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How many of you listen/read the whole story dialogues in quest fp etc?


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I'm going to guess you want to go raiding with your new alts as soon as possible, and that you view the endgame content as where the real fun is.

Quite a few raiders out there that do that I think.


Pretty much. Its an MMO, i want to play with people, meaning raiding and end game stuff.


If I wanted to see a movie, i'd go watch a movie.

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So you're telling me that this game isn't for me if I skip cutscenes?

That's exactly what I'm saying...

I said I only did one class mission and that was for my main, my alts, I don't care about the story, I just wanted to get to level 55 quickly and play the game, but if I was given the option to re play my class stories, I would do it on my level 55s because it would be quicker and also I wont have to worry about levelling up and stuff

You have a strange play style... which is totally in your right to play anywhy you want so... I don't know what to say.


The option to 're play' your class stories is a strange request because you were given the option to 'play' your class quest and it isn't 'replaying' if you haven't played it once before. Your reasoning that it would be 'quicker' is again, a weird idea, but if speed and zero difficulty is what you want I recommend watching all the class stories on YouTube.

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Pretty much. Its an MMO, i want to play with people, meaning raiding and end game stuff.

While I am also raiding, for me the game starts at level 1 not at level 50 or 55. All the way up to lvl 50/55 is part of the game for me and the story is also part of the game for me.

Stopping a char on lvl 20 and just roleplaying till the servers are turned off is also playing the game for me.

Edited by JPryde
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That's exactly what I'm saying...


You have a strange play style... which is totally in your right to play anywhy you want so... I don't know what to say.


The option to 're play' your class stories is a strange request because you were given the option to 'play' your class quest and it isn't 'replaying' if you haven't played it once before. Your reasoning that it would be 'quicker' is again, a weird idea, but if speed and zero difficulty is what you want I recommend watching all the class stories on YouTube.


Well thats your opinion. And I could watch it if I wanted but i'd much rather re play it when i'm level 55. I know many people who skip their story and planet missions for the soul intention of getting their character to level 55 in order to do end game content. Its nothing strange really

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While I am also raiding, for me the game starts at level 1 not at level 50 or 55. All the way up to lvl 50/55 is part of the game for me and the story is also part of the game for me.

Stopping a char on lvl 20 and just roleplaying till the servers are turned off is also playing the game for me.




Play the game however you want, no ones dictating to you, although some people in this thread seem to be offended by other peoples playstyles with the excessive questioning

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Well thats your opinion. And I could watch it if I wanted but i'd much rather re play it when i'm level 55. I know many people who skip their story and planet missions for the soul intention of getting their character to level 55 in order to do end game content. Its nothing strange really


Might not be strange but it's a little tragic. Missing out on a lot of tuff in this game IMHO.

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Might not be strange but it's a little tragic. Missing out on a lot of tuff in this game IMHO.


Hmm well yeah, but i suppose thats why some people would rather keep story content to their single player games, and multiplayer content to multiplayer games

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I never said I didn't like it, I just said I skipped them.


Why are you assuming everything?] It makes you look foolish. You clearly aren't reading anything people have said.


So you're telling me that this game isn't for me if I skip cutscenes?


I said I only did one class mission and that was for my main, my alts, I don't care about the story, I just wanted to get to level 55 quickly and play the game, but if I was given the option to re play my class stories, I would do it on my level 55s because it would be quicker and also I wont have to worry about levelling up and stuff


Because why would you skip them if you liked them? Its not like it takes a long time to watch just the class mission cutscenes (Trust me on this).

Besides, if you really wanted to level your alts fast but still enjoy the class story then you could easily have leveled them through only doing the planetary/side quests, heroics, flashpoints or PvP... or any mix thereof.

And then when you reached lvl 55 you could easily have done your class quests only to watch the cutscenes.


But the point her is that if you want to play this game because you want end-game content only, then thats your perogative, however that is not what the game was designed for and asking the designers to change the game just so you can play the game your way (im talking about the OP here) is pretty ridiculous.

That is the whole point of the thread. Sure the OP might have asked a question in the topic, but the post was about how Bioware should change the way the game is designed (in the future) to not include story content because most skip it.


I now understand why you skipped content (even tho you didnt really have to) so your first post makes more sense.


