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Please make PvE actually PvE-only


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You are still missing the point. I shouldn't have to worry about being flagged while doing exactly what I described, especially when there is a way to stop it from ever happening In the first place. And my point is still valid because blame is being placed on the victim here as well as in my example which is what the whole point of that example was. Onus should not be placed on the offended player to avoid being briefed, the onus should be on the offending player and ultimately Bioware to stop it from happening.


This, and 100000 times this.


As a healer, to keep my team alive, I won't hesitate to use kolto bombs or the green puddle thing that sorcs use to help my team to stay alive, as a tank, abandoning AoE moves on fights like the robots on the heroic gree mission could mean losing threat and maybe lead to the wipe of the team, even the dps should not be forced to tone down their damage just because a lowlife flagged as pvp jumps on line of fire to flag us and screw all the mission (had this happen to me once).


Sorry, but no, I don't buy your "play more carefully" petty excuses. As long as you don't heal, guard or buff someone who is flagged for pvp (or enter in an pvp area) you should not be flagged as pvp.


You want pvp? go into the contested area or do warzones, or better yet, re-roll in a pvp server, where you can be ganked all the time.

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Then please don't do harder mode operations or at least state that before going into the operation for everyone to see.


I also love the agrument about having to change playing style to avoid using AoEs because of the risk, yeah not like that never happens in strictly PvE content... Ever use AoEs on the adds on Operator IX, in HM or NiM TfB, anyone?


Because that is how those particular PvE fights are designed. They are NOT designed however for flagged players walking into the middle of the fray INA n attempt to get you to flag so they can grief you. Come on at least pretend to be able to have an honest discussion without being so obtuse.

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I am in complete control of my flag for PvP. You can be as well.


I think we both agreed earlier that griefing does exist, preventing people from being in complete control of their flag. Regardless, I can't make a game change on my own, and this is a really minor issue for me that I spent time debating because it was fun to discuss rather than something that bothers me. Good luck out there all.

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Greifing will always exist. I really don't understand people wanting to have choices taken away from them. Some people want to be able to flag and engage in open world pvp when they choose to and others don't. Taking away this choice from others for your benefit is selfish in an MMO where there are many people who don't fel the same way you do. So Bioware has done the right thing and give you the choice and the control.


I don't eat junk food very often but i would at least like the option if I choose to in rare occasions. I certainly don't want some regulation making it so I can't make the choice for myself and have someone or entity dictate what others do.


The only other choice is to have a "carebare" sever that you choose knowing you can never pvp but that will obviously be a detriment to the pve player base on each server splitting it in half.


TL;DR Sad people complain about having choices and want to take away choices for others because it benefits them.

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Greifing will always exist. I really don't understand people wanting to have choices taken away from them. Some people want to be able to flag and engage in open world pvp when they choose to and others don't. Taking away this choice from others for your benefit is selfish in an MMO where there are many people who don't fel the same way you do. So Bioware has done the right thing and give you the choice and the control.


I don't eat junk food very often but i would at least like the option if I choose to in rare occasions. I certainly don't want some regulation making it so I can't make the choice for myself and have someone or entity dictate what others do.


The only other choice is to have a "carebare" sever that you choose knowing you can never pvp but that will obviously be a detriment to the pve player base on each server splitting it in half.


TL;DR Sad people complain about having choices and want to take away choices for others because it benefits them.


They are not asking for choice to be taken away they are asking for the auto-flagging to be removed. That still leaves manual flagging.

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Learn to control your targeting + Don't AoE when d-bags are in range = Thrive.


You can also just change instances too.


You shouldn't have to play trying to avoid random douchebags trying to flag you. You should be able to lock your flag in the off position, so you can't attack "yellow" players at all - even with AEs.

Edited by Asavrede
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You shouldn't have to play trying to avoid random douchebags trying to flag you. You should be able to lock your flag in the off position, so you can't attack "yellow" players at all - even with AEs.


You shouldn't ever die in MMOs either, ever. Yet people do...usually by not complying with game mechanics in PvE.


TL;DR this entire contrived trauma by the OP is not that common place in this MMO.



There are simply not that many cases where you are even in a mixed faction zone, and when you are.. you know you are.. and if you are a grown up and understand how the mechanics for this MMO work.. you adjust and take them into account.


At the end of the day... given the things in this game that do actually need care and attention to detail... do you guys really want dev energy spent on a fractional and transient issue? Really?

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Greifing will always exist. I really don't understand people wanting to have choices taken away from them. Some people want to be able to flag and engage in open world pvp when they choose to and others don't. Taking away this choice from others for your benefit is selfish in an MMO where there are many people who don't fel the same way you do. So Bioware has done the right thing and give you the choice and the control.


I don't eat junk food very often but i would at least like the option if I choose to in rare occasions. I certainly don't want some regulation making it so I can't make the choice for myself and have someone or entity dictate what others do.


The only other choice is to have a "carebare" sever that you choose knowing you can never pvp but that will obviously be a detriment to the pve player base on each server splitting it in half.


TL;DR Sad people complain about having choices and want to take away choices for others because it benefits them.


