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BH vs assassin


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If you have Power Surge, Thermal Sensor Override and Electro Net up and are quick with your Stealth Scan you can get him. It'll be tough though. If he has Resilience up he can block HSM and the damage from E Net. Deflection will give a 50% chance to miss your Rail Shot, unless it's a crit. If you can get Chaff flare off to block Breach/Discharge that would be very helpful.


Whoever opens is going to have an advantage. If they get you from stealth that would be very bad. You should try to avoid that as best you can. They are also a melee class with a 15m interrupt with their set bonus on an 8 second CD. They also have Low Slash, KB and stun to use to interrupt you. Low Slash also procs their backstab and gives them time to to cast Mind Crush on you.


Really your best bet is keeping him more than 10m away from you. Start with E net if you can get them from a distance, then knock them back (preferably off of something), use your (for some reason melee range) root liberally. Watch out for Resilence so you don't waste HSM, you may have to take your chances with Deflection as it lasts 12 secs, if you can't start with E Net put on him to keep him from vanishing and getting Force Potency back (leaving combat lowers it's 1:15 CD w/ set bonus by 1:00) assuming he opened on you with it the 2nd time will probably kill you (especially if he had another Project crit in between). Try as best you can to stay above 30% because he will stun and you will die if he specced into Nerve Wracking and Judgement (extra 12% damage)

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