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Returning Player Looking to Join a Adult Guild


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*Edit* Just noticed I put this in the wrong forum. Moved it to the Guild Recruitment section. Sorry for the duplication.



Hello and thank you for taking time to read my post!


I am a returning founding player and I am looking to join a relatively small active ADULT guild. I have been away from the game for a little over a year and I would like to get back into the game now that time permits me to do so.


A little information on me. I work as a professional Firefighter so I have a lot of spare time to play. I had 2 level 50 Imp toons but have since deleted them and re rolled on the Republic side hoping that the atmosphere on this side would be a little more mature in nature. I plan to play only on the Republic side from this point forward. I have played MMO's since WOW started and switched to LOTRO and was a Guild leader and then switched Guilds and became an officer in a high level raiding guild (though I have no desire to be a leader / officer anymore). As of right now I have 2 toons on this server. I have a 29 Jedi Shadow that I use strictly to PVP with although I am not against tanking. And I have a level 20 Jedi Sage that I purely play PVE. I have always played a healer in every MMO that I have ever played and enjoy the "stress" of the class.


What I am looking for in a guild:


1. No elite-st *** holes. I play the game for fun. I play the game for enjoying others company and helping out any way that I can.


2. A guild that does not take itself too seriously. I already have a job. I don't want another one.

I want to Raid but not at the expense of having fun. If we wipe we wipe. No big deal. I love learning the mechanics of the fight and if dying is part of the process then so be it.


3. A guild that is comprised mainly of Mature Adults! This is a must for me. I tend to have colorful language every once in a while and I enjoy just bull******** and playing the game. After all that is what we all are here for anyway.


4. A guild that is active in Vent. I hate typing all the time and would rather log into vent and actually have a conversation with someone and get to know them.


That's it.... Short and sweet.


I would rather be honest here in the forums so you will know what kind of player I am. I am seeking the knowledge of players that know much more about the game than I do and are able to assist me with becoming a better player and guild member. I would much rather "pass" on a item in a run that another guild mate could use than to ninja it for my own personal gain.


If I sound like the type of person that would fit in your guild please feel free to PM me, leave a reply here, or send me a tell in game.



Bullex (Main) 20 Sage

Sarrett Lvl 29 Shadow



Thanks in advance and I look forward to seeing you all in the game!



Edited by Bullex
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Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


SWTOR forums Link


Guild Website



Thank you for the reply! I am in the process of choosing a guild and will definitely give yours a look.



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