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OK, having taken into account the recent changes, here is my faction. Sticking with a New Republic faction.


Flagship: Bounty (Viscount-class Star Defender)

Mobile Space Station: Krakana (Viscount-class Star Defender)

Capital Ships: 4 MC90 Star Cruiser

Frigates: 8 EF79 Nebulon-B escort frigate

Corvettes: 12 DP20 Frigate

Space Station: Golan space defense platform


Main Fighting Force: New Republic Army (Numbers-wise, perhaps 15,000 and 5,000 per planet?)

SpecOps Force: Katarn Commandos

Heavy Support Forces: YVH-series Battle Droids


Capitol Planet: Dac

Fortress World: Minntooine

Economic World: Buchich

Agricultural/Recuperation Planet: Cophrigin V


Corrections/comments welcome.

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I thought there was a rule about only one ship about as powerful as Executors? Wouldn't two Viscounts be going against that rule due to their high ranking class? or are they just low enough for there to be multiple of them?


Also, i do wonder how Dark Troopers will compare to the YVH droids.


*edit* Updated previous list *page 16* please notify me of any inconsistencies with the rules.


*another edit* Also, isn't Boba Fett a significant amount of time past the era of the other Mandalorian forces you have listed Star? Some of the ships say they are from the old sith war, yet we all know Boba Fett is from the Galactic Empire time peroid. *Unsure if time-line restraints refer to commanders as they do the ships*

Edited by Silenceo
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I thought there was a rule about only one ship about as powerful as Executors? Wouldn't two Viscounts be going against that rule due to their high ranking class? or are they just low enough for there to be multiple of them?


Also, i do wonder how Dark Troopers will compare to the YVH droids.


*edit* Updated previous list *page 16* please notify me of any inconsistencies with the rules.


*another edit* Also, isn't Boba Fett a significant amount of time past the era of the other Mandalorian forces you have listed Star? Some of the ships say they are from the old sith war, yet we all know Boba Fett is from the Galactic Empire time peroid. *Unsure if time-line restraints refer to commanders as they do the ships*


You make a few good points, I have been thinking of adding the Viscounts to that same rule, they are basically as powerful.


Also, good spot there, though I should have made it more obvious in the OP.

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*another edit* Also, isn't Boba Fett a significant amount of time past the era of the other Mandalorian forces you have listed Star? Some of the ships say they are from the old sith war, yet we all know Boba Fett is from the Galactic Empire time peroid. *Unsure if time-line restraints refer to commanders as they do the ships*


Unfortunately in going for the Mandalorians I suffer from the fact that there are extremely limited variations in individual eras. For instance, you'll notice much of my force is Mandalorian Wars Era, but unless I want a carbon copy of the Neo Crusaders I have to pick some things from different eras. I assure you if I had picked Republic or Imperial I'd have stayed in my era far better.


I don't need Boba Fett by the way I was more so qualifying which supercommandos I was referring to.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Hey, i was thinking that since you mentioned we could use force users, would Korriban count as a academy planet? It had an academy in the old republic, but in the time of the Galactic Empire *which my faction is composed of* it does not. Because if i recall correctly, Palpatine had a few dark side adepts he used for covert missions, and that would likely be far deadlier than regular Imperial Intelligence.
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OK, having taken into account the recent changes, here is my faction. Sticking with a New Republic faction.


Flagship: Bounty (Viscount-class Star Defender)

Mobile Space Station: Krakana (Viscount-class Star Defender)

Capital Ships: 4 MC90 Star Cruiser

Frigates: 8 EF79 Nebulon-B escort frigate

Corvettes: 12 DP20 Frigate

Space Station: Golan space defense platform


Main Fighting Force: New Republic Army (Numbers-wise, perhaps 15,000 and 5,000 per planet?)

SpecOps Force: Katarn Commandos

Heavy Support Forces: YVH-series Battle Droids


Capitol Planet: Dac

Fortress World: Minntooine

Economic World: Buchich

Agricultural/Recuperation Planet: Cophrigin V


Corrections/comments welcome.


Just a nit pick up to Rayla on this but I thought if you had a particularly powerful Mobile space station/escort carrier you took a hit of 1 Capital and 6 frigates penalty just a thought.




Also I am pretty sure I need to change planets after re-reading I believe at least 2 of the worlds I own are off limits I will correct this mistake once I have found a new place in the galaxy to plop down at.



Edit: ok I think I have found my planets not the best spot but I think it will be marginally ok.

Edited by tunewalker
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Tune I do believe Aurbere has deducted from other bonuses he had and added on, as I said before there are many ways to mix and match.


Though as I have changed, the Viscounts join the Executor in the one per fleet category, an MC80 Home One should do nicely as a carrier.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Tune I do believe Aurbere has deducted from other bonuses he had and added on, as I said before there are many ways to mix and match.


Though as I have changed, the Viscounts join the Executor in the one per fleet category, an MC80 Home One should do nicely as a carrier.


Yes. I took fewer frigates and corvettes for that second Viscount. But if I must change it, then I will.

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OK, updated list.


