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Please make PvE actually PvE-only


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First I will say, there should not be a mechanic on a PVE server that lets you get flaged when you don't want to be. Especially if its an exploit. I don't really want to PVP unless I WANT to PVP. But.




At the same time this whole game is PVE and the tiny areas that are PVP are all PVPers have and that's WHY they are going after you cuz BW wont provide for them properly in ANY way.


Also, BIOdumb is causing animosity between PVPers and PVErs due to the shocking gamebreaking horrible unthinkably retarded mechanic of bolster. Which was SOLELY implemented because PVErs WOULD NOT WEAR THE RECRUIT GEAR OR BM OR WAR HERO. They would go in pvp with no pvp armor, afk, or play like crap, and use all the comms to profit by reverse engineering PVP gear for "Mole Stabs". They would Abuse PVP for profit AND THEN COMPLAINED THAT THEY were getting wrecked in PVP. GEE I wonder why. So all PVPers have been punished for the stupidty and greed of PVErs. So they don't like you.


And when I see people make posts like this I have to wonder how you deal with other humans in real life....or if you do. Cuz Dying in a video game where the only penalty for dying is 30 seconds of waiting shouldn't upset you, if It really does you might have some sort of mental problem/personality disorder. Cuz PVPers die about 50 times a day or more and we don't have a problem with that.


Its like the attitude of a rich little prince "I wish to play the game, but protect me from the masses guards Im fragile!"


it wont hurt you to get killed a few times. You know, since you wrecked our part of the game its a big FU to anything you say at this point, thank BW.

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If I had an option to toggle-off PVP flagging outside of open-world PVP areas (to avoid AoE flagging), I'd use it. PVE server.


Such a simple solution that would end all the complaining about getting flagged accidentally. Let player lock the flag in the off position. They aren't able to injure or heal a flagged player. If they choose to turn on their flag after that have a timer on it so that it take 5 minutes (just like the cooldown of it wearing off). Apply same rules for entering a PVP area and lock them out of warzones during the time they are using the option to lock their flag as off.


Where's the harm in that?

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oh also, I don't like to be FORCED to PVE on a PVP server to get the best PVP gear. Just like you don't like being forced to PVP IN A CLEARLY MARKED PVP AREA on your pve server. Are your tears saltier than mine?


Oh noes the game forced you to do something. me too.

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Such a simple solution that would end all the complaining about getting flagged accidentally. Let player lock the flag in the off position. They aren't able to injure or heal a flagged player. If they choose to turn on their flag after that have a timer on it so that it take 5 minutes (just like the cooldown of it wearing off). Apply same rules for entering a PVP area and lock them out of warzones during the time they are using the option to lock their flag as off.


Where's the harm in that?


that would be totally fine. outside of a marked pvp area such as the outlaws den or the gree pvp area.

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First I will say, there should not be a mechanic on a PVE server that lets you get flaged when you don't want to be. Especially if its an exploit. I don't really want to PVP unless I WANT to PVP. But.




At the same time this whole game is PVE and the tiny areas that are PVP are all PVPers have and that's WHY they are going after you cuz BW wont provide for them properly in ANY way.


Also, BIOdumb is causing animosity between PVPers and PVErs due to the shocking gamebreaking horrible unthinkably retarded mechanic of bolster. Which was SOLELY implemented because PVErs WOULD NOT WEAR THE RECRUIT GEAR OR BM OR WAR HERO. They would go in pvp with no pvp armor, afk, or play like crap, and use all the comms to profit by reverse engineering PVP gear for "Mole Stabs". They would Abuse PVP for profit AND THEN COMPLAINED THAT THEY were getting wrecked in PVP. GEE I wonder why. So all PVPers have been punished for the stupidty and greed of PVErs. So they don't like you.


And when I see people make posts like this I have to wonder how you deal with other humans in real life....or if you do. Cuz Dying in a video game where the only penalty for dying is 30 seconds of waiting shouldn't upset you, if It really does you might have some sort of mental problem/personality disorder. Cuz PVPers die about 50 times a day or more and we don't have a problem with that.


Its like the attitude of a rich little prince "I wish to play the game, but protect me from the masses guards Im fragile!"


it wont hurt you to get killed a few times. You know, since you wrecked our part of the game its a big FU to anything you say at this point, thank BW.



Just in case you missed it, you do realize that this thread has been hinged around the premise of PvEing in a PvE area and NOT talking about PvE in PvP areas correct?

