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Yet Another Bolster Bug...Is It Time To Scrap The System Yet?


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Switch offhands and lose ~200 force/tech bonus damage. Noticed this when switching shield out for generator. Tested this on several classes, same deal for all.


-Switching back the original piece doesn't restore the bonus damage.


-Unequipping and requipping the same offhand also causes you to lose ~200 force/tech bonus damage.


So....3 and a half, almost 4 months of buggy pvp thanks to this flagrantly broken system. =\

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So you want to scrap a systematic for a bug that effects only a handful of few people, minor and trivial at most, and screw the insurmounatbly more numerous people benefitting from it?


Good logic.


No, I want the system scrapped because of the following reasons:


1. There has not been a single week of bug free pvp since 2.0 launched

2. PVP Gear progression, a key element to pvp, have been removed from the game.

3. People have unsubbed due to bolster bugs, bolster killing gear progression, etc. (lots of threads on this on the forums, some friends of mine have unsubbed specifically due to bolster)

4. For the people who pvp casually, the bolster system doesn't give them an instant win, which they think it will, so when they lose, they stop pvping.

5. For the people who pvp a lot , the bolster system punishes them, since the pvp gear is inferior(at worst)/equal (at best) to pve gear in warzones/on ilum, and there's nothing else to spend comms on.

6. Bolster lulls people into a false sense of security thinking that they will be competitive regardless of gear, when in reality, bugs like the one addressed in this thread, every bug previously, and the intended functioning of bolster, all put people at a bigger disadvantage than simply keeping things simple with a set of moddable recruit pvp gear

7. Bolster does a better job of keeping people unequal than making them equal, i.e., using old pvp relics, old pvp gear, mixing pvp+pve mods, stuff MOST people aren't aware of... examine everyone when you enter a warzone and 9/10 times, there will be people with less than 2k expertise, those people are putting the team at a disadvantage through no fault of their own, but because of bolster. Pretty much: Hey guys, gear doesn't matter anymore, wear whatever you want and be competitive!*


Scrapping the system would:


1. Remove all gear related glitches/bugs/exploits/etc.

2. Give pvpers a reason to keep grinding gear.

3. Get players who unsubbed due to bolster to come back (more money for bioware)

4. Keep pvers pvping casually as they do now

5. pvpers would know that pvp gear IS better than pve gear, in EVERY case (I mean, that's why they increased the expertise cap to 2k, right? to make pvp gear better?.....well, doesn't really work if bolster is in place....unless you're purely gearing up in pvp gear to gank people in open world...except ilum, which also has the same wz bolster)


The important point there is 4, PVE players are not going to unsub en masse by removing bolster, neither will regular PVP players nor casual PVP players.


Bottom line for bioware is 3, more money.


Thus, there is really NOTHING for bioware to lose by scrapping the system. There is, however, A Lot for bioware (and thus the players) to lose by keeping it in place, bug laden, causing people to unsub.



It's here to stay!


Yeah, we'll see about that.

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No, I want the system scrapped because of the following reasons:


1. There has not been a single week of bug free pvp since 2.0 launched

2. PVP Gear progression, a key element to pvp, have been removed from the game.

3. People have unsubbed due to bolster bugs, bolster killing gear progression, etc. (lots of threads on this on the forums, some friends of mine have unsubbed specifically due to bolster)

4. For the people who pvp casually, the bolster system doesn't give them an instant win, which they think it will, so when they lose, they stop pvping.

5. For the people who pvp a lot , the bolster system punishes them, since the pvp gear is inferior(at worst)/equal (at best) to pve gear in warzones/on ilum, and there's nothing else to spend comms on.

