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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ranked teams classes?


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Our guild is trying to get together our 1st ranked team, whats the best line ups people have found currently for a ranked team,


one we playing with is:


Sniper - DPS

Opperative - Healer

Sor - Healer

Jugg/PT - Tank

Sin - DPS

Maur - DPS


Sor - DPS,


Appreciate any feed back.

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There is no "best" setup atm. Every damage dealer besides PTs and Scrapper Scoundrels are very viable atm. You could try something like:


- 1 Smash Marauder, Merc, Sorc, Sniper (all in their burst Specs)

- 2 Smashers (1 must be Marauder) 2 range DDs (Snipers are pretty much set because of their utility and good damage, the other range DD cann be either one for offheals or Friendlypull/Electro Net) or even 3 Smashers (people will love you!)

- focus on aoe damage. This would include a lethality agent, smashers and a sorc


Your Assassin should be able to have both DPS and Tank gear, so he can guard nodes with ~40k HP or pressure the enemy node as a burst-heavy DD. Jugg Tank should obviously be the main tank.


As far as healers go, there are only two options right now. Operative + Sorc or 2 Operatives. Sorc has the Friendly Pull and good aoe heals but the healing output of 2 good op healers is ridiculous as they have HoTs on the whole team all the time and also good burst healing. 2x Scamper also gives plenty of tactical options. In the end it's mostly a matter of preference. As I said at the beginning, slmost everything is viable atm =)

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we have neither currently in guild except one that is for raiding and he dont pvp, only option we have at min is a guildies alt jugg but has zero gear and hes a great dpser on other classes so not to keen on losing him to playing a tank. :(


most of our guild is pve focused but recently theres been a huge surge in interest in pvp so im trying to get a decent team put together, we have a few that are dedicated to pvp but unfortunately none are tanks lol

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we have neither currently in guild except one that is for raiding and he dont pvp, only option we have at min is a guildies alt jugg but has zero gear and hes a great dpser on other classes so not to keen on losing him to playing a tank. :(


most of our guild is pve focused but recently theres been a huge surge in interest in pvp so im trying to get a decent team put together, we have a few that are dedicated to pvp but unfortunately none are tanks lol


well, my guild is full pve/social, and I don't have any pvp squad, I have limited time in game (posting on forums during debugging codes or deployments/waiting for feedback etc), if your guild doesnt mind 2 guilders, maybe we can arrange something.

I have jugg tank who I retired from pvp after PT got shoulder cannon (and pt is far nicer to play pugs), so need to gear her up (only comms, I have tons of augmentators and kit-9s and can do endurance eugments 28 pink), or, I have almost fully geared PT tank who is good to go.

besides that, I have pvp assassin deception (dps) and pvp operative healer, both geared. rest of my chars are pvp-able but not geared, as I tried to focus on 3 chars only. but I would swap just one-max two) main char(s) (rest can be chained thro friend list) - if you would be interested.


usually around pvp 9pm for 3 hours unless I'm doing something else.

Edited by Atramar
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i would welcome you for sure to help us out.


im online sat around 3pm - 11pm and games start around 7pm drop me a whisper when you about see if theres some space on the teams that have been made up for the evening :)


whats best char name to get u on?

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