge and vice versa :)


On the topic of Strength it gives you both bonus damage as well as a small % of crit chance. The increase in bonus damage has NO dr but the increase in crit % DOES have dr but it is very small and doesn't really have an impact at our current gear level.


Currrently at full 72 gear with some pieces of 75 im sitting at 18,24% crit chance with 0 crit rating in my gear, yes: 0 :) And at this point i recommend going for 0 crit and full power.


I hope this cleared things up ^^ Ask if there's anything more you wonder.

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  • 1 month later...
Critical rating vs critical multiplier

This discussion is not really relevant as crit and surge doesnt compete with each other, your mods come with either crit or power and your enhancements come with either crit or power and either surge, accuracy or alacrity. So the real question is crit or power? (the answer is power btw).


Currrently at full 72 gear with some pieces of 75 im sitting at 18,24% crit chance with 0 crit rating in my gear, yes: 0 :) And at this point i recommend going for 0 crit and full power.


Hi Guntle, I'm a lvl 55 Sentinel (Watchman) and I've been confused with what armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. to put into my gear. Right now, a majority of my armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. is 69-tier, while some are 72-tier.


I've been following noxxic's guide in what I need to do, and according to noxxic:

Strength >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge(70%) > Power > Critical (25%).


In this regard, I have the following equipped:


- Adv. Might Armoring 31 (i.e., +88 Strength and +74 Endurance) on all my gear;

- Adv. Deft Mod 31 (i.e., +69 Strength, +52 Endurance, and +57 Power) on all my gear.


Do I have the correct armoring and mods equipped?


When it comes to enhancements, I'm not sure which of the following I should be putting in my gear:


- Adv Acute Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +79 Accuracy, and +52 Critical); or

- Adv Initiative Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +79 Accuracy, and +52 Power); or

- Adv Battle Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +52 Critical, and +79 Surge); or

- Adv Adept Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +52 Power, and +79 Surge).


I'm absolutely confused as to which enhancements I should be using after speaking with other Sentinels and from reading noxxic.


Originally, I had a mix of Adv. Initiative and Adv. Adept Enhancements equipped, primarily due to the fact that it gives me +52 in Power. This seems to coincide with your two quotes above.


However, and according to noxxic, since I need the percentage of my critical chance (Melee) to be around 25%, I swapped out my enhancements with either Adv. Acute or Adv. Battle Enhancements.


So from your post I quoted above, it appears that Sentinels should NOT equip any mods or enhancements that have critical rating, since they come with strength. Is this correct?


So did I make a mistake in swapping out my Adv. Initiative and Adv. Adept Enhancements for Adv. Acute or Adv. Battle Enhancements? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I am not gunte, but I would recommend you read this about gearing your Watchman. It is lengthy, but I think most of your questions should be answered. (Full disclosure, I wrote it so of course I think it is great.) For some of the easier questions I have answered below as well.


Hi Guntle, I'm a lvl 55 Sentinel (Watchman) and I've been confused with what armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. to put into my gear. Right now, a majority of my armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. is 69-tier, while some are 72-tier.


I've been following noxxic's guide in what I need to do, and according to noxxic:

Strength >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge(70%) > Power > Critical (25%).


In this regard, I have the following equipped:


- Adv. Might Armoring 31 (i.e., +88 Strength and +74 Endurance) on all my gear;

- Adv. Deft Mod 31 (i.e., +69 Strength, +52 Endurance, and +57 Power) on all my gear.


Do I have the correct armoring and mods equipped?




When it comes to enhancements, I'm not sure which of the following I should be putting in my gear:


- Adv Acute Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +79 Accuracy, and +52 Critical); or

- Adv Initiative Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +79 Accuracy, and +52 Power); or

- Adv Battle Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +52 Critical, and +79 Surge); or

- Adv Adept Enhancement 31 (i.e., +46 Endurance, +52 Power, and +79 Surge).


You will generally want to use Initiative and Adept enhancements. By the way, your Earpiece and Implants should have some variation of these stats as well but with more Endurance and Strength. The challenge is to consider your build holistically. You have 10 places to pick up Accuracy - Earpiece, Implant x2, Enhancement x7 - you will want half of these devoted to Accuracy the remaining should have Surge.

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Yes what oofalong said :) you want adept and initiative enhancements, your armorings and mods are right on ^^


On a separate note.. i would avoid hanging around on Noxxic too much.. The info there is often downright false..