6. Bolster lulls people into a false sense of security thinking that they will be competitive regardless of gear, when in reality, bugs like the one addressed in this thread, every bug previously, and the intended functioning of bolster, all put people at a bigger disadvantage than simply keeping things simple with a set of moddable recruit pvp gear

7. Bolster does a better job of keeping people unequal than making them equal, i.e., using old pvp relics, old pvp gear, mixing pvp+pve mods, stuff MOST people aren't aware of... examine everyone when you enter a warzone and 9/10 times, there will be people with less than 2k expertise, those people are putting the team at a disadvantage through no fault of their own, but because of bolster. Pretty much: Hey guys, gear doesn't matter anymore, wear whatever you want and be competitive!*


1. Although they could do better at fixing bugs, there are bugs in every MMO games. Devs are not perfect.

2. Wrong, Min/max conqueror gear (followed by min/max partisan gear) is BIS for PVP. You HAVE to grind comms for that.

3. People unsub for many reasons. You can't satisfy everybody because lots of people love to ***** about anything and everything (the pvp forums is a perfect example of that).

4. No

5. See point #2

6. Are you.... repeating yourself here?

7. They could've explained the bolster system better via an in-game quest for example since not everybody read forums. However, that's not a reason to remove the bolster.

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No, I want the system scrapped because of the following reasons:


1. There has not been a single week of bug free pvp since 2.0 launched

2. PVP Gear progression, a key element to pvp, have been removed from the game.

3. People have unsubbed due to bolster bugs, bolster killing gear progression, etc. (lots of threads on this on the forums, some friends of mine have unsubbed specifically due to bolster)

4. For the people who pvp casually, the bolster system doesn't give them an instant win, which they think it will, so when they lose, they stop pvping.

5. For the people who pvp a lot , the bolster system punishes them, since the pvp gear is inferior(at worst)/equal (at best) to pve gear in warzones/on ilum, and there's nothing else to spend comms on.

6. Bolster lulls people into a false sense of security thinking that they will be competitive regardless of gear, when in reality, bugs like the one addressed in this thread, every bug previously, and the intended functioning of bolster, all put people at a bigger disadvantage than simply keeping things simple with a set of moddable recruit pvp gear

7. Bolster does a better job of keeping people unequal than making them equal, i.e., using old pvp relics, old pvp gear, mixing pvp+pve mods, stuff MOST people aren't aware of... examine everyone when you enter a warzone and 9/10 times, there will be people with less than 2k expertise, those people are putting the team at a disadvantage through no fault of their own, but because of bolster. Pretty much: Hey guys, gear doesn't matter anymore, wear whatever you want and be competitive!*


Scrapping the system would:


1. Remove all gear related glitches/bugs/exploits/etc.

2. Give pvpers a reason to keep grinding gear.

3. Get players who unsubbed due to bolster to come back (more money for bioware)

4. Keep pvers pvping casually as they do now

5. pvpers would know that pvp gear IS better than pve gear, in EVERY case (I mean, that's why they increased the expertise cap to 2k, right? to make pvp gear better?.....well, doesn't really work if bolster is in place....unless you're purely gearing up in pvp gear to gank people in open world...except ilum, which also has the same wz bolster)


The important point there is 4, PVE players are not going to unsub en masse by removing bolster, neither will regular PVP players nor casual PVP players.


Bottom line for bioware is 3, more money.


Thus, there is really NOTHING for bioware to lose by scrapping the system. There is, however, A Lot for bioware (and thus the players) to lose by keeping it in place, bug laden, causing people to unsub.





Yeah, we'll see about that.


Pvers who casually pvp would stop pvping because they would get facerolled instantly when they enter a warzone. Bolster is a great idea in theory but it was implemented terribly. Being able to go in to a warzone with greens that you get from leveling and still being able to be competitive with people in full pvp gear is actually quite nice (obviously the min maxed conqueror player is at a huge advantage but the person in greens wont get hit for over 20k...). I played on a private server on WoW a few weeks ago that was at WotLK (so essentially where there is no bolster) and I had just hit level 80 (max level) and I literally could get 2 shot by a person in full pvp gear because I just hit max level and had no pvp gear as of yet (actually i had a little but it really made no difference). That was a terrible pvp experience and it made me appreciate the idea of bolster quite a lot. Bioware will get just as much QQ from the people who just hit 55 and get 2 shotted as they will from the people who complain about bolster.


