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Anyone else think the default breasts are just a bit too large?


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Jiggle Physics + Skimpy Bikini Armor + Guardian Leap = :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I'd pay money to see a Guardian knocking herself out with breast smacking in her face.

Edited by Wylf
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I'd pay money to see a Guardian knocking herself out with breast smacking in her face.


Lol....the friend I mentioned earlier in the thread had a problem with that.


Like I said we worked in the Pentagon. We used to have formation and PT on Fort Myer which is right next to Arlington Cemetery. Our boss loved to run, so one nice summer morning he took us all on a super duper PT run. I swear we must have run from Arlington Cemetery to Maryland.


Later on in the office I chuckled to her that I was starting to get a bit too old for these long *** endurance runs. (I was mostly kidding, just making conversations).


She leans over my desk and grabs her....you know whats....and says "How do you think I feel with these big ol' things slapping against me?". Understand, she was...still is...a gorgeous gal...and 'they' were ...well, very impressive.


Seriously I looked her in the eye (for once) and said "This is an order....Never ever do that in front of me again.".


Then I went to splash cold water on my face.

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Lol....the friend I mentioned earlier in the thread had a problem with that.


Like I said we worked in the Pentagon. We used to have formation and PT on Fort Myer which is right next to Arlington Cemetery. Our boss loved to run, so one nice summer morning he took us all on a super duper PT run. I swear we must have run from Arlington Cemetery to Maryland.


Later on in the office I chuckled to her that I was starting to get a bit too old for these long *** endurance runs. (I was mostly kidding, just making conversations).


She leans over my desk and grabs her....you know whats....and says "How do you think I feel with these big ol' things slapping against me?". Understand, she was...still is...a gorgeous gal...and 'they' were ...well, very impressive.


Seriously I looked her in the eye (for once) and said "This is an order....Never ever do that in front of me again.".


Then I went to splash cold water on my face.




Seriously I looked her in the eye (for once) and said "This is an order.... m - - - y me.''



^ I would have taken a different route at this juncture, here. insert in your minds the path I would have chosen - Marry me.





I hope this thread does start a new body type, or, after that body type if you drag the scale further, a new slider comes up below, but only does the chest size. make it a cartel upgrade please, something.

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Seriously I looked her in the eye (for once) and said "This is an order.... m - - - y me.''



^ I would have taken a different route at this juncture, here. insert in your minds the path I would have chosen - Marry me.





I hope this thread does start a new body type, or, after that body type if you drag the scale further, a new slider comes up below, but only does the chest size. make it a cartel upgrade please, something.


Lol....while we were and are good friends, she's not my type....and I care(d) too much for her as a friend to just want meaningless sex. That and AND I was married and she was a friend of my wife. (through me, but they got along well)


That's why just before she got out of the army she asked me to drive her to Walter Reed for surgery. She had an injury to her knees that was being taken care of before she got out. She'd never had surgery before so she was kind of scared.


When they were prepping her for surgery I was going to wait in the waiting area but she was really scared and asked me stay with her until they knocked her out. So here I am holding her hand while they do whatever....and then they took off her gown. She's barely conscious, still holding my hand and there they were in all of their heavenly glory. Being a gentleman I balked and started to leave the room. A nurse grabbed me, and seeing my wedding ring said "Sergeant, you don't have to leave your wife right now." . I was tempted to say "OK", but the angel on my shoulder nutkicked the devil and I said "That's not my wife, she's one of my soldiers!".

Man, they couldn't get me outta that room faster after that.


Funny thing is, after her recovery (which is a funny (but alas ****-less story in itself) we were having a drink after work and she with the vague, foggy memory of being put under for surgery said "You saw them, didn't you?!" . We both laughed for about a half hour.

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Lol....while we were and are good friends, she's not my type....and I care(d) too much for her as a friend to just want meaningless sex. That and AND I was married and she was a friend of my wife. (through me, but they got along well)


That's why just before she got out of the army she asked me to drive her to Walter Reed for surgery. She had an injury to her knees that was being taken care of before she got out. She'd never had surgery before so she was kind of scared.


