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Lost player looking for a home


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Hey guys & girls.


I've been playing SWTOR for a long time now on The Red Eclipse however for years in WoW I was a very active part of the RP community on Defias Brotherhood and I really miss RP. I've never tried RP'ing in SWTOR before and I wanted to give it a go but I wanted to know first what roleplaying is like in SWTOR.


If anyone has roleplayed in WoW is it similar to that?


Is the RP community on The Progenitor active?


Is it all interguild RP or will I find people out in world randomly roleplaying?


Is there plenty of RP on the Republic side?


Just some simple questions I'm wondering before I considering starting a toon here. I'll probably roll a jedi guardian or sentinel as that's what I'm used to playing and I love the story.

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Some answers:


The RP community is somewhat active. Not if you compare to old NWN, but it's alive. It's sometimes hard to find them, but now and then you'll run across a gang in a cantina somewhere.


If you join an RP guild, there's plenly of RP-ing going on within the guild, but you'll be able to find random people like myself who are always looking for some RP. I try to stay in character when grouping into flashpoints and missions and usually the other players will RP with me.


I don't think there's much difference in RP between Republican and Imperial side. I'd say that the spread is larger on the Imperial side. You get more immature players who think that RP-ing the Dark Side means you need to be obnoxious in general. On the other hand you get some seriously good RP from the more mature people who are good enough to RP the Dark Side in an interesting way. (The Sovereign Order is a good example.)

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Hello fellow former DBer!


During my short time in SWTor myself, I've found RP to be largely the same so far, with the exception of the game's engine of course (the lack of chat bubbles in particular is something I had to get used to at first). It was a bit difficult getting into the vibe and the community at first, but rolling along with a guild seems to be one of the safest and easiest means to find yourself a decent share of RP out here (if you haven't already, since I notice now that this response comes somewhat late in regards to the date of your original post). I did find some people RPing out in the open world here and there, but it's always a bit of a question of whether or not to interrupt, since it's mostly been personal RP so far. The most RP you'll find by far, from what I've noticed, is out on the homeworlds like Tython.


If you have any more questions, happen to be looking for some RP out there or even need a potential familiar face back from DB, feel free to give me a poke sometime. You'll find my character by the same name as the one displayed here anyway. Enjoy your stay!

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