Now I did just defend the idea of bolster but I do have to say that the idea is terribly implemented. Personally I think the idea of recruit gear was great. They just needed to make it stronger. Trying to make pvp "noobproof" was a bad idea (as we have seen with the multitude of bugs with bolster...). They should just put recruit gear back in the game and make it stronger. (excuse me if I sound harsh in this next part) If someone is too stupid to put on the FREE recruit gear that you get when you go to the pvp terminal (which is where you have to go to get the pvp quests) then they deserve to get 2 shot in every warzone they go in to. A good way to fix that at the level 55 bracket would be to give recruit gear like they did before and unless you have a minimum expertise level (which would be the level that the recruit gear would give) you CANNOT queue for warzones. This makes it noob proof and avoids stupid bugs. If a player were to switch gear in the warzone and go below the minimum expertise level then they would have a certain amount of time (similar to the deserter time limit) to switch their gear or they would be kicked from the warzone.

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No thanks, I don't want to return to the days where new 50s who weren't wearing their recruit gear set would penalize all of his teammates. Devs struggle to fix bugs yet you suggest they scrap the bolster and implement another system that would insta-kick everyone not wearing at least the recruit set? Edited by Darkshadz
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No thanks, I don't want to return to the days where new 50s who weren't wearing their recruit gear set would penalize all of his teammates. Devs struggle to fix bugs yet you suggest they scrap the bolster and implement another system that would insta-kick everyone not wearing at least the recruit set?


I suppose they could also make it so that everyone has a set amount of stats unless they are wearing pvp gear. The set amount of stats would be lower that partisan. This system would look at each piece of gear and if it was not partisan or conqueror, then it would set your stats to a certain level for that piece of gear. For example, if each piece of partisan gear gave 70 endurance (I'm just making up numbers here for the sake of the example, these are not what the current stats are) conqueror gave 80 endurance, then any piece of gear that was not partisan or conqueror would give 60 endurance. Now you have 14 pieces of gear that you can equip. If you have no pvp gear then your endurance from your gear would be 60 * 14 (840 endurance). Lets say you have half partisan, then you would have 60 * 7 + 70 * 7 (910 endurance). If you have 3 pieces of conqueror, 8 pieces partisan and 3 pieces of non pvp gear then you would have (60 * 3) + (70 * 8) + (80 * 3) = 980 endurance. This system would probably prevent a lot of bugs that are currently in the game (at least in my opinion).


The point of the recruit gear idea that I mentioned was to make sure that there is a rather bug free minimum level of gear in warzones. The point of forcing you to wear that or better is to make sure that people don't go in with no pvp gear (in this case you would NOT have fresh 55s penalizing their teammates because they would be forced to have on recruit gear now where as before they were not). The point of kicking people who aren't at that level is that in order to be lower that this level, you would have had to queue for the warzone and then removed your pvp gear once you got in (remember you can't queue if you weren't at the proper gear level). This would mean that people would have to be trying to troll their teammates by making themselves super under geared so that they can throw the warzone by being of no use to the team (Sorry if that sounds confusing, essentially I'm trying to avoid having a player take off his gear and effectively make the warzone a 7 vs 8 because the guy who removed his gear would get 2 shot every time. Hopefully this makes sense). With this system, the old issues that you mentioned would be taken care of.


In short the recruit gear idea would essentially "noobproof" things like how Bioware wants. Maybe someone would get kicked from a warzone because they switched their pvp gear to pve gear but you would have like a minute to a minute and a half along with big red letters saying "PLEASE PUT ON YOUR PVP GEAR OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE WARZONE!" to realize that you need to put pvp gear back on. A complete idiot (sorry if that sounds offensive) could figure out that he needs to keep his pvp gear on. If the person can't figure that out after multiple times then I don't know how else to help them...

