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What's with all the ganking??


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Last week, I stumbled across a level 30 on Tattoine and he foolishly fired a shot at me (I'm level 55, completely PVP geared and augmented). I emote /lol'd and squashed him in half a second. Then I popped stealth. He rezzed and I squashed him again. I popped my Party Jawa and danced on his corpse and /lol'd. After a minute of this, I ran away..popped stealth...and went back. He rezzed and I repeated the process. After 5 minutes of this, I left the area to continue on. As I was on my way, I saw him again (apparently, he rezzed at Med center and was heading back to doing whatever he was doing). He saw me and tried to hide behind a wall. I found him, killed him, /lol'd and went on my merry little way.


That night, on a toon of the opposite faction, I joined a guild. That guy I had a gank party with was there and recognized my legacy name. Talk about awkward. :p

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Last week, I stumbled across a level 30 on Tattoine and he foolishly fired a shot at me (I'm level 55, completely PVP geared and augmented). I emote /lol'd and squashed him in half a second. Then I popped stealth. He rezzed and I squashed him again. I popped my Party Jawa and danced on his corpse and /lol'd. After a minute of this, I ran away..popped stealth...and went back. He rezzed and I repeated the process. After 5 minutes of this, I left the area to continue on. As I was on my way, I saw him again (apparently, he rezzed at Med center and was heading back to doing whatever he was doing). He saw me and tried to hide behind a wall. I found him, killed him, /lol'd and went on my merry little way.

That you would bother to do all that tells us all we need to know about your maturity level. One time because he was dopey enough to take a shot at you? OK, I get that.


If I had ever forgotten why I don't PvP, your post would have been a solid reminder.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I refuse to play on PvP servers anymore. I keep trying it in every new MMO I try, and end up giving up...usually about half way to max level. That is when the ganking and camping gets way out of hand. I just don't understand the fun of killing level 20-30 at level 50-55...just seems so boring...especially camping. I sat there with a book watching my corpse get danced on by a level 50 while reading, waiting for him to leave so I could play....3 hours of reading my book, the guy never left...I figured he went afk so tried raising a few times only to immediately die as soon as my temporary invis wore off. That was the last that character got played...he was logged off dead and as far as I know that level 50 is still standing there waiting for me to come back.
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I refuse to play on PvP servers anymore. I keep trying it in every new MMO I try, and end up giving up...usually about half way to max level. That is when the ganking and camping gets way out of hand. I just don't understand the fun of killing level 20-30 at level 50-55...just seems so boring...especially camping. I sat there with a book watching my corpse get danced on by a level 50 while reading, waiting for him to leave so I could play....3 hours of reading my book, the guy never left...I figured he went afk so tried raising a few times only to immediately die as soon as my temporary invis wore off. That was the last that character got played...he was logged off dead and as far as I know that level 50 is still standing there waiting for me to come back.

Seriously and literally 3 hours?

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Seriously and literally 3 hours?


Yes, seriously, and yes, literally 3 hours...actual time was ganking starting at 10:37 am and I logged off with him still camping me at 1:43 pm. So literally a little over 3 hours. I wrote it down as a reminder to Never, Ever roll on a PvP server on any game, ever again. Right next to my note warning me about going back to FFXI...what a waste of time that game was...LFG for hours to log off without doing a single thing.

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WoW has server transfers yes, but unless it changed recently, you can't xfer from a pve server to a pvp server.

IF you want a 90 on a pvp server, you gotta level the toon. Add in cross-server warzones, arenas, rated, I think it would be hard to know if your server was fading.


Here in SWToR, ya don't.


Carebears... exactly my point. They should have rolled pve in the first place, and now they have an out. Choice of when to pvp is better than being victim to some bored 55 ganker. Being ganked, or being the ganker, doesn't make a player better at pvp. Sorry, that's myth. Actual pvp, when it matters what buttons are pushed, makes a better pvp player. Actual PVP happens on PVE servers too.

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I got jumped & camped by 3 imp guys. I now do the same to every imp I see, hoping they'll quit the game.


Did it ever occur to you, while you were being camped to:


1) Do a Warzone

2) Do a Flashpoint for a while

3) Simply log out for 10 minutes

4) Recall and go elsewhere to quest


all 4 things will, almost 100% of the time, result in the ceasing of being ganked. This doesn't include actually asking for help (which sometimes won't work)


Bottom line is anyone who continues getting corpse camped in lowbie areas allows themselves to be camped.

Bottom line #2: 55's who camp lowbie areas are gutless cowards - however they are allowed to be so. Learn to deal.