Who's taking choices away? Right now the only choice being taken away is a players want to not engage in PvP being whisked away by people who think its ok to grief others. The only thing I saw besides that that was "taking choices away" was the suggestion go get rid of all PvP, but Im nor even bothering to give any credence because its just rash and irrational. Everything else isn't taking choices away as best as I can tell.

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However... the system is obviously not working as intended. Even workarounds do not work all the time. There is definitely something wrong. Did his companion AOE us somehow? Did my puddle somehow trigger something because of his companion standing in it? I don't know. But something DID happen to get me flagged even though I never even attacked anything, much less him or his companion.


Did you bug report the event to Bioware? You know.. so they could review it to see if a companion mechanic is broken or working improperly? All you have to do is describe what happened, where, and at what time.. and they can review it from there (they have excellent analytics and log analysis capabilities.


I ask because regardless of a fixed_off_flag or not... this could remain an issue.....because something might be broken.


Bug report things when they appear borked.


It's also possible you accidentally tab targeted the players companion too. I'm not saying you did... I'm just saying that can happen if you are just cycling tab targeting and not paying attention to what you are doing.

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bummer if you buff a orther player that is flaged you get flaged to :D


i dont do that again :D


But that is goes to a larger point. Your finding ways to avoid yourself in pvp. And there is nothing wrong with that and I think that is what a lot of us are against this ABSURD NOTION of removing pvp from pve servers. Pvpers have just as much right to enjoy content as pvpers regardless of server.

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They are not asking for choice to be taken away they are asking for the auto-flagging to be removed. That still leaves manual flagging.


Well besides the area specific flagging but yeah.

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But that is goes to a larger point. Your finding ways to avoid yourself in pvp. And there is nothing wrong with that and I think that is what a lot of us are against this ABSURD NOTION of removing pvp from pve servers. Pvpers have just as much right to enjoy content as pvpers regardless of server.


Well, in fairness.. what most are asking for is a "hard_OFF" switch for PvP. When the switch is set. nothing they can do can flag them for PvP.


Of course, this is not as easy as it seems on the surface, because then the devs have to install a whole set of new hard_locks into mechanics (like ... you cannot heal or buff a PvP flagged friendly faction player when the switch is set, etc. etc. etc. ) What some want, would indeed cause a lot of complications in the existing mechanics of the game (no matter how much some try to trivialize it) ..... most of them potential for exploits.


Personally, I don't want to see the devs spending time and energy fixing a minor annoyance that is very situational and completely manageable by the player by just paying and attention and not ding things that will flag yourself. AND we all know that to fix one thing.. they will break three other things and get a whole unstable snowball rolling through a patch or two.

Edited by Andryah
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Only after you decided to engage in it first so you can climb right off that soap box.


Where? somone said they could not pay attention to all that in PvE content, so I replied. So I call BS, but whatever..


I also commented on others saying it was unfair because they had to change their play style, so I pointed out where you are required to do that in PVE.

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But that is goes to a larger point. Your finding ways to avoid yourself in pvp. And there is nothing wrong with that and I think that is what a lot of us are against this ABSURD NOTION of removing pvp from pve servers. Pvpers have just as much right to enjoy content as pvpers regardless of server.


Best I can tell, most all of the people here aren't asking for PvP yo be taken off of PvE servers. They asking for a tweek to the flagging system so when you get the errant flagged douche trying to get you flagged that you won't unless you choose to intentionally flag yourself. So besides a couple of people that I wouldn't even bother to take seriously, the vast majority of the people here have NOT asked for PvP to be completely removed. You seem to be making or at least fighting the wrong argument.

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Well, in fairness.. what most are asking for is a "hard_OFF" switch for PvP. When the switch is set. nothing they can do can flag them for PvP.


Of course, this is not as easy as it seems on the surface, because then the devs have to install a whole set of new hard_locks into mechanics (like ... you cannot heal or buff a PvP flagged friendly faction player when the switch is set, etc. etc. etc. ) What some want, would indeed cause a lot of complications in the existing mechanics of the game (no matter how much some try to trivialize it) ..... most of them potential for exploits.


Personally, I don't want to see the devs spending time and energy fixing a minor annoyance that is very situational and completely manageable by the player by just paying and attention and not ding things that will flag yourself.


I understand. Let me be clear i am not ever a serious pvper i am primarily pve but I enjoy dangling in pvp sometime. I simply am saying that there are many easy ways to avoid things like that.


1. get in a group to do the dailies.


2. if your flagged simply return to base sit there for 5 mins then go back to dailies


3. Be mindful of the surrounding area. use single target attacks when flagged opposite faction people are near by. if they continue try to entice you into pvp simply move to another location or another instance.

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Where? somone said they could not pay attention to all that in PvE content, so I replied. So I call BS, but whatever..


I also commented on others saying it was unfair because they had to change their play style, so I pointed out where you are required to do that in PVE.


Now about your ad hominem attack about how as long as I get what I want screw everyone else. Which is in no way what I said or even implied. Nor did anything that I suggested would of even applied to that erroneous assumption.