But i do hope you realize that this is now how the game was designed to be played.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Because why would you skip them if you liked them? Its not like it takes a long time to watch just the class mission cutscenes (Trust me on this).

Besides, if you really wanted to level your alts fast but still enjoy the class story then you could easily have leveled them through only doing the planetary/side quests, heroics, flashpoints or PvP... or any mix thereof.

And then when you reached lvl 55 you could easily have done your class quests only to watch the cutscenes.


But the point her is that if you want to play this game because you want end-game content only, then thats your perogative, however that is not what the game was designed for and asking the designers to change the game just so you can play the game your way (im talking about the OP here) is pretty ridiculous.

That is the whole point of the thread. Sure the OP might have asked a question in the topic, but the post was about how Bioware should change the way the game is designed (in the future) to not include story content because most skip it.


I now understand why you skipped content (even tho you didnt really have to) so your first post makes more sense.


But i do hope you realize that this is now how the game was designed to be played.


I only stated what my playstyle was, and I responded to the OPs question. I didn't know you'd be such a control freak over other peoples play styles. It seems like a really big issue to you that other people play the game the way they want, almost stalkerish in a way, because you keep replying to me, questioning me about it, when it really doesn't matter.


Get over it. I can play the game the way I want, even if the developers designed it in whatever way they made it to be played. Stop moaning for once, go outside, get some fresh air or something.


Thanks have a nice day.

Edited by Ayelinna
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That is the whole point of the thread. Sure the OP might have asked a question in the topic, but the post was about how Bioware should change the way the game is designed (in the future) to not include story content because most skip it.


Fortunately the devs have evidence that the OP is wrong, since they actually have statistics that show them how we all play the game.

Or at least I assume that those statistics prove him wrong, since we're still getting new story content - even fully voiced content!

Here's to looking forward to the Bounty weeks! :D

Edited by Callaron
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I only stated what my playstyle was, and I responded to the OPs question. I didn't know you'd be such a control freak over other peoples play styles. It seems like a really big issue to you that other people play the game the way they want, almost stalkerish in a way, because you keep replying to me, questioning me about it, when it really doesn't matter.


Get over it. I can play the game the way I want, even if the developers designed it in whatever way they made it to be played. Stop moaning for once, go outside, get some fresh air or something.


Thanks have a nice day.


Well that was very aggressive of you...

I aknowledged that you can play the game however you want. I just said that it is silly of the OP to demand that Bioware change the way the game is designed because he plays it differently from how it was designed to be played.

The only reason i "questioned you about it" was because your post seemed to conflict with what you had said earlier, but you cleared that up.


You seem to take things very personally when i discuss things with you.

I only intended to understand more clearly what you were saying, and you did explain it more clearly to me after a while.


This rage you show now tho, seems to stem more from me saying that the OP is wrong in demanding that Bioware change the game to fit his playstyle than from me discussing this with you.

Or maby you got upset because i suggested that you could have skipped (as in not played at all) all the class story content and actally played it in your own time once you reached lvl 55. And if that is the case, then i really dont know why you are getting so upset with me for pointing that out.


Also, its a bit rude to tell me to "Stop moaning for once, go outside, get some fresh air or something." when you, yourself, is here moaning :/

(Furthermore, i am at work so i cant leave the shop until i close it tonight)

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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.




First: I LOVE the stories and dialogues and it's about time a game stopped ignoring PvE'rs because of whining PvP'rs. (Not saying that PvP'rs don't deserve some love because they do but posts like the OP's above are the stereotypical PvE hate I'm sick of that occurs in every MMO I've ever played.)


Second: I listen to every dialogue and find the stories engrossing and fun. Who here has ever played through the Imperial Agent storyline and not had a fantastic time?! I'm guessing not many unless they just space-bar'd through everything by knee-jerk reaction like many (not all) PvP'rs do and demand us PvE'rs to do as well when we happen to be grouped up in a FP (something I will not do simply because someone demands it of me as though their wishes were the be-all-end-all.)


Ignore this OP's whining, Bioware. The story IS the meat and potatoes of this game and you've done an fantastic job on most of them...better than any MMO I've played to date. I will say, in fairness, that the PvP'rs do need a little attention here. It's never fun to be totally ignored as though you are the bastard child in an MMO. Beleive me, us PvE're know that all too well from countless other games which cater to PvP and/or hard core raiders only.

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