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The griefers are abusing mechanic by jumping in a fight, hoping for someone who is in the fight

to target them by accident. And when you are in a fight with 8-10 targets around and having

3-4 or more pvp players flagged trying to 'bait' you into selecting them, you can't hope

to manage all the clicks without any risks to pick one of them once in a while.


That is pure gibberish on a PVE server. Players who picked a PVE server

want to have a PVE server, not a place where griefers can make themselves

a pain for the game.


Actually I would really love to see a couple of options added.

Among them an Auto-ignore Duel request

and a "full auto ignore pvp interaction" in non-pvp area.


That would make the game less painfull for players who don't care at all about

pvp, and would make the griefers go away.


If I want to do some pvp, I go in the War Zones. I don't want to see any way

to force me into pvp by some other players. It's as simple as that.


Oddly enough I was just discussing the duel request and the lack of an auto ignore toggle for it the other night with some guild mates.

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oh also, I don't like to be FORCED to PVE on a PVP server to get the best PVP gear. Just like you don't like being forced to PVP IN A CLEARLY MARKED PVP AREA on your pve server. Are your tears saltier than mine?


Oh noes the game forced you to do something. me too.


Again, you do realize that we are talking about PvE in PvE areas and not PvP areas right? This seems to be something that is lost on you for some reason.

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I still think the best fix is to stop all damage/splash damage to Flagged Players and Companions by unflagged players and then for bioware CS to actually read reported players reports and actually investigate and discipline when call for players that use these types of exploits. I am however against punishing all PvP players or making a over cumbersome system that removes some of the fun in the game.



Agreed. Easiest solution, solves the majority of problems, does not hinder legitimate PVP play.

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We are talking in hypotheticals because the system I suggest isn't in place anyways so please humor me.
Yeah, but I am not talking hypotheticals, I am talking about a actual way to grief players now thats only drawback is that the grierfer can not get flagged because of the exploit to AoE/healing (thus the reason I am against making healers a part of this off switch). I tested it last night before I would reply to this, with the help of a friend, I was not and would never behave in such a way towards others, and it still works and after 10 mins I got flagged and my friend could attack me. However, before that I could really make someone life miserable and they would not be able to complete their missions. Now it only works with one role (healer, well off heals could do it, but it would depend on the how good the victim was if it would work or not), but I have been grief like this once, which is only three times less than I have been grief by what this thread is about and this is way more annoying than someone flagging me and then them dying.


I would say either a cooldown turn on and off in a safe zone, or better yet make it so you could not heal anyone outside of your companions and group member while your switch was turned on would work.

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I can say that this system as I envision it, and suggested operation, was one that the act of going into the auto-flagging areas (Outlaws Den for example) would still cause you to auto-flag and I'm sure most everyone would agree that there is nothing wrong with that either. It would just be the rest of the areas of the map where it would require you to manually turn the flag on if you wanted to PvP.


This makes sense, of course. Consuming designated PVP content consents to PVP by its nature.

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Yeah, but I am not talking hypotheticals, I am talking about a actual way to grief players now thats only drawback is that the grierfer can not get flagged because of the exploit to AoE/healing (thus the reason I am against making healers a part of this off switch). I tested it last night before I would reply to this, with the help of a friend, I was not and would never behave in such a way towards others, and it still works and after 10 mins I got flagged and my friend could attack me. However, before that I could really make someone life miserable and they would not be able to complete their missions. Now it only works with one role (healer, well off heals could do it, but it would depend on the how good the victim was if it would work or not), but I have been grief like this once, which is only three times less than I have been grief by what this thread is about and this is way more annoying than someone flagging me and then them dying.


I would say either a cooldown turn on and off in a safe zone, or better yet make it so you could not heal anyone outside of your companions and group member while your switch was turned on would work.

I am assuming you are referring to someone who is flagged fighting another flagged person while, we will say you are the healer just for the sake of the argument though not implying you would actually do it, you the healer stands back and heals the friendly flagged player with impunity by virtue of not being flagged. If that is your concern I did address that as well. I had mentioned that along with spells not damaging a flagged player unless you were flagged that the same would apply for healing or buffing spells and abilities used on a flagged player unless you are also flagged. If that is not what you are referring to then I'm not sure what you are getting at. As for the turning off of the flag, I'm sure most on my side of the camp would agree with, as I said before, the unflaggjng remaining as it is now where you would have to go to a safe zone and wait for it to wear off. That was never contested by myself or others, so I'm still not sure why that is an apparent issue.

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I DON'T play the PVP quests. I had already said that, L2R. I still stand by the fact that PVE servers should be PVE servers, and as in swtor's case, it would be PVE with the areas you can port to for WZ.