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Well, in fairness.. what most are asking for is a "hard_OFF" switch for PvP. When the switch is set. nothing they can do can flag them for PvP.


Of course, this is not as easy as it seems on the surface, because then the devs have to install a whole set of new hard_locks into mechanics (like ... you cannot heal or buff a PvP flagged friendly faction player when the switch is set, etc. etc. etc. ) What some want, would indeed cause a lot of complications in the existing mechanics of the game (no matter how much some try to trivialize it) ..... most of them potential for exploits.


Personally, I don't want to see the devs spending time and energy fixing a minor annoyance that is very situational and completely manageable by the player by just paying and attention and not ding things that will flag yourself. AND we all know that to fix one thing.. they will break three other things and get a whole unstable snowball rolling through a patch or two.


As I've already pointed out the system is already in game and only requires tweeks to apply to PvP flagging instead of players currently in a conversation. When they are you can not cast heals or buffs on them. Take that system and apply it to flagging so that the unflagged person can not damage an opposing flagged player intentionally or unintentionally unless they physically right click on their portrait and turn it on or go into a PvP zone. Alternately the same wold apply to someone who wants to pass on a heal or buff to a friendly flagged player unless they are flagged, either by turning it on or going into a PvP zone. Adjust that mechanic to apply as I described and it will stop all of these problems.

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I understand. Let me be clear i am not ever a serious pvper i am primarily pve but I enjoy dangling in pvp sometime. I simply am saying that there are many easy ways to avoid things like that.


1. get in a group to do the dailies.


2. if your flagged simply return to base sit there for 5 mins then go back to dailies


3. Be mindful of the surrounding area. use single target attacks when flagged opposite faction people are near by. if they continue try to entice you into pvp simply move to another location or another instance.


hehe... you and I are in violent agreement here. :)


It's some other folks that are hacking up hair-balls over the concept of being mindful and attentive with your targeting and skills use when in a mixed faction area. :D

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As I've already pointed out the system is already in game and only requires tweeks to apply to PvP flagging instead of players currently in a conversation. When they are you can not cast heals or buffs on them. Take that system and apply it to flagging so that the unflagged person can not damage an opposing flagged player intentionally or unintentionally unless they physically right click on their portrait and turn it on or go into a PvP zone. Alternately the same wold apply to someone who wants to pass on a heal or buff to a friendly flagged player unless they are flagged, either by turning it on or going into a PvP zone. Adjust that mechanic to apply as I described and it will stop all of these problems.


Sorry, but unless you are under NDA and privy to the code for the game.. you don't know this.. you just think this.


You are equating a lock-out on cut-scenes to be cut and pastable to PvP interlocks and rules. You have absolutely no idea if your idea is efficient, effective, or even doable on the code base in Austin.

Edited by Andryah
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Now about your ad hominem attack about how as long as I get what I want screw everyone else.
Again you are only looking at one side of the problem and most likely will even create more...The cooldown I was talking about would be with your magic switch, I personally think it would only be feasible if you were to make it so that it could only be turned on or more importantly off in a safe zone and with a 2 to 5 min cooldown, otherwise I can think right now of a couple of exploits unscrupulous players could use. However, that really isn't the problem, the problem is the exploits normal player can't think of.


So again, as long as it solves your issue, fix it and let other suffer.

Suggest you read it again...


Your fix would solve your problem, but it would also cause more exploits, so you are merely shifting your problem to someone else.


I still think the best fix is to stop all damage/splash damage to Flagged Players and Companions by unflagged players and then for bioware CS to actually read reported players reports and actually investigate and discipline when call for players that use these types of exploits. I am however against punishing all PvP players or making a over cumbersome system that removes some of the fun in the game.


I publicly apologize to Hyfy if you took my sarcasm as a personal attack, that was not my intentions and I am very sorry that I wrote something that could be interpreted that way.

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I normally do both PvE and PvP and I am on an RP server, you know, for the RP


For this event since I have really been focusing on just my PvE Juggy tank I ran the PvE dailies only for two days and I had no problems because I did not attack yellow players,and after two days I am half way to my weekly cap


See there is a weekly cap so therefore, whether you do just PvE or both PvE and PvP it won't make much difference by the end of the week and if you have more than one 55, forget it; you will be maxed and then some in no time

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Sorry, but unless you are under NDA and privy to the code for the game.. you don't know this.. you just think this.


You are equating a lock-out on cut-scenes to be cut and pastable to PvP interlocks and rules. You have absolutely no idea if your idea is efficient, effective, or even doable on the code base in Austin.



What? I know this because I've tried to heal and buff someone that was in the middle of a conversation, which is identifiable by the TV screen icon over their head while they are in said conversations, and received an error message across my screen telling me they are not eligible for said healing or buff at that time. And I didn't say cut and pasted. I said it would need tweaking to be applied to the flagging system but that kind of system is already in game. Don't try to change the facts or what I said to fit your argument. You can cut that crap out right now.


Also in ever said it was necessarily easy, only that it is doable and that is proven by the existence of the system in the game already. So my suggestion is neither implausible let alone impossible and certainly not impractical.

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