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@Cellperfect I will explain to you why recruit gear will never come back: because of PVE. You NEED vertical scaling in PVE. You could already skip normal flashpoints and do HM flashpoints (all of this by cliking a few buttons lol). Now imagine if they would boost the recruit gear stats.....


I'm not saying that your idea is bad but as of right now, people can enjoy PVP just fine. Most of the PVP streamers that I know are still streaming and doing ranked matches despite the bolster having bugs. If the Devs find your formula good and successfully apply it in-game, good. Otherwise, I don't see the need for them to do that since in general, the pvp is bearable. I would rather they fix that stupid **** that allows saboteur gunslingers to insta-gib people with their backflip. THAT is more game-breaking losing like 200 bonus damage because I removed my MH weapon. Why would I remove my weapon in a WZ anyway?

Edited by Darkshadz
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@Cellperfect I will explain to you why recruit gear will never come back: because of PVE. You NEED vertical scaling in PVE. You could already skip normal flashpoints and do HM flashpoints (all of this by cliking a few buttons lol). Now imagine if they would boost the recruit gear stats.....


So because Recruit PVP gear would be too powerful in pve, screw pvpers? The way it should work is make it so that a PVE bolster in flashpoints/ops only nerfs the pvp gear. That would have 0 impact on pve players and it wouldn't really have an impact on people who Only pvp, for the casual players who pve a little and pvp a little, then they'd grind 2 sets of gear for each.


I'm not saying that your idea is bad but as of right now, people can enjoy PVP just fine.


Lowbie pvp is great for xp, since it keeps you from having to do the same boring planet side quests over and over and over and over again. However, it's fun BECAUSE you get xp, you get SOMETHING from it at least, even if it's a loss. At 55, there's no reward at all for pvping, you don't need the pvp gear unless you're on a pvp server or unless you want to gank people in open world on a pve server.


The idea of Good Recruit gear would fix this and end this unending madness of bug after bug after bug.


1. Although they could do better at fixing bugs, there are bugs in every MMO games. Devs are not perfect.


The devs don't have to be perfect, nor am I expecting them to be perfect, but when a new system that they implement has bug after bug after bug after bug, 4 months later, they need to scrap it, throw together some basic recruit gear set, then send it out to people through mail when they hit 50. The main thing that will help is that they give the set of gear to FREE TO PLAY PLAYERS as well.


Before 2.0, free to play players had to spend 300k to get a set of recruit gear, considering their credit caps, wasn't going to happen. That's why you saw so many people "refusing" to wear their recruit gear in warzones. If they had their free gear, then they would have worn it. But since they weren't given it, weren't given the ability to submit tickets/post on the forums/etc., there was no way for them to voice their opinions on it.


Ultimately, that's likely the real motivation behind bolster, they limit f2p players to a handful of warzones per week, most of which will be losses after being stomped by premades, giving them maybe a few hundred comms, so it would take like a month to buy a single piece of gear. So how do we fix this? Add bolster, which screws subscribers who pvp, but helps F2P players cause now they don't need pvp gear at all.


GOOD recruit gear for ALL players, including Free To Play players, once they hit 50, is the best solution here.


I would rather they fix that stupid **** that allows saboteur gunslingers to insta-gib people with their backflip. THAT is more game-breaking losing like 200 bonus damage because I removed my MH weapon. Why would I remove my weapon anyway?


Yeah, that sniper bug obviously needs to be fixed, but guessing it's not very widespread. As for removing the Offhand at the start of a match, I finished tanking a flashpoint, queued up for pvp, swiched to dps spec, put my focus on and watched my bonus damage drop by 200. I did a double take, put the shield back on, and it stayed -200 damage. So for the rest of that match, my damage was nerfed by 200, because Bolster is a terrible system laden with bugs. Taking off my mainhand, then reequiping it, then reequipping my offhand didn't occur to me (haven't even tested it, so not sure if that actually restores the damage or not), but then, I also didn't see how replacing a shield with a focus would nerf my damage by 200 in the first place either.


