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Suggestions for Free and Preferred Status Player restrictions


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Suggestions for Free and Preferred status players:


1) The constant messages reminding you of "x" should be toned down. X being something you don't have because you are not subscribed. Whether it's "you have entered a rest zone, you don't get rested xp because you aren't a subscriber" or when you get around 280k credits you are reminded every time you sell an item that you are getting close to your 350k limit or even the message in the lower left on every vendor that says "you're paying more because you aren't subscribing". Free and Preferred status players are being reminded at every turn that they are second class citizens. It doesn't make them want to pay, it makes them want to quit.


2) Restrictions on Warzones, Space Missions and Flashpoints should be relaxed a bit. You should at the very least be able to do the same amount of each. Maybe have a pool of 10 that you can use for which you enjoy more? So, if someone is more of a raider than a pvper they can do more Flashpoints. You can still get your fee for the Artifact Authorization if they get a good drop or earn enough commendations.


3) Rested XP. This is a big thing for a lot of long time MMO players. I can appreciate the fact that the longer you keep someone engaged in the game, the more likely they are to spend money on it. This should at least be given to the Preferred status players. Some I've talked to would shell out for an unlock for this.


4) Companion customization; I've heard from a few people that they can't obtain the first companion customization mission reward without subscribing. You'd think that at that stage you'd want to hook people in rather than placing something in their way. Might want to think about coaxing them in with a cool little bauble rather than saying "you hit lvl 10, give us some cash or kick rocks".


I've managed to convince a couple people in the past week to come on back to SWTOR since we hadn't played for over a year and they're subscribing as well. Not because 'OMG it's such an amazing game' but rather 'these restrictions blow but we'd like to play some Star Wars'. From a business perspective the latter attitude isn't going to be long-term sustaining, it's going to generate minimal revenue and then be gone again. Speaking as someone who had faith, pre-purchased the Collector's Edition and was in on the first day of early access, some of the restrictions make sense and some are utter crap.

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First of all, i agree with everything that you said, i have things to say too, don't worry it's nothing against you.


1) You're right, those messages are annoying, not because it reminds you that you're a F2P or a Preferred player, also the sound it makes it's annoying and always watching that message makes me nuts, when i was F2P i always had my credits capped, i don't really know why, maybe because I've never trained, anyways, i sell things to get some credits on my escrow and also get rid of those silly items, each time i sell an item, i was getting that message i was capped on credits, the message was appearing EVERY second and the same was happening with the sound.


2) Those Warzones limits are crazy, like 5 warzones per WEEK? That's too low amount of warzones for a F2P player and a Preferred player, i know there are weekly passes but F2P players doesn't get that much Cartel Coins since they only have 2 Characters available per realm and most of the time you just get 20 cartels coins from your story and it's really rare to see a non-class achievement give you Cartel Coins, also this Warzone limit makes F2P players quit, my brother levels up just doing Warzones and he likes it, we just have 1 day for subb and he is not going to keep playing SWTOR because of that restriction.


Space Missions shouldn't have a cap, just because those are missions, they aren't like flashpoints or warzones, not a lot of people use that anyways, now Flashpoints, it's really bad to just do 3 per WEEK, PVE aren't getting much Social points if they are F2P or Preferred player, they also won't be getting the cap of 200 Elites commendations if you're level 55, PVE players also likes to do Flashpoints because they get more gear and they level up faster with just killing monsters.


3) You're right at rested XP but i really don't mind about that rested xp that much, what i would like them to get rid of is that you get lowered the XP if you're F2P or Preferred, but i think that restriction of lowering the XP is too much for F2P players, at least Preferred should get it.


4) Nope, the first time i did a Sith i couldn't equip the Customization i got when i got my first companion, you're right, this is like "you're level 10, now pay if you want this", F2P players should atleast have SOME restricted but not ALL of them, Preferred status shouldn't have this restricted at any cost...


Now Bioware, i'm not saying that you should make all this available for the next patch or expansion, i just want atleast one of those available. I always ask myself, why would they make the game F2P when you get the same restrictions as the Trail Account have, why not make the trail account unlimited time then?

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