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Fleet conquest, list and rules thread.


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So simply put what we are going to have here is a very big arena where fleets of your own choice and build will play out battles against one another, be warned this is a campaign, not a 1 vs 1 with no occurring consequences.


There will be surprises along the way and things may not go according to plan, for your benefit or utter demise!


The arena we refer to is: The Galaxy!


First of all what you must decide however is which faction you can pick, those that are the same faction but with a change of name I.E Revan and Malak's Sith Empire are valid as are Imperial Remnant, Crimson Empire and Dark Empire.


Second of all the four planets you will inhabit(Cannot be hard to reach like the Chiss Ascendancy or the Maw), be warned the Core is strictly off limits(and trying to be a smart arse by parking right next to it might not be the wisest move ever), to give an example, here are my planets:


Capitol planet: Bastion.


Economic planet: Muunilinst. (shipyard and repair yard in orbit)


Fortress planet: Mygeeto. (Carrick-class Space Station in orbit)


Agricultural, recuperation planet: Dantooine.


Every square one of your planets inhabits is your's therefore you gain the other systems in that square, if you move a ship into a square and it is uninhabited you must leave at least one ship there for two turns.


Your Capital planet is where your government is, defend it because you will require this planet as your main base of operations, your Fortress planet will act as your capital in the case of an assault.


Your Economic world is where your money comes from, get it taken and your ability to build and maintain forces, ground or space, will be severely diminished.


Your Agriculture world is where your forces are healed and trained and also act as a place where you can directly recruit people.


Your Fortress world is your back up to the Capital and is also where your military headquarters is stationed, lose both your Capital world and Fortress world and you lose.


Second of all, you must decide what your fleet will be made up of, it cannot contain anything designated as a super weapon in any way AND stealth is not acceptable in this competition.

You also are not allowed to have the named vessels already chosen.


Also, having made a canonical break-down I have decided that the Super Star Destroyers being chosen as a Capital ship will have a rule, you MUST designate an SSD that was given a name/title, the Executor itself is out-of-bounds, you can only have one Executor or Viscount in your fleet.

This is to stop us from seeing an enormous vessel all over the place.


To give an example I will display my own fleet:


Flagship(1): .


Escort Carrier OR Mobile Space Station(1): Starfighter Carrier Conraddas Vindicator.


Capital ships(1-3): five Valor-class cruisers.


Frigates/Cruisers(8-14): twenty one Hammerhead-class cruisers.


Corvettes (9-18): nine Thranta-class Corvettes.


Fighters and Bombers: Republic Navy.


Space Station: Carrick-class Space Station(you must place this somewhere in one of your squares, it cannot be moved, so be careful).


You have a generic ship yard and a Repair yard both must be placed down in one square too.


Your Flagship can be anything of your choice really but pick carefully, it must however be a vessel/ship.


Your escort carrier/space station MUST be designated as such, a random Executor ain't gonna cut it.


Your Space Station mobile or otherwise cannot be something like a Death Star or the Star Forge, the Foundry.


Your fighters and bombers will just be a generic combination of the most common of the time, unless you have a designated special group of fighters attached to your named vessel.


There are special rules to this however, if you decide that your Flagship is not going to be something the size of a Star Defender or Star Dreadnought and instead opt for the smaller ships such as the Imperious-class Star Destroyer or MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser, then you can increase your capital ships max by 2 and Frigates max by 3.


You can either have nine large Corvettes like a Thranta-class or 18 smaller ones, such as the Tantive IV seen in ANH.


On the flip-side if you decide not to use your maximum of 14 Frigates and instead opt for the minimum of 8, you can increase your capital ships max by 1.

You can also opt to go for 1 capital ship in which case you gain a bonus of 3 Frigates and a corvette.

If you decide on particularly small and less powerful frigates, you can instantly increase your frigates maximum by 4.

If you choose a very large and powerful Escort Carrier, you will however take a penalty of one capital ship and six frigates.


These effects do stack depending on your choices.


The point behind these special rules is to make leeway for more specialised fleet variations.


Choosing a more unique faction will get you a cookiee. <3


However here is the fun part, you have the ability to take the ships not destroyed in the battle against one of your opponents..... but time is a literal factor, if you are say the Rebel Alliance, you are NOT going to be able to take and use ships from the Mandalorians of the Old Republic era and vice-versa.

