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Use of beserk in annihilation


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I have a simple question here to my fellow Annihilation marauders. Do you use beserk with rupture or just with the stacks of overload saber ?

Here is an example of what I mean:

Overlord saber + beserk then 3X melee attacks

or do you include rupture in it ?

Overlord saber + beserk then rupture + 3X melee attacks

Edited by znihilist
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overload saber 3 stack does more dmg then rupture dot but holding onto fury stacks for to long will stuff ur dps anyway most anni mara's including myself just use it as i get it unless i gotta move out real soon as i dun wanna waste teh buff from the 4 pc bonus... but yeah in a tank and spank just pop it as u get 30 stacks. Edited by commanderpaul
fail spelling
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yea same here. I may delay it for a few seconds if andrenal, clicky power, frenzy (for BT) is getting ready to come off of CD, but that's it. As mentioned above(with the exception of a few operation cases), its used on 30 stacks almost instantly.


With that said... I may delay a rupture application a few seconds to make sure that berserk will hit my 3 stack ticks.

Edited by Sameria
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I like to hold on my fury for a couple of seconds untill i have my 3 stacks up. Then i pop berserk,burn as much rage as possible (as bleed crits give rage) on use rupture when its of CD/procs. I find this gives some good DPS.


If OS is still on CD though,i instantly pop it.

Edited by SpecialBelug
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I like to hold on my fury for a couple of seconds untill i have my 3 stacks up. Then i pop berserk,burn as much rage as possible (as bleed crits give rage) on use rupture when its of CD/procs. I find this gives some good DPS.


If OS is still on CD though,i instantly pop it.


Wouldn't be better to use berserk before starting the three stacks ? you get 1 hit (+crit) from 1 stack, then 1(+crit) hit from 2 stacks, then 3 hits(+crit) from 3 stacks. You get in total 12X (+crit) the damage that would be more than 24X the base damage assuming a minimum surge rate of 100% for bleeding effects.

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Wouldn't be better to use berserk before starting the three stacks ? you get 1 hit (+crit) from 1 stack, then 1(+crit) hit from 2 stacks, then 3 hits(+crit) from 3 stacks. You get in total 12X (+crit) the damage that would be more than 24X the base damage assuming a minimum surge rate of 100% for bleeding effects.


As a general rule, you are better off using Berserk after the second Deadly Saber stack is applied, this is especially true if the Rupture DoT is up. With Rupture's DoT up you run the risk of critting a 2 stack of DS compared to a 3 stack.


A crit of 1 stack Deadly Saber = a crit of one tick from Rupture


Edited. Removed "...Rupture DoT is NOT up..."

Edited by oofalong
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Just use it on cooldown, the more you get off, the more fury you have to spend. If you're like most maras, you're going to deadly saber prior to the pull, unless starting with zero rage.


As long as there is at least one of your dots on the target and you're working to apply more, keep berserk rolling.

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As a general rule, you are better off using Berserk after the second Deadly Saber stack is applied, this is especially true if the Rupture DoT is not up. With Rupture's DoT up you run the risk of critting a 2 stack of DS compared to a 3 stack.


Why ? If Rupture is on CD and you start after the second stack, what do you win ? You would still have 2 stacks of beserk after you are done.

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Why ? If Rupture is on CD and you start after the second stack, what do you win ? You would still have 2 stacks of beserk after you are done.


Oops, that was a mistake, it should have said with the Rupture DoT up you want to do it with two DS stacks. I have corrected the original post too.

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