I don't like seeing people getting screwed over because some sadistic nub who thinks it's fun. That's why I play a PVE server. But seeing as you love the PVP so much, maybe you should play on a PVP server, I think you'd fit right in.


Wow, L2R, you're joking right.


1). I never said you did the PvP quests. I said if you don't want to do them, then don't. Implying that they should be left alone and not changed to PvE quests to fit your selfish needs.


2). Why should I care why you play on a PvE server. You clearly don't give a **** why other people choose to play on a specific server and you want to change the playstyle on said servers because of an event that comes along every few months. Because, OMG, I died and have to respawn in a video game.


3). I never said I love PvP. In fact, quite the opposite. I've stated numerous times that I am a PvE'r that plays the occasional PvP, and by occasional I mean very little.


You are the one implying that all PvP should be removed from PvE servers with the exception of WZ's. I agree that trying to intentionally flag someone with AOE's is wrong. But removing a feature from the game because of a few griefers is a stupid idea.


So yeah, about that L2R issue, maybe next time you accuse somebody of that you should follow your own advice first. And just in-case you still didn't get any of that , griefing is wrong, but that doesn't mean that event or the servers should be changed. What needs to fixed is the involuntarily flagging of other people, that's it, nothing more, nothing less.

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I am assuming you are referring to someone who is flagged fighting another flagged person while,.
Sorry no, you are assuming wrong and I did everything but spell it out. This has nothing to do with either player being flagged pvp at the start. It has to do with now you can stop the harsement when they do become flagged, with your off switch you could not even do that. This only has to do with 2 players, the victim and the dirtbag. It is however a current grief method that would only be more annoying with a off switch unless you took other precautions.


I can also think of another, but I have never seen anyone use it in game, but I tested it too last night after we were both flagged, and depending on your off switch it could really have some repercussions at least on tatooine and with someone that was a stealth character and/or a good jumper.


And like I said the problem isn't the ones I can think of or find, the problem is the ones none of us can come up with. Both of mine could easily be fixed by just a little thought before implication and testing.

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I'm not sure that it's necessary to disable the PVP flag all together, even if it is a toggle. I think a warning would suffice.


In the case of a warning in a non-contested area, you would toggle on a warning that would prevent you from attacking a flagged player by displaying a warning popup. It would exist for 5 seconds perhaps, allowing you to continue or cancel the action.


This warning would be similar to the warning and countdown you receive when you enter a contested area.


This would prevent accidental attacks, or intentional griefing by PVP players trying to get you flagged, at least in the case of the issue mentioned in this thread.


By having it on a toggle (that I think should default "off") it would not inconvenience PVP players.

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I'm tired of PvP-flagged people intentionally jumping in front of the quest objectives I am trying to use, accidentally attacking and getting flagged, and then having a bunch of PvP people kill me.


I'm on a PvE-server.


I don't want to PvP.


I have no intention of PvPing.


This kind of stupid thing is what is driving me away.

lol he click targets
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I am curious though, as to why you are so intent on putting the blame for this kind of griefing upon the people being griefed? Youre saying its their fault for being careless, and its their fault for allowing themselves to be tricked, and that such a system would be their get out of jail free card. Im just not understanding that point of view. Maybe Im just too dense?


You see it as blaming?


I see it as encouraging an adult toward taking responsibility for a mistake on their part to allow themselves to be tricked, especially when the tricks and the mechanics are known and understood.


I advocate for adults taking responsibility for their mistakes and taking responsibility for being alert and more cautious to the mechanics when they knowingly enter a mixed faction zone.


Why is my position so hard to understand? I'm fine if someone does not agree with me, but please... don't twist my position on the topic with words like " intent on putting the blame for this kind of griefing upon the people being griefed". It's inflammatory and misrepresents what I have very clearly presented multiple times in this thread.


I really don't understand the approach some adults take in MMOs of demanding the developer hold their hand and protect them from things that are completely within their control to protect themselves.

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Sorry no, you are assuming wrong and I did everything but spell it out. This has nothing to do with either player being flagged pvp at the start. It has to do with now you can stop the harsement when they do become flagged, with your off switch you could not even do that. This only has to do with 2 players, the victim and the dirtbag. It is however a current grief method that would only be more annoying with a off switch unless you took other precautions.


I can also think of another, but I have never seen anyone use it in game, but I tested it too last night after we were both flagged, and depending on your off switch it could really have some repercussions at least on tatooine and with someone that was a stealth character and/or a good jumper.


And like I said the problem isn't the ones I can think of or find, the problem is the ones none of us can come up with. Both of mine could easily be fixed by just a little thought before implication and testing.


