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Gear- Keeping apperance, changing mods.


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Hi PvP community, I would like to ask your advice about changing mods into other pieces of gear please.


On my trooper I really like the look of a set of old gear that i have put the partisan then the conqueror mods into it upgrading the stats and keeping the appearance I personally like, having recently completed the full conqueror set on this character I have moved onto 'gearing up' my marauder, I personally really like the look of the partisan set and would like to keep it placing conqueror mods into it purely for aesthetic reasons just as I did with my trooper, however a problem arises thus forth:


  • I need to trade in my partisan piece to get the conqueror piece
  • Is there anyway to keep the partisan piece so that i can place the conq mods into it, just for looks?

I have tried placing the armoring mod into a 'throw away' piece of gear and then tried trading it in to the npc to see if that worked, unfortunately it didn't.


Has anyone got any ideas as to solve this conundrum? Or will I need to buy a complete partisan set again once I have conqueror gear just to put the mods into, seems like an awful waste of Comms if that is the only way.


Thanks in advance for replies, Regards, Steve.

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Nope, you'll need to grind out 2 sets of partisan gear, one to trade in and one to keep.


Or you could just keep your Partisan gear, and not gear up the conq armorings (buy 28 mods and enhancements separately) and wait for the new tier of gear in 2.4 (slated for Oct. 1). It's expected that partisan will be dropped and conqueror will become the new "partisan". Then you won't need to trade in your shells.


That help?

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