Bottom line: bolster makes it very hard to enjoy pvp because crap like this keeps popping up. It's frustrating because it DOESN'T have to be this way, but the devs, for whatever reason (even if it's just stubbornness/refusal to admit their system is broken) refuse to scrap the system, so the rest of us suffer.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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So because Recruit PVP gear would be too powerful in pve, screw pvpers? The way it should work is make it so that a PVE bolster in flashpoints/ops only nerfs the pvp gear. That would have 0 impact on pve players and it wouldn't really have an impact on people who Only pvp, for the casual players who pve a little and pvp a little, then they'd grind 2 sets of gear for each.


Wait, you complain about bugs in the current bolster in PVP YET your idea would be that they put a bolster system for PVE instead? But it doesn't matter since PVErs can go screw themselves right? You are a sad and self-centered little man. Also, do you understand what vertical scaling is? You don't need the bolster in PVE.


Lowbie pvp is great for xp, since it keeps you from having to do the same boring planet side quests over and over and over and over again. However, it's fun BECAUSE you get xp, you get SOMETHING from it at least, even if it's a loss. At 55, there's no reward at all for pvping, you don't need the pvp gear unless you're on a pvp server or unless you want to gank people in open world on a pve server.


The idea of Good Recruit gear would fix this and end this unending madness of bug after bug after bug.


You do want PVP gear in pvp at lvl 55. You may be competitive with green gears but anyone who's as good as you but wearing min/max partisan/conqueror gear will win against you. Bolster was implemented so those min/max players would not 3-shot green geared players and wipe half of their team with little effort. The recruit gear was BAD.


Yeah, that sniper bug obviously needs to be fixed, but guessing it's not very widespread. As for removing the*Offhandat the start of a match, I finished tanking a flashpoint, queued up for pvp, swiched to dps spec, put my focus on and watched my bonus damage drop by 200. I did a double take, put the shield back on, and it stayed -200 damage. So for the rest of that match, my damage was nerfed by 200, because Bolster is a terrible system laden with bugs. Taking off my mainhand, then reequiping it, then reequipping my offhand didn't occur to me (haven't even tested it, so not sure if that actually restores the damage or not), but then, I also didn't see how replacing a shield with a focus would nerf my damage by 200 in the first place either.


Remove as in "manually removing your off-hand" before equipping your focus? Did you post that in the appropriate forum with screenshots? This bug sucks but it's your job to properly report it too. They can't find every single bug in-game, wether you want it or not. It is not worth scrapping a good idea because of bugs.


Bottom line: bolster makes it very hard to enjoy pvp because crap like this keeps popping up. It's frustrating because it DOESN'T have to be this way, but the devs, for whatever reason (even if it's just stubbornness/refusal to admit their system is broken) refuse to scrap the system, so the rest of us suffer.


Your opinion but certainly not a fact. It's here to stay and if you don't like it, maybe it would be good for your health to just leave the game and take some fresh air or something. The only one suffering is you and some diehard bolster haters.


The devs don't have to be perfect, nor am I expecting them to be perfect, but when a new system that they implement has bug after bug after bug after bug, 4 months later, they need to scrap it, throw together some basic recruit gear set, then send it out to people through mail when they hit 50. The main thing that will help is that they give the set of gear to FREE TO PLAY PLAYERS as well.


Before 2.0, free to play players had to spend 300k to get a set of recruit gear, considering their credit caps, wasn't going to happen. That's why you saw so many people "refusing" to wear their recruit gear in warzones. If they had their free gear, then they would have worn it. But since they weren't given it, weren't given the ability to submit tickets/post on the forums/etc., there was no way for them to voice their opinions on it.


Ultimately, that's likely the real motivation behind bolster, they limit f2p players to a handful of warzones per week, most of which will be losses after being stomped by premades, giving them maybe a few hundred comms, so it would take like a month to buy a single piece of gear. So how do we fix this? Add bolster, which screws subscribers who pvp, but helps F2P players cause now they don't need pvp gear at all.