You are still talking about after the fact. I'm talking about preventing if from happening in the first place. I'm talking about someone who has their flag off to begin with who is just trying to mind their own business when someone else comes along trying to make it otherwise. If they decide to turn their flag on to deal with said griefer then to turn it off they would have to go back to town and sit in the cantina till it went away. There is no way to abuse that by flagging attacking someone and immediately turning the flag off so they can't be attacked back because they would have to wait for it to go away, just like it is in game now, as I have said multiple times would still be the case. Nothing changes with the unflagging only with the flagging. If you aren't flagged then you can not accidentally target them and attack them or intentionally heal or buff someone who is a friendly. The attack/heal/buff would either not go off at all or it would but no damage/healing/or buffing would occur. There is no exploiting that.

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You see it as blaming?


I see it as encouraging an adult toward taking responsibility for a mistake on their part to allow themselves to be tricked, especially when the tricks and the mechanics are known and understood.


I advocate for adults taking responsibility for their mistakes and taking responsibility for being alert and more cautious to the mechanics when they knowingly enter a mixed faction zone.


Why is my position so hard to understand? I'm fine if someone does not agree with me, but please... don't twist my position on the topic with words like " intent on putting the blame for this kind of griefing upon the people being griefed". It's inflammatory and misrepresents what I have very clearly presented multiple times in this thread.


I really don't understand the approach some adults take in MMOs of demanding the developer hold their hand and protect them from things that are completely within their control to protect themselves.


Misrepresenting what others have said, something you are well versed in. Either way, you can't understand why people would be against your notion that the onus should be on the player being griefed. While others can not understand why you would be so vehemently opposed to a fix that would stop the situation from happening in the first place without I positioning other people nor stop them from enjoying the game as they see fit. As I said before the only logical reason I can see for someone to be against that kind of preventative measure is that they would also be one of the people who engage in that kind of behavior and don't want their self aggrandizing fun to end.

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You are still talking about after the fact. I'm talking about preventing if from happening in the first place.
No I am not talking about after the fact, I am talking about your solution compounding one problem and could create another problem(s). Do I really need to go back to my sarcastic remark about as long as it fixes my problem? Yes, it would solve the problem of people getting flag inadvertently, but it would either cause or inflame two other problems and one of them is way more serious than someone's toon dying a death with absolutely no cost but a few second respawn time. Edited by mikebevo
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No I am not talking about after the fact, I am talking about your solution compounding one problem and could create another problem(s). Do I really need to go back to my sarcastic remark about as long as it fixes my problem? Yes, it would solve the problem of people getting flag inadvertently, but it would either cause or inflame two other problems and one of them is way more serious than someone's toon dying a death with absolutely no cost but a few second respawn time.


And I'm telling you that my suggested change would NOT open up other exploits. It would close the exploits currently possible and avoid opening up others. So unless you can put form to these supposed exploits that would appear as you claim they would I can't put any real credence into your claim that they would. Also the best way to combat a perceived threat before hand is to bring the threats to light so the proper course of action can be taken to avoid them.

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And I'm telling you that my suggested change would NOT open up other exploits. It would close the exploits currently possible and avoid opening up others. So unless you can put form to these supposed exploits that would appear as you claim they would I can't put any real credence into your claim that they would. Also the best way to combat a perceived threat before hand is to bring the threats to light so the proper course of action can be taken to avoid them.
Can't argue with someone that can't see anything outside their on little area of knowlege...You win....I give up!


I however, can't support your idea and I hope if the Dev if they ever consider it will fully test it and don't have the same narrow view or we will be looking at major problems.


At least I am not silly enough to state it and have you trick me into getting banned. :p

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Can't argue with someone that can't see anything outside their on little area of knowlege...You win....I give up!


I however, can't support your idea and I hope if the Dev if they ever consider it will fully test it and don't have the same narrow view or we will be looking at major problems.


At least I am not silly enough to state it and have you trick me into getting banned. :p


Then PM me. But if you can't put form to these perceived threats then why should I look at it as anything other than arguing against it for the sake of arguing against it. Either way I am very capable of going outside my box as it were, but if the person asking me to look at their side won't divulge why I should outside of vague what its then why should I be compelled to question my belief to put it another way.

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Does it really matter? No I don't think so. I was right with my original sarcasm. Again done, I have given up! ;) You won take your victory lap.


In other words you've got no legitimate reasoning. I've given you every opportunity to flesh out your concerns, even in private through PMs, and you can't do it. So I'll leave it at you can't.

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