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Thanks oofalong and gunte for the replies. I'm happy that you guys confirmed my armorings and mods, but I actually made a mistake by saying that I have 31-tier armorings and mods -- I actually have 30-tier armoring and mods equipped.


As for enhancements, I'm going to try my best to get 31-tier Adv. Initiative and Adv. Adept enhancements. I've been working hard on getting credits from doing dalies to afford the ridiculous GTN-prices of +1 million credits for these enhancements. Seriously, their approximately 1.5 million credits each! This is going to take me forever.


I'm on "Prophecy of the 5" and I was wondering whether either of you guys can make, or know someone that can make, 31-tier armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. on my server. If you do, can you guys sell them to me at a price that's less than the GTN?


If not, can you tell me how I can get 31-tier armoring, mods, enhancements, etc.? I think they are dropped from bosses in raids and HM OPs right, like SnV and TFB? Does story mode also them as well?


Can you guys also explain to me about set-bonus gear? I was lucky enough to pickup an unassembled token while doing a raid with some random people. I turned in the token for an offhand lightsaber, which I removed the armoring, mod, hilt, etc., and placed them into different gears that I have equipped. Now my gloves have set-bonus information when I hover my mouse over it, saying that I need 2-pieces or 4-pieces of gear to get the set-bonus.


I'm a little confused as to how the set-bonus appeared on my gloves. I read on the Internet that after 2.0, the set-bonus is not bound to the gear you get from trading in tokens, but rather transfers over to whatever gear you have equipped. So did the set-bonus transfer over from the armoring, mod, hilt, etc., that I got from the token to my Eradicator gear?


How do I get the other pieces to complete my 2-pieces or 4-pieces set-bonus? I believe I have to do raids and HM OPs to get the unassembled tokens right?


I hate the way token-gears look, so can I do the same thing of taking armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. from the token-gears, put them in my Eradicator gear, and still complete the 2-piece and 4-piece set-bonuses?


I'm new to gearing my Sentinel, so any help or information is appreciated. I've tried my best to do research on the Internet before asking these questions, but the posts are difficult to understand due to the acronyms and high-level discussions.



Edited by Zorin_Tau
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Thanks oofalong and gunte for the replies. I'm happy that you guys confirmed my armorings and mods, but I actually made a mistake by saying that I have 31-tier armorings and mods -- I actually have 30-tier armoring and mods equipped.


As for enhancements, I'm going to try my best to get 31-tier Adv. Initiative and Adv. Adept enhancements. I've been working hard on getting credits from doing dalies to afford the ridiculous GTN-prices of +1 million credits for these enhancements. Seriously, their approximately 1.5 million credits each! This is going to take me forever.


I'm on "Prophecy of the 5" and I was wondering whether either of you guys can make, or know someone that can make, 31-tier armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. on my server. If you do, can you guys sell them to me at a price that's less than the GTN?


If not, can you tell me how I can get 31-tier armoring, mods, enhancements, etc.? I think they are dropped from bosses in raids and HM OPs right, like SnV and TFB? Does story mode also them as well?


Can you guys also explain to me about set-bonus gear? I was lucky enough to pickup an unassembled token while doing a raid with some random people. I turned in the token for an offhand lightsaber, which I removed the armoring, mod, hilt, etc., and placed them into different gears that I have equipped. Now my gloves have set-bonus information when I hover my mouse over it, saying that I need 2-pieces or 4-pieces of gear to get the set-bonus.


I'm a little confused as to how the set-bonus appeared on my gloves. I read on the Internet that after 2.0, the set-bonus is not bound to the gear you get from trading in tokens, but rather transfers over to whatever gear you have equipped. So did the set-bonus transfer over from the armoring, mod, hilt, etc., that I got from the token to my Eradicator gear?


How do I get the other pieces to complete my 2-pieces or 4-pieces set-bonus? I believe I have to do raids and HM OPs to get the unassembled tokens right?


I hate the way token-gears look, so can I do the same thing of taking armoring, mods, enhancements, etc. from the token-gears, put them in my Eradicator gear, and still complete the 2-piece and 4-piece set-bonuses?


I'm new to gearing my Sentinel, so any help or information is appreciated. I've tried my best to do research on the Internet before asking these questions, but the posts are difficult to understand due to the acronyms and high-level discussions.




Im not on your server unfortunately so i can't help you there, most of the time crafters are happy to craft for you without fee if you can provide the materials.

