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Anyone Interested in the Tank Mount?


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I really want to get the coolest mount in the game, the tank mount.


It is only obtainable from doing the operation, Explosive Conflict, on Nightmare Mode. Being over leveled and geared for the Level 50 operation should make it easier to obtain.


I would like to get a group assembled to make "Mount Runs" for Explosive Conflict for the amazing tank mount or even the Praxon Firaxa. We can also go for a title run for this operation.


All roles are needed. You must have experience running Explosive Conflict and also must have mumble.We might use teamspeak. Please be sure to watch fights for Nightmare Mode Explosive Conflict on Youtube to get a better understanding of the fight mechanics.


If you are interested send me a whisper or mail in-game at Regeris. These runs would be on the Imperial Faction!


Here is a picture of the Tank Mount :http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://swtor.game-guide.fr/files/2012/10/Monture-EC-Night.jpg&imgrefurl=http://swtor.game-guide.fr/nouveau-speeder-denova-cauchemar/&h=1080&w=1920&sz=410&tbnid=G3Uoq0r_1DOsEM:&tbnh=68&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=___b35te1laHR8Q8YcrCvcsD28-s8=&docid=ikABlwDmJQmvOM&sa=X&ei=xb_sUYjvLJPm8QSKxYCICw&ved=0CEkQ9QEwAw&dur=284


A picture of the Praxon Firaxa : http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/16069.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.torhead.com/item/fcT5Vrz/praxon-firaxa&h=600&w=1338&sz=273&tbnid=1PxWfLD9PrANzM:&tbnh=54&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__JbnBC46id_fn1WBsdW1rsaXoD_Y=&docid=cgLdtyf4uWkwJM&sa=X&ei=oMPsUca_D4vW8gTd_oGwDw&ved=0CEgQ9QEwBQ&dur=199

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