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What am I doing wrong?


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Here is a parse from my raid this morning and for some reason my numbers have dropped significantly across the board. I haven't changed anything gear wise but I was trying to incorporate some of the things I've read on forums in Carnage in particular. I'm just lost because previously I was parsing over 2400 on most fights without breaking a sweat now I can't seem to get anywhere near that. Here is the parse, any input would be greatly appreciated!


This is S&V 8m SM. The only other big thing to note is that on Dash, a rdps pulled threat the boss moved to the otherside of me then punted me out into the sand where I got stuck and could not move. That's how I died on that fight.



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As a carnage marauder, if you ever have to stop hitting the boss, its going to lower your dps and total dmg done by a margin. Also, if you stop hitting the boss, then get stunned, then dont have force charge up to get back in there immediately, its going to drop even more lol. Biggest thing to consider for carnage marauder is time on target, and apm (actions per minute). If you aren't always forcing a global, your dps is going to drop vastly. A bane of the Carnage marauders existence is tanks that cannot hold threat. Maybe have your tank do some research on the subject and try to parse again when he has that on lockdown (dps should almost never pull off the tank, if hes decently geared close to you and knows his way around the fight, MAYBE once in the very beginning depending on what the first thing you do is).


Just keep working at it, trying to fit as many force screams, vicious throws, and alacrity boosted (berserk) ravages into gore windows, and you will be fine. Just keep practicing man you will get it!!!! Also, kind of take a mental note every now and then about what is going to happen next and prepare for it if you have to move, like get ready to tab target and force charge, etc. Use predation at key moments (there is a very good one on titan 6 before he moves to his third spot) that will help you and your raid get there faster (because on this move it is likely you will have people stacked on furthest away rocks from where he is dropping) and in turn brings the adds back there quicker, and in turn, ups your groups total dps.


For anni its a diff story, I dont play much of the spec honestly, you'd have to get someone else to break that down for you! I am aware they are both viable on most fights in sv, and maybe it would suit your playstyle better if you ever get bored w/ carnage.

Edited by unclefortyoz
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As a carnage marauder, if you ever have to stop hitting the boss, its going to lower your dps and total dmg done by a margin. Also, if you stop hitting the boss, then get stunned, then dont have force charge up to get back in there immediately, its going to drop even more lol. Biggest thing to consider for carnage marauder is time on target, and apm (actions per minute). If you aren't always forcing a global, your dps is going to drop vastly. A bane of the Carnage marauders existence is tanks that cannot hold threat. Maybe have your tank do some research on the subject and try to parse again when he has that on lockdown (dps should almost never pull off the tank, if hes decently geared close to you and knows his way around the fight, MAYBE once in the very beginning depending on what the first thing you do is).


Just keep working at it, trying to fit as many force screams, vicious throws, and alacrity boosted (berserk) ravages into gore windows, and you will be fine. Just keep practicing man you will get it!!!! Also, kind of take a mental note every now and then about what is going to happen next and prepare for it if you have to move, like get ready to tab target and force charge, etc. Use predation at key moments (there is a very good one on titan 6 before he moves to his third spot) that will help you and your raid get there faster (because on this move it is likely you will have people stacked on furthest away rocks from where he is dropping) and in turn brings the adds back there quicker, and in turn, ups your groups total dps.


For anni its a diff story, I dont play much of the spec honestly, you'd have to get someone else to break that down for you! I am aware they are both viable on most fights in sv, and maybe it would suit your playstyle better if you ever get bored w/ carnage.


Thanks for the input! My anni dps is actually pretty solid its just my Carnage DPS that dropped recently and I couldn't figure out why. I decided to waste some time and go through the log to figure out what I ddi during gore windows only to find out that I didn't fully utilize 11 of 13 of them. I was either hitting assault or battering assault, not leading off properly, not FSing with Execute, pretty much everything that I shouldn't have done I did. I spent about an hour just sitting on the dummy on fleet working on better using the gore windows and given the proccy nature of carnage the chances of hitting every single one in a 20 minute on dummy period is low but I hit 18 of 20 which is a vast improvement. After that I did an actual parse and found my dps had gone back up by about 200 so it seems what I was doing wrong was not using Gore windows properly.

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Glad I was able to help dude! Enjoy the dps! Also, the best judge of dps on a target dummy is a 5 min parse, 1 bloodthirst, use your relic, and stim up w/ all buffs, and pop an adrenal during it too. This should pretty accurately describe your dps in ops, aside from not having the armor debuff from mercs/jugs up and ignoring cloak of pain dmg/extra rage from taking dmg. Thats how most people parse on the dummy anyways. 20 min dummy parse is a bit epic for my taste lol.
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Glad I was able to help dude! Enjoy the dps! Also, the best judge of dps on a target dummy is a 5 min parse, 1 bloodthirst, use your relic, and stim up w/ all buffs, and pop an adrenal during it too. This should pretty accurately describe your dps in ops, aside from not having the armor debuff from mercs/jugs up and ignoring cloak of pain dmg/extra rage from taking dmg. Thats how most people parse on the dummy anyways. 20 min dummy parse is a bit epic for my taste lol.


Oh haha should have been a bit more specific, the 20 minutes was me just executing the priorities over and over just to hammer it into my head. I did the actual real 5 min parse after though I typically do 2 bloodthirts just because we run with 2 maras and on most fights I go in and pop it at the start and then do a 2nd after the other maras run out at the end.

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what's the gear you using?

all def mods ? initiative ench ?

how much crit ? and what implants


All 72 mods/enhancements, hilts and armoring need to be switch led but haven't due to set bonus atm (head, belt, bracers and boots all have 72 armoring) All deft mods and then surge/power or accuracy/power for enhancements. All 66 might augged. My gear is set up for Anni so my accuracy is stupidly high in carnage (103.93%) but I consider carnage to,be my OS so I don't gear for it. I'm using one accuracy/power implant and one surge/power. Raid buffed I sit about 19% crit but I have 0 rating.

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