GOOD recruit gear for ALL players, including Free To Play players, once they hit 50, is the best solution here.


Bolster was implemented so skill and not gear would determine the outcome of WZs. This wasn't the case before 2.0. Of course if you are facing a very good group and they are wearing min/max pvp gear you'll lose but at least it would not be a slaughterhouse like before. I know I know there are matches where you are getting slaughtered left and right but that's because your teammates and/or you are bad. Their decision to implement the bolster had absolutely had nothing to do with F2P players. Last but not least, the recruit gear was bad.

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Wait, you complain about bugs in the current bolster in PVP YET your idea would be that they put a bolster system for PVE instead? But it doesn't matter since PVErs can go screw themselves right? You are a sad and self-centered little man. Also, do you understand what vertical scaling is? You don't need the bolster in PVE.


Please read what I said before you jump to conclusions and insult me. The PVE bolster would only nerf PVP gear, and it would ONLY exist if PVEers considered recruit gear to be too "op" for flashpoints/operations.


You do want PVP gear in pvp at lvl 55. You may be competitive with green gears but anyone who's as good as you but wearing min/max partisan/conqueror gear will win against you. Bolster was implemented so those min/max players would not 3-shot green geared players and wipe half of their team with little effort. The recruit gear was BAD.


So I take it you didn't see that other thread about how their latest "fix" fell short and crafted gear is still performing better?




I agree that recruit gear was bad, I'm not arguing to bring back gear with 800 expertise so people can get roflstomped by wearing it. I'd say GOOD recruit gear, moddable blues, slightly worse stats than partisan, would be perfect. That would give people the flexibility to swap out their mods as they progress through earning comms and it would allow them to customize their look by putting the blue 63 pvp mods into their own orange shells.


Remove as in "manually removing your off-hand" before equipping your focus? Did you post that in the appropriate forum with screenshots? This bug sucks but it's your job to properly report it too. They can't find every single bug in-game, wether you want it or not. It is not worth scrapping a good idea because of bugs.


I submitted a bug report in-game the second I caught it. I then posted here (an active forum), so that other people will be aware, submit similar tickets, and either get it fixed or a dev response or both. Bolster isn't a good idea, neither in its implementation nor its mere premise, it punishes people who ONLY want to pvp.


Your opinion but certainly not a fact. It's here to stay and if you don't like it, maybe it would be good for your health to just leave the game and take some fresh air or something. The only one suffering is you and some diehard bolster haters.


It's not just my opinion, many people on the forums, even more in-game, share this view.


And again, no need to try to personally attack me through some passive aggressive statement because you disagree with me, don't do it again, thnx.


It's also not a very good idea to encourage people to unsubscribe, you're just proving my point. People are fed up with a broken system/terrible experience, they unsubscribe, I plead with the devs to remove this fail system, so you come here, tell me that people unsubscribe for many reasons, then tell me myself to unsubscribe if I don't like the failsystem? :rolleyes:


Failsystem is fail. There's little else to say than that.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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Please read what I said before you jump to conclusions and insult me. The PVE bolster would only nerf*PVP*gear, and it would ONLY exist if PVEers considered recruit gear to be too "op" for flashpoints/operations.


Yup and then you would see those posts saying "hey guys by swapping this and this I get -7000 bonus damage fix this scrub devs"! Do you realize how much more difficult it would be for devs to fix those bugs and implement the bolster that you're proposing?


So I take it you didn't see that other thread about how their latest "fix" fell short and crafted gear is still performing better? I agree that recruit gear was bad, I'm not arguing to bring back gear with 800 expertise so people can get roflstomped by wearing it. I'd say GOOD recruit gear, moddable blues, slightly worse stats than partisan, would be perfect. That would give people the flexibility to swap out their mods as they progress through earning comms and it would allow them to customize their look by putting the blue 63 pvp mods into their own orange shells.