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Yes, seriously, and yes, literally 3 hours...actual time was ganking starting at 10:37 am and I logged off with him still camping me at 1:43 pm. So literally a little over 3 hours. I wrote it down as a reminder to Never, Ever roll on a PvP server on any game, ever again. Right next to my note warning me about going back to FFXI...what a waste of time that game was...LFG for hours to log off without doing a single thing.


this is against the terms of use btw report them

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PVP. Player vs. Player.


Was that 55 controlled by a person? That's a player.


Is your 30 controlled by you? That's a player.




You are advocating 5 guys with bats physically beating you to near death then, as long as they are players.

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I wonder how many people know you can just switch instances and continue playing normally with less people around.

I don't approve of this though, I think it's cheap just..too easy to get away from players, good and bad..it just splits up a game that already has barley any players as it is, I've never seen more than 190 people in any given area, even the fleet, at least on harbinger (w.e. its called)

But it can be done very quickly if that's your concern

and I'll admit is it nice when you have 4 people in one area killing mobs and you want the bonus enemies without waiting too long and/or screwing up your routine area quest clearing.

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How can it be considered 'playing' if the person getting ganked, doesn't even have a chance? Playing involves an action and a response. You move this checker, I move that checker...with ganking, you just eliminated the other guy's checkers, and cut off his side of the board. You can't even respond. That's not playing lol.



And don't presume to know me. If you knew me, and knew me in real life, you'd know, I prefer to call a spade, a spade. I'm very direct. Almost to the extreme sometimes.


Actually person getting ganked does have a chance. Now that requires that they are social in an MMO..OMG BLASHPHEY right? basicly you have your friends that are 55 come in and return the favor. Cant cuz your antisocial? well so is your ganker, make a new friend.

Other solution (ingame not out of ingame pvp like switching characters and that) is to ask in general for help...maybe there is afew PvP'er just hanging out waiting to counter gank. (i used to do it all the time with my rogue and DK buddy back in WoW, some of the best world PvP ive had is coming in and counter ganking)


I wonder how many people know you can just switch instances and continue playing normally with less people around.

I don't approve of this though, I think it's cheap just..too easy to get away from players, good and bad..it just splits up a game that already has barley any players as it is, I've never seen more than 190 people in any given area, even the fleet, at least on harbinger (w.e. its called)

But it can be done very quickly if that's your concern

and I'll admit is it nice when you have 4 people in one area killing mobs and you want the bonus enemies without waiting too long and/or screwing up your routine area quest clearing.

^^ that right there people is the best way to spoil their fun...and if there is only 1 instance, see previous solutions are just trade up characters for abit.

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Actually person getting ganked does have a chance. Now that requires that they are social in an MMO..OMG BLASHPHEY right? basicly you have your friends that are 55 come in and return the favor. Cant cuz your antisocial? well so is your ganker, make a new friend.

Other solution (ingame not out of ingame pvp like switching characters and that) is to ask in general for help...maybe there is afew PvP'er just hanging out waiting to counter gank. (i used to do it all the time with my rogue and DK buddy back in WoW, some of the best world PvP ive had is coming in and counter ganking)



^^ that right there people is the best way to spoil their fun...and if there is only 1 instance, see previous solutions are just trade up characters for abit.


Haha exactly. I don't mind gank attempts at all, the added danger element makes leveling less boring.


Sometimes I win, sometimes lose. If they camp, I hop on my 55 and call some friends. Epic wpvp battles have started out as simple ganking attempts.

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It is happening on pve servers as well. I was helping a friend last night on a couple quests and there was a mob of sand people on tatooine, the imp blended into them and when he got hit by fire he ganked both of us. He was still ganking my friend when I arrived with my 55 shadow and buried him properly. Killing people 20 levels below you is really cool people. When an equal level opponent arrived, he got his *** handed to him. No last name, no legacy, no guild. Just another FTP idiot.
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I was ganked 3 or 4 times by the same Assasin dude a couple days ago in Outlaws Den. Decently geared 55 Sentinel, I am, but I don't pvp so I was getting my rear handed to me...lol! I actually didn't mind it as I RP a lot and just worked it into my imaginary story line.


note to self - get better at pvp

Edited by Slightrider
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When an equal level opponent arrived, he got his *** handed to him. No last name, no legacy, no guild. Just another FTP idiot.

Research has yet to prove any correlation between File Transfer Protocol and idiocy

Nor F2P for that matter. I can assure you there have been idiots long before F2P, and they will be around for years to come.

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I found interesting ways of annoying imp players; Heal the republic friendly npc's in section x - A total of 9 imps died while I had my fun doing that just in an hour. I'll be doing this daily as part of my routine to get more imp players to quit the game, or switch sides. Your call.




I also took on 2 imps at a time and whooped their butts, then proceeded to camping them. I heard reports of people leaving their guild because of that hahahaha.


Blame your fellow imp players for fueling my rage.

Edited by BounceDK
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