Flagship: Bounty (Viscount-class Star Defender)

Mobile Space Station: Home One (MC80 Home One-type Mon Calamari Cruiser)

Capital Ships: 4 MC90 Star Cruiser

Frigates: 8 EF79 Nebulon-B escort frigate

Corvettes: 12 DP20 Frigate

Space Station: Golan space defense platform


Main Fighting Force: New Republic Army (Numbers-wise, perhaps 15,000 and 5,000 per planet?)

SpecOps Force: Katarn Commandos

Heavy Support Forces: YVH-series Battle Droids


Capitol Planet: Dac

Fortress World: Minntooine

Economic World: Buchich

Agricultural/Recuperation Planet: Cophrigin V


Correct me where necessary.

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Fortress World: Gyndine


Capital: Ruusan


Economy world: Cato Neimiodia


Agriculture/recuperation planet: Manaan



Flag ship: 1 Gaurdian Executor-class Star dreadnaught


Escort Carrier: 1 Dodonna Galactic-class Battle Carrier


Capital Ships: 4 Nebula-class Star Destroyer


Frigates: 12 Sacheen-class light escort


Corvette: 18 Warrior-class Gunship


Space station: Alliance Space Station top grade at Ruusan



25,000: Rebel armed forces


Special Ops: Commando Team One (lead by Kapp Dendo)


Heavy support forces: YVH droids (under command of Han Solo)



Let me know if any bonuses were added that I shouldn't have or I missed anything that I should have. I am getting a bit confused lol.

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Tune I do believe Aurbere has deducted from other bonuses he had and added on, as I said before there are many ways to mix and match.


Though as I have changed, the Viscounts join the Executor in the one per fleet category, an MC80 Home One should do nicely as a carrier.


"There are special rules to this however, if you decide that your Flagship is not going to be something the size of a Star Defender or Star Dreadnought and instead opt for the smaller ships such as the Imperious-class Star Destroyer or MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser, then you can increase your capital ships max by 2 and Frigates max by 3.


You can either have nine large Corvettes like a Thranta-class or 18 smaller ones, such as the Tantive IV seen in ANH.


On the flip-side if you decide not to use your maximum of 14 Frigates and instead opt for the minimum of 8, you can increase your capital ships max by 1.

You can also opt to go for 1 capital ship in which case you gain a bonus of 3 Frigates and a corvette.

If you decide on particularly small and less powerful frigates, you can instantly increase your frigates maximum by 4.

If you choose a very large and powerful Escort Carrier, you will however take a penalty of one capital ship and six frigates.


If you choose a very large and powerful Escort Carrier, you will however take a penalty of one capital ship and six frigates."



It says 1 capital ship and 6 frigates penalty for powerful escort carrier which the viscount clearly would have counted as (not sure about the home one), which means max capital ships would be down to 2, he could get +1 from taking the minimum number of frigates with the penalty to frigates that minimum would be 2, if he has a particularly weak frigate he gets +4 or 6


yet he some how had 4 capital ships meaning +1 from the max 3 as well as the minimum number of frigates 8 showing the "On the flip-side if you decide not to use your maximum of 14 Frigates and instead opt for the minimum of 8, you can increase your capital ships max by 1." rule with out any penalties to frigs or capital ships as listed "If you choose a very large and powerful Escort Carrier, you will however take a penalty of one capital ship and six frigates." here .


A penalty has been applied to corvettes bringing him down to 12 how this happened I am unaware as the only rule about corvettes is here "You can either have nine large Corvettes like a Thranta-class or 18 smaller ones, such as the Tantive IV seen in ANH." and here "You can also opt to go for 1 capital ship in which case you gain a bonus of 3 Frigates and a corvette" assuming he applied the frigate minus to his corvettes instead of his frigates by mistake. This is why I brought it up.


If I am reading any of it wrong or missing a rule please let me know, but as far as I can see it should be 18 corvettes, 2 frigates, and 3 capital ships, again correct me if I am wrong and point me to which ever rule I am missing, if his frigates are considered weak then it should be 6 not 8 and he would still be with 1 less capital ship as well as 6 more corvettes, as there is nothing beyond taking the minimum number of frigates that gives you a plus 1 to capital ships and having a powerful carrier makes you take a penalty to capital ships meaning it should balance out back to its original 3, as well as nothing changing the number of corvettes you get beyond choosing the minimum number of capital ships.


Again I would just like to know where I miss read.

Edited by tunewalker
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we might as well start, i dont see any one else joining up to a thread that has 25 pages before it even starts. might be best if we took the finished lists, a modified OP and started a new one to keep it easy to navigate


That was always going to be the plan, yet I have more to finish.

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Hey Rayala. I don't have a lot of time (in a Kaggath) and was hoping you could help me get my forces done. You know I stink at fleets, so I'll take every suggestion you give me. I can do the ground forces, but if you could help me with the fleets and planets, that would be great!


I'll probably be the first to lose, but I don't care. If it helps y'all, I do it. Plus, it will be fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, having made a canonical break-down I have decided that the Super Star Destroyers being chosen as a Capital ship will have a rule, you MUST designate an SSD that was given a name/title, the Executor itself is out-of-bounds, you can only have one Executor or Viscount in your fleet.

This is to stop us from seeing an enormous vessel all over the place.



im kinda confused what do you mean?:confused:

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