But certain factions like the Sith Empire of Darth Malak, will have the advantage that the Rakata technology used in the ships make them basically immune to any sort of hacking or take overs, as other factions will not be able to understand it.

All factions will have certain canonical strengths and weaknesses.


The Ground Forces, now this is relatively small and you can take named legions or forces from your faction here but only so much and this can contain Force Users but not very many and CANNOT be very powerful, major Sith or Jedi are not allowed in this competition, however each of your forces is allowed one commander, no Thrawn is not allowed nor is any other exceptional commander.


For example my own forces:


Main fighting force: Republic Army, strength: 25,000 and then 5,000 for each planet.


SpecOps force: Havoc Squad(under Jace Malcom).


Heavy support forces: Heroes of Bothawui(under Belth Allusis).


Your combined forces cannot contain more than 150 Force Users.

If you choose a force I.E: the 501st that replaces the main army of 25,000 and if you choose Stormtroopers instead of the main Imperial Army, it will be a legion of 10,000 as is the basic, this is not changeable, this counts for the disparity in quality of soldiers. Heavy support forces can only be a maximum of 5,000.


Your forces will contain the common ground vehicles of the time.

Replenishment of your forces is easier and quicker depending on what you pick, if you have Jedi or Sith, you cannot replace them unless you have direct control of a planet with an academy on it.


The campaign itself goes in a turn, all participants can move each vessel or group of vessels by one square as seen on the galaxy map provided per turn.


Now moving into a square not occupied by another player does not mean however that you automatically gain that square, if it is a well-known inhabited world or even a fortress world, you're gonna have a bad time,

those squares will have 'AI' defense fleets you must fight at a cost dependent on the scale of difference in forces between your own ships and there's, this is to stop all-out war from occuring at the get-to.

It is also to allow people to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of their forces and how to use them best before throwing them at each other.


The objective is to hold and control all of the core worlds yourself for a total of ten turns, you will however find that taking and controlling the core even with no other players will be extremely difficult.

You may want to either build-up or make friends, but you can't both win.


Now you're going to find surprises in certain locations and these events can pop-up at any time.


These are the basics at the moment, smaller rules can be ironed out, like planetary benefits, but for the sake of simplicity they'll be kept... simple.



I now need a command crew, Aurbere, Wolfninjajedi and Beni, would you be up for it? basically I need players who will also act as moderators and rule enforcers.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Bah, 2am here and I don't have time to pick my entire fleet...

Just getting it out there that the terror is mine :p


The Terror is not acceptable as Stealth was a modification to the ship not a basic design choice.


One thing, who knows about the "surprises" in certain squares? To be honest, wouldn't be exactly fair if the command crew knew and were participating...


They are not exactly avoidable, hint the core isn't viable for a reason.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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The Terror is not acceptable as Stealth was a modification to the ship not a basic design choice.




I suddenly understand that rule, thought you meant WE couldn't make modifications. I'll take that out then, interesting

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K, since I ain't in this no more I suppose I could be a moderator.


Sure you won't enter? simply because I know you'd come out with some very unique lists, which we are going to need.


Oh and many of the rules we all decided upon will be used, but they will need tweaking as a ton of stuff was thrown out from WOTDT.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Sure you won't enter? simply because I know you'd come out with some very unique lists, which we are going to need.


Oh and many of the rules we all decided upon will be used, but they will need tweaking as a ton of stuff was thrown out from WOTDT.


Ahh I see. But nah, I guess I sorta just lost interest though I am interested in seeing how it all turns out.

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Hmm interesting premise. I have two questions


1. will starfighters play a factor? If so are they limited by the type of fighter our ships would usually carry or do we get free reign in choosing a fighter from our faction?


2. For factions that lacked named flagships/capital ships, how should we approach that?


ie... I was thinking of a Mandalorian Fleet


The Dar'yaim (Hell) Fleet


Fortress World- Mandalore O7

Economic Hub- Contruum P8

Capital World- Hapes O9


Capital Ship (1)- Parjai (Kandosii-class dreadnought

Escort Vessel (1)- A Venator-class Star Destroyer

Flagships (6)- Kandosii-class Dreadnoughts

Frigates (5)- CR90 Corvette

Corvettes (12)- Crusader-class Corvette

**Space Station (1)- Mk. V Cardan-class Space Station (over Contruum)


** the Mandalorians weren't big on space stations.


changes non-withstanding, I'd like to apply.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Hmm interesting premise. I have two questions


1. will starfighters play a factor? If so are they limited by the type of fighter our ships would usually carry or do we get free reign in choosing a fighter from our faction?


