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The Belgoth's Beacon War, a weekly world pvp event...


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The Belgoth's Beacon War, a weekly world pvp event...




"The neutral ship's window displayed one of the twenty wonders of the galaxy. In the 20,000 years it took to map the galaxy's hyperspace routes, it was the one navigational beacon more famed than any other.


In the room, no one noticed the grand sight. Nor did anyone notice the two fleets menacing each other without firing. They only glared politely at one another.


The Republic and Imperial Ambassadors stood on opposing sides of the table, barely containing the hidden urge to pounce each other. They hostilely spoke of the treaty and the fragile peace.


It was all a lie, a carefully crafted play that both sides engaged in. Everyone at the table secretly knew it. They knew it before they had even agreed to meet at the site of Belgoth's Beacon.


Both sides were rapidly preparing for war. Each was using their most trusted diplomats to buy critical time they needed to arrange and grow their forces.


Bloodshed, beyond anything known before, was just on the horizon. The only real question was who would attack first..."


You may have already seen a few zones that would be great to fight in. Epic pvp zones will be tragically underutilized. Sadly, that is normal in most MMOs. So, why not do something outside of the normal?


This is an appeal to Republic and Imperial guilds. It takes both sides to make long term world pvp, after all.


Who among you would like to do something epic? Who would like to see this game take off to its full potential? What guilds would like a chance to really shine?


As of this posting, this is game launch. Most guilds will be grinding and equipping for months. That isn't a problem.


The weekly world pvp event proposed is simple. When the server is ready, the community picks a day and time. Afterwards, we launch the war.


On odd numbered weeks, the hosting Imperial guild chooses the event location. On even numbered weeks, it's the hosting Republic guild's turn.


We then blow the snot out of each other for the sheer fun of it. It's an hour or two of pure, epic pvp mayhem.


If needed, HAUNT is willing to provide team coms. That is for people on both sides. After all, many guilds aren't always comfortable sharing their coms with other teams or their adversaries.


HAUNT is also willing to help the hosting guilds with PR work and videos. As an example, here's a few videos of one of the wars we helped co-host just earlier this year (DCUO):









If you are interested, please sign up on in this thread. Also, thanks to the Republic player SWTORO, Belgoth's Beacon already has its own server forum: http://www.belgothsbeacon.com/forum/index.php


Please take the time to register on BB's server forum and post on its main war thread: http://www.belgothsbeacon.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14&p=20#p20


(If your guild is recruiting you might wish to set up a recruitment thread there as well.)


Once the event starts, we plan on posting videos and PR shots on SWTORO's site.


If the community agrees, we are looking to kick things off around February. Hopefully, that's enough time for most people to grind to 50.


We can delay if the community needs more time. It is really up to the guilds interested.


The only true limitations are your imaginations and ability to work together as a pvp community. I know it is possible.


After all, we've been helping pvp communities do so since 2003. We'd love to do so here as well.


We are HAUNT. We are here to help...


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This sounds awesome. I'm sure many members of my guild, Keine Neuen, would like to participate. I will talk with them. Many of us like the pvp aspects of mmo's. Actually, we are already having a little fun with world pvp. We are a well established guild from WoW, and about half of us went Republic here, and the other half created a Sith guild on this server as well, named Keine Licht. We have fun hunting each other down for giggles. If not the whole guild, I know several members who would love to participate, myself included. My toon's name is also Solodrow, level 19 Jedi Shadow.
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On the positive for red side, we've made contact and have some interest from Force Effect. That's a Republic guild already set at 350+ members.



We still need a few more guilds on both sides. We should have solid weekly numbers when the time comes.




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The Company will be there. Get ahold of me here or ingame, Wikked, if you need to talk.


Since you are blue side, I'll get Exadon of Force effect to get in touch with you first. Blue Side / Red Side pre-planning starts Jan 14th at 7pm EST on the Force Effect ts (see the BB boards for details).


We hope to see you all there. Maybe we can get Ilum shaking early too as a daily thing. Looks like that one is getting patched up soon.





Edited by Laylyn
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