When they were prepping her for surgery I was going to wait in the waiting area but she was really scared and asked me stay with her until they knocked her out. So here I am holding her hand while they do whatever....and then they took off her gown. She's barely conscious, still holding my hand and there they were in all of their heavenly glory. Being a gentleman I balked and started to leave the room. A nurse grabbed me, and seeing my wedding ring said "Sergeant, you don't have to leave your wife right now." . I was tempted to say "OK", but the angel on my shoulder nutkicked the devil and I said "That's not my wife, she's one of my soldiers!".

Man, they couldn't get me outta that room faster after that.


Funny thing is, after her recovery (which is a funny (but alas ****-less story in itself) we were having a drink after work and she with the vague, foggy memory of being put under for surgery said "You saw them, didn't you?!" . We both laughed for about a half hour.


Well good on you for the restraint and respect for your woman. It can't have been easy to not be so ***** as a teenager at that moment. :p

Edited by Nickious
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Lol....while we were and are good friends, she's not my type....and I care(d) too much for her as a friend to just want meaningless sex. That and AND I was married and she was a friend of my wife. (through me, but they got along well)


That's why just before she got out of the army she asked me to drive her to Walter Reed for surgery. She had an injury to her knees that was being taken care of before she got out. She'd never had surgery before so she was kind of scared.


When they were prepping her for surgery I was going to wait in the waiting area but she was really scared and asked me stay with her until they knocked her out. So here I am holding her hand while they do whatever....and then they took off her gown. She's barely conscious, still holding my hand and there they were in all of their heavenly glory. Being a gentleman I balked and started to leave the room. A nurse grabbed me, and seeing my wedding ring said "Sergeant, you don't have to leave your wife right now." . I was tempted to say "OK", but the angel on my shoulder nutkicked the devil and I said "That's not my wife, she's one of my soldiers!".

Man, they couldn't get me outta that room faster after that.


Funny thing is, after her recovery (which is a funny (but alas ****-less story in itself) we were having a drink after work and she with the vague, foggy memory of being put under for surgery said "You saw them, didn't you?!" . We both laughed for about a half hour.



..Dork. > )



Theres always more to it than meaningless sex.. for many anyway.including me.

Edited by ekosdarid
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I think the lack of a manly bulge is a much more serious issue than the lack of beach ball sized *****. I can't imagine anyone prefers having their avatars looking like they had a run in with Lorena Bobbitt. :eek:




True there is that factor of a man, however.. I don't need to go into details of why one isn't prominent as opposed to the other, which are if they even remotely exist,that remain that way regardless of certain moments.while were on the subject of things that aren't fully realized yet..



I really wish they had ai kids in this/ ai characters younglings you play instead of just adults whove reached 20.

just to see them run by chasing eachother say in the fleet, would make me smile, I have a soft side for them.

Edited by ekosdarid
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..Dork. > )



Theres always more to it than meaningless sex.. for many anyway.including me.


Now that made me laugh. Because I had (have) another female friend from my time in the military (she was Air Force, I was Army) . that was well endowed....she used to call me "Dork" a lot because of my love of comics and science fiction.


Man, I miss her, though we contact each other online. She was my biggest drinking buddy in my last assignment in Europe. (While she kept it secret, she was gay, so no there was no hanky panky or thoughts of it between us. To me she was 'just one of the guys'.)


But she did tell me once that her attributes came from beng a corn fed country girl from the Midwest.

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Now that made me laugh. Because I had (have) another female friend from my time in the military (she was Air Force, I was Army) . that was well endowed....she used to call me "Dork" a lot because of my love of comics and science fiction.


Man, I miss her, though we contact each other online. She was my biggest drinking buddy in my last assignment in Europe. (While she kept it secret, she was gay, so no there was no hanky panky or thoughts of it between us. To me she was 'just one of the guys'.)


But she did tell me once that her attributes came from beng a corn fed country girl from the Midwest.


No lies, I often pick up on those things without trying.




..I call your relations blessings. corns very healthy, especially growth hormornes at least for cough attributes. NNNHH I wish the ai in this game were that interactive. its amazing how in RS, you can buy over 10 types of pixelated booze, but in this you cant even drink.. water. itd be so funny to get ashara hammered, and while she has a drunken sleep on the ships couch, draw squigly lines on her face with a black permanent pen, and then have her wake up hours later, mumbling and looking around not understanding whats going on, while me khem andronikos and the robot hide behind crates or something watching her over the edge, giggling..