Yea I know about that but min/max partisan/conqueror is still BIS. I already mentioned why the recruit gear will not come back and I don't feel like repeating myself.


I submitted a bug report in-game the second I caught it. I then posted here (an active forum), so that other people will be aware, submit similar tickets, and either get it fixed or a dev response or both. Bolster isn't a good idea, neither in its implementation nor its mere premise, it punishes people who ONLY want to pvp.


Nothing wrong with posting here but this is not the customer service forums. Did you post it there as well? Devs do read the customer service forums.


It's not just my opinion, many people on the forums, even more in-game, share this view.*


Yea yea, "many" people are complaining about the bolster. I heard that one already :)


And again, no need to try to personally attack me through some passive aggressive statement because you disagree with me, don't do it again, thnx.*


I will express my view the way I want, as long as it doesn't break the forum rules, thanks. With your attitude, don't expect my sympathy.


It's also not a very good idea to encourage people to unsubscribe, you're just proving my point. People are fed up with a broken system/terrible experience, they unsubscribe, I plead with the devs to remove this fail system, so you come here, tell me that people unsubscribe for many reasons, then tell me myself to unsubscribe if I don't like the failsystem?*


Failsystem is fail. There's little else to say than that.


You have been crying over the bolster system for MONTHS. Don't think that I never read your posts :p So of course it would be a good idea for you to leave the game for a while and get some fresh air. I never told you to unsubscribe. I meant that you should just take a break. At worst they'll keep the bolster as it is and fix the bugs as they appear. At best, they'll find THE formula that will insta-fix all the bugs in one sweep. If they can hire a good programmer who knows the hero engine very well, we're in luck. But for now, as buggy as the bolster may be, it's one of the best features they implemented. Stop pretending you're some sort of martyr.

Edited by Darkshadz
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You have been crying over the bolster system for MONTHS. Don't think that I never read your posts :p


Ah, so you're a fan of Some Jagoff, good to know.


But for now, as buggy as the bolster may be, it's one of the best features they implemented.


I honestly do not know if you're being serious or not. The buggiest "feature" they've ever added to the game is one of the "best" features? :confused:

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Bring the recruit set back, remove bolster... and remove pvp forums from this site so the same topic isn't spammed for 3 months straight every 2 hours...pvp fixed.


Pretty much this. I'm sure the devs would love to close the pvp forums, that's for sure, then they'd never have to deal with the probs in-game, would definitely make their job easier.

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Ah, so you're a fan of Some Jagoff, good to know.


No need to be a fan of you when every single time there's a thread about the bolster, I see your name


I honestly do not know if you're being serious or not. The buggiest "feature" they've ever added to the game is one of the "best" features? :confused:




Of course I'm serious. As for you.... I don't know. I know for sure that Devs don't take you seriously :)

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I suppose they could also make it so that everyone has a set amount of stats unless they are wearing pvp gear. The set amount of stats would be lower that partisan. This system would look at each piece of gear and if it was not partisan or conqueror, then it would set your stats to a certain level for that piece of gear. For example, if each piece of partisan gear gave 70 endurance (I'm just making up numbers here for the sake of the example, these are not what the current stats are) conqueror gave 80 endurance, then any piece of gear that was not partisan or conqueror would give 60 endurance. Now you have 14 pieces of gear that you can equip. If you have no pvp gear then your endurance from your gear would be 60 * 14 (840 endurance). Lets say you have half partisan, then you would have 60 * 7 + 70 * 7 (910 endurance). If you have 3 pieces of conqueror, 8 pieces partisan and 3 pieces of non pvp gear then you would have (60 * 3) + (70 * 8) + (80 * 3) = 980 endurance. This system would probably prevent a lot of bugs that are currently in the game (at least in my opinion)...


This is definitely the best solution. The only counter argument is, how does the system know to give Dps or tank stats? Which is easily sorted by the system looking at which tree you spent the most points in. Spend most points on the tank tree get tank stats, simples.