Arkanian (tier 30) gear drops in Storymode Operations whereas Underworld (tier 31) gear drops in Hardmode Operations


Set bonuses only exists on the unassembled gear (so not on token gear) and are tied to the ARMORING. That means you can remove the armoring, put it in another piece of gear and keep the set bonus.

I'm not really sure how you can have a set bonus on your gloves, weapons have no armoring and thus no set bonus, is it possible that your gloves are from pre 2.0 and that you have the old set bonus from back then?


Yes you need to do the Operations to get unassembled gear and thus set bonuses.


The token gear does NOT have any set bonuses, however you can still transfer the armorings, mods and enhancements over to any gear you like, it just wont give you a set bonus

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Thanks oofalong and gunte for the replies....


I am on Pot5 and can craft the 31 Might Armorings. I may be able to craft other stuff too, but I can't remember. We can pick up this correspondence in-game. You can reach me at Oofalong on the Imperial Side and Garas on the Republic side.


As for the set bonuses here is an excerpt from my lengthy explanation of set bonuses:


Certain elder game armor tiers offer bonuses when you equip 2+ pieces and again when you equip 4+ pieces. These bonuses are additive so with 4+ pieces equipped you will have the 2-piece and the 4-piece bonus. There are five qualifying slots: Head, Chest, Gloves, Leg and Boots. There is a different set bonus for PvE gear and PvP gear. Plus, a set bonus exists for every advanced class/role combination. Since Marauders | Sentinels can only be DPS, we have one available set bonus for each PvE and PvP.


In 2.0, there are identical set bonuses derived from two different sets of armor – Weaponmasters and Challengers. Further, all set bonuses are tied to the armoring.


There are currently three tiers of PvE gear with the set bonus – Arkanian (69), Underworld (72) and Kell Dragon (75). The two-piece set bonus increases the damage dealt by Ravage | Master Strike by 8%. The four-piece set bonus reduces the cooldown on Frenzy | Valorous Call by 15s and now increases all damage dealt by 4% for 15s after the use of Berserk | Zen.

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Gunte and oofalong, I really appreciate all the information and answers you've given me.


To oofalong, thank you for giving me the link to mmo-mechanics. I read the entire thread twice, and it really helped out a lot, although I'm still confused about some stuff . Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and theories with the Sentinel community.


Oofalong, since you're in Pot5, would you be open to crafting me some modifications? I can pay you for the modifications, as long as their not GTN price. I picked-up some mats from doing raids (is saying "raids" the same thing as saying "HM OPs"?), which I kept in my inventory just in case I needed them. If you are open to crafting me some modifications is there an alternative way of getting in contact with you so that I can tell you I'm in-game? I might be on tonight around 10pm EST, but not sure. I'm typically on throughout the week at 8pm to 10pm EST. Please let me know, I would love to increase the potential of my Sentinel.

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Something I'd like to tack on for the budding 55 Sentinel/Marauder:


Getting your first set of endgame gear crafted is a great way to jump into HM flashpoints and operations. Blue prototype tier 28 (aka blue 66 rank, aka 148 rated) is very cheap and easy to get into. Purples 28 / 66 / 156 rating isn't much harder, though admittedly more expensive, plus purple 66's drop in 55 HM FPs so you might just wait to get them that way. But what hilt/armoring/mods/enhances/augments do you take?


I think it was pretty clear in the thread so far that a Mod has either Power or Crit on it. An Enhancement has either Shield, Surge, Alacrity, or Accuracy on it, AND ALSO has either Crit or Power. Augments can have any stat.


So what I recommend is taking Strength + Power mods, Surge + Power enhancements, and Might augments.


I like Might augments because they give you crit and power, and the crit they give you is on a separate DR. Your big abilities that rely on crit get a huge crit boost from talents, anyway--so the heavily DR'd crit rating doesn't have that much of an impact, compared to more power, or more surge.


Then you get Accuracy on your ear/implants. If you aren't to 300 accuracy, then take some accuracy augments until you get to 300, then Might for the rest.


The reason I recommend Accuracy on augments instead of on enhancements is that you get MORE Surge on an enhancement than you do Accuracy--they aren't a 1:1 trade-off. While on augments, you get the same amount of Accuracy or Surge.


My 55 marauder has full purple 66 mods, enhancements, and augments, plus a set of purple "Hawkeye" ear/implants, which get him up to 300 accuracy just on those three slots!

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