2. For factions that lacked named flagships/capital ships, how should we approach that?


ie... I was thinking of a Mandalorian Fleet


Planets- Mandalore O7, Contruum P8, and Hapes O9


*Capital Ship (1)- Knight Hammer (I'm rechristening it Night Hammer again from here on out)

Escort Vessel (1)- A Kandosii-class Dreadnought (hereby christened the Nervod)

Flagships (6)- Kandosii-class Dreadnoughts

Frigates (5)- Keldabe-class Battlecrusier (ignore the name, it is smaller than a Vic-II)

**Space Station (1)- Mk. V Cardan-class Space Station (over Contruum)


*If I understand, this is the only non-faction restricted choice right? Mandos didn't have massive ships or even many named in lore at all for that matter.


** the Mandalorians weren't big on space stations either.


changes non-withstanding, I'd like to apply.


If you have a named ship that was given a special compliment of x, y or z then you can have those fighters be the standard compliment instead of the usual, if you are however using a basic ship like the Nebulon-B then you will have the choice between the A-wing, X-wing or Y-wing as standard.


If you also want to know how many, you get as many as listed in the ship's own hangar capacity.


This restriction only applies to Super Star Destroyers.


Also, I'm afraid the Mandalorians never fielded a Super Star Destroyer, so they wouldn't have one available in their faction, they do however have many other super powerful vessels to choose from.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Fortress World: Gyndine


Capital: Ruusan


Economy world: Cato Neimiodia


Agriculture/recuperation planet: Manaan



Flag ship: 1 Gaurdian Executor-class Star dreadnaught


Escort Carrier: 1 Dodonna Galactic-class Battle Carrier


Capital Ships: 4 Nebula-class Star Destroyer


Frigates: 12 Sacheen-class light escort


Corvette: 18 Warrior-class Gunship


Space station: Alliance Space Station top grade at Ruusan



25,000: Rebel armed forces


Special Ops: Commando Team One (lead by Kapp Dendo)


Heavy support forces: YVH droids (under command of Han Solo)

Edited by tunewalker
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I will figure out the planets in a bit but



Captial ship: Gaurdian Executor-class Star dreadnaught


Escort Carrier: ???? not sure what qualifies here will be looking for one but for now not sure


Flag Ships: MC90 Star Cruiser


Frigates: Majestic-class heavy cruiser


A little confused will edit most of this when I understand it better.


An Escort Carrier is a ship purpose made to carry and maintain a large amount of starfighters.


Also the Majestic is too big and is apparently equal to an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

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An Escort Carrier is a ship purpose made to carry and maintain a large amount of starfighters.


Also the Majestic is too big and is apparently equal to an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.


could I have the Majestic as a Flagship then and go for a smaller Frigate and increase the number of flagships I have?

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One question, will their be rules in place that account for older technology i.e. choosing a Interdictor from Revan's Navy would be seemingly pointless as its turbolaser batteries are dwarfed by later classes.


Balanced technology as we had in WOTDT.

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Ok made a few changes thanks Rayla. Will work out everything little by little, just trying to make sure I understand everything.


Sacheen will be fine to fit the small and less powerful category, so you can add +5 to your max, these bonuses are stackable.

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Fortress World: Anaxes


Capital: Hapes


Economy world: Corelia



Captial ship: 1 Gaurdian Executor-class Star dreadnaught


Escort Carrier: 1 Dodonna Galactic-class Battle Carrier


Flag Ships: 4 Majestic-class heavy cruiser


Frigates: 10 Sacheen-class light escort



Would these numbers work?


These will be fine.

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These will be fine.


OK and to clarify if there are other worlds within the squares of the planets I chose, as long as nobody takes them I have access to them correct?



Edit: I just re-read you said core is off limits so don't I have to move 2 of my planets?

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OK and to clarify if there are other worlds within the squares of the planets I chose, as long as nobody takes them I have access to them correct?


If you have chosen a planet in a square, everything in that square is your's by default, unless someone else decides to pick another planet in that square.


Oh and good point, i thought they were in colonies, so yes you are right, the Core is off-limits.

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