If you then want to choose specific stats or hybrid up your play style, then you are choosing to take PVP seriously and need to get the proper gear.


This system would work perfectly for casuals. No PVP gear (determined by gear having expertise), then you get 90% of the lowest level of current PVP gears stats. That can't be abused by raid gearing.

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No need to be a fan of you when every single time there's a thread about the bolster, I see your name)


just a slight exaggeration. To be honest, I really don't know who you are, but I'm assuming you've likely challenged me and the majority of the people in every bolster thread and told them all that the system is great and is here to stay? :rolleyes:


Of course I'm serious.


Okay, then I hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the pvp community, as well as the vast majority of people who post here in the pvp forums are against bolster and it would be a far cry to suggest that a system this laced with bugs could be considered some type of crowning achievement.


When you have people unsubscribing due to a flawed system, the system either needs to be immediately fixed (which the devs haven't done, waiting weeks to patch some of the previous bugs/exploits) or outright scrapped.


To be clear, I wouldn't want them to just remove bolster for all the brackets or even 55 without first adding some set of free recruit gear for All players (including F2P), but once some thrown together generic set is made, definitely remove it from the 55 bracket.


As for you.... I don't know.


No, I'm completely serious. I've had several friends (who btw dropped way too much money into the cartel market than any reasonable person would have) unsubscribe due to this bolster fiasco. Some stuck it out the first month, others 2-3 month mark. Just had another friend unsubscribe last week. I'm hoping that if bioware scraps this system, those people who unsubbed will come back to the game.


That could Only mean more money for bioware, which whether they use that money to add pvp content every 6 months or simply invest it entirely in the cash shop, at least the game would survive. Angering your paying customers, ignoring their frustrations, stubbornly keeping broken systems in place, those are all going to be the death of this game.


I know for sure that Devs don't take you seriously :)


Ah you know for sure, are you a member of the development team? If not, then you probably shouldn't be speaking on their behalf. ;)


Sadly for them though, these bugs keep popping up virtually every week or two, which isn't portraying them in exactly the best light. =/


Back to the topic at hand, I verified this:


You can get the bonus damage back by unequipping your mainhand and reequipping it, then reequip the offhand with the original one you entered the WZ in.


Though, I think when I did it, I had to unequip the mainhand, unequip the offhand, reequip the offhand, then finally reequip the mainhand.


Yeah....one of the best features bioware ever added to the game.:D

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Whatever floats your boat, Somejagoff the "martyr". The last time I checked, the devs never ever hinted about scrapping the bolster system. Therefore, it's easy to assume that they don't take your complaints seriously. Was it poorly implemented? Yes. That doesn't mean the bolster is bad.


Buuuut you can still continue your crusade against the "abomination" called the bolster system. Your Zealotry Is Admiring :) Have Fun Wasting Your Time!

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That doesn't mean the bolster is bad.


hmm, 4 months of bugs (6 months if you count the bugs in the initial pts testing that were ignored), driving pvp players away because they Want gear progression/an incentive to pvp....that's what makes bolster "bad."


Buuuut you can still continue your crusade against the "abomination" called the bolster system. Your Zealotry Is Admiring :) Have Fun Wasting Your Time!


I'm simply bringing attention to yet another bolster bug I found.


If you have a problem with me posting about bolster, you should probably stop commenting bolster threads/following me on the forums. Just a tip, bud.

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Whatever floats your boat, Somejagoff the "martyr". The last time I checked, the devs never ever hinted about scrapping the bolster system. Therefore, it's easy to assume that they don't take your complaints seriously. Was it poorly implemented? Yes. That doesn't mean the bolster is bad.


Buuuut you can still continue your crusade against the "abomination" called the bolster system. Your Zealotry Is Admiring :) Have Fun Wasting Your Time!

He is right you a very wrong bolster works only in lowbies in 55,s it is terrible to say the least I have been through every change since beta saw some very bad changes to pvp this is by far the biggest mistake BW have done so far

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