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The default breasts are not too large, but I'd definitely like more control over them so if I have multiple Body Type 2s then can each have different breasts.


What I'm *really* waiting for is the game update that brings a little jiggle-physics to mammary glands (unless she's wearing a hard-shell chest armour) and flowing physics to hair.


Heh both those things are in Neverwinter Nights actually.. Bioware's first 3D game.


Well the jiggling breasts where added through mods but since hair, wide sleeves and wide pants already moved, it was easy for modders to add. The trick was getting them to stop moving along when there's a breeze.

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Well MMO's tend to trail behind singleplayer RPG's in development..


There practicly is no AI at all, its just kill everyone and loot their corpses. Whatever the objective is, you need to kill lots of enemies to get to it.


Bioware still makes the same boring bland dungeons in this game as they always have. I gues only Mass Effect 2 and 3 showed more realistic enviroments instead of just endless corridors and build plans that make zero sense.

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Well MMO's tend to trail behind singleplayer RPG's in development..


There practicly is no AI at all, its just kill everyone and loot their corpses. Whatever the objective is, you need to kill lots of enemies to get to it.


Bioware still makes the same boring bland dungeons in this game as they always have. I gues only Mass Effect 2 and 3 showed more realistic enviroments instead of just endless corridors and build plans that make zero sense.


True, it has its flaws. .



However.. could we please not revert to this again^: ''this game is so incomplete etc etc etc etc'' im sure others including me are tired of seeing it, it does nothing to improve the game as it is, as if those corridors will suddenly become full of laser guns, traps and dark jedi waiting to incinerate you like in Jedi Outcast.


Every game has its flaws! akuji the heartless looked like road kill. gex was either too easy in one version or mind numbingly hard in the next, cheap, shoddy boom-town-MMo's are made in a desperate attempt to cash in on other, more well thought out MMO's cumulative and ONGOING success(even if they are boogers now, the names aside..)

that die out because they are cheap, factory retail knock-offs. The Elder Scrolls for the first x-box had glitches.. glitches.. freezing, constant hardware freezing that made this terrifying sound whenever it did, Croc legend of the gobos makes one want to bash it in with a sludge hammer even after years of not playing it,then stomp all over the shards, and kingdom hearts unfortunately took a glance at sonic 1 for the sega genesis, creating near impossible secret challenges that only 1 or 3 people on earth could do.


But we know swtors flaws, and yet.. theres so much to enjoy, especially in the face of the almost nauseating slew of has-been-half-baked star wars games in the past.thats largely why were here, to ask that they improve it albeit in one certain way, personally. id love to go to narshadda or something and play those pixelated slot machines, my brother who played neo pets, once EVERY DAY played their slot machines. yes, they have those in a game made for very young kids- and lose thirty grand often to it. yet if you even think of that with swtor.. the ''machines'' are blank heads. dumb.


I mentioned drinking in rs, which is there because they do it in a comical, nutty way that everyone accepts instead of some way that turns everyone off.Hopefully, with time they will improve these things.



What they need to do is reintroduce >horror< to this game, and night and day effects, rain etc, mood things. the feeling that when you go into a cave, the entrance you turn around to face upon exiting has a lethal sith assassin waiting there cloaked in total shadow.. for YOU. and the music goes almost dead.


There is one misson in particular in swtor, it gave me chills, I don't know if its still around- people had their insides transplanted into droids,making them into these horrible flesh-machine hybrids, who asked for release from their suffering in that state of existence.id like to see more of that.

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There is one misson in particular in swtor, it gave me chills, I don't know if its still around- people has their insides transplanted into droids,making them into these horrible flesh-machine hybrids, who asked for release from their suffering in that state of existence.id like to see more of that.


Are you talking about the mission in Grathan's compound on Dromund Kass? Yeah, it was pretty gruesome. Even when I plan on making an imp character evil, evil, EVIL I can't bring myself to not release the transplanted brain guys.

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