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Empire had poor security


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So after watching the original trilogy again last week I came realize something. Considering the fact that the empire had a very powerful military they had some pretty bad security. I will first address the death star in episode 4. When the millennium falcon first landed on the death star the empire recognized the ship as the one that blasted its way out of mos eisley which contained the two droids. they searched the entire ship but overlooked the smuggler compartments. I find it unlikely that they would have overlooked it since they had boarded the ship once before as Han had mentioned to jabba. Basically the empire should have had the falcon on file as a smuggler ship and therefore under close watch. the heroes were than able to get to a control room and Han and Luke were easily able to get into the detention block which would have been under tight security and make a prison break.

The whole point here is that the death star would have had better security that would have restricted han and luke from entering the detention block without proper access codes. The empire would have had the falcon on file as a smuggler ship since they had boarded it once before. even though Han dumped his shipment the ship would still be on some sort of watch list.

In episode 6 when Han Luke and Leia went to endor on that imperial shuttle also shows a lack of security. (First of all put aside the fact of the force users and just consider that luke, darth vader and the emperor were just ordinary people who did not have the force). So the rebels were trying to land a stolen imperial vessel on a high security area that would have required high security clearance. First the the ship would have shown up as stolen in the empires computer database which would have immediately caused the empire to deny the Han, Luke and Leia from landing. after they land gets even better. We find out that they brought a squad with them but there is no imperials around anywhere. Since the ship was showing up as questionable in orbit and then given permission to land Im pretty sure that the empire would have sent a squad to go to the landing site and check it out.

Though in all actuality they would have been stopped in orbit and told to land on the command ship and the thing would have been investigated.

Yes I know its a movie and everything but put aside the whole thing of being able to use the force and just think of the empire as its military super power. Being the way they are I'm almost certain security breaches like those wouldn't have happened as easily as they did.



So what do you guys think. Am I right in saying the empire had bad security or am I just thinking to much.

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Just one thing with the Endor thing. The Emperor himself was the one that allowed the rebels to get the code and made sure that the code would check out so they could land. It was all part of his plan to bring the rebels out of hiding. They needed to believe they had fooled the emperor and were about to end the war for good. So that they would all come out of hiding and attack him at once allowing him to spring his trap and let and rid himself of all his enemies at once (possibly get a more powerful enforcer in the process) a win win scenario. He didn't count on Luke refusing to fight and Vader's betrayal. Once that happened his battle meditation ended and the Rebels were able to turn the tides and win against an army that had been to used to being under that battle meditation to function properly with out it.



Other then that. Ya they probably could have had tighter security, but I don't know that they would have kept the falcon on record, and if they did I doubt they knew about the smuggling compartments. I was assuming that was why they brought that big scanning thing on board to search for hidden compartments. I would have kept more people guarding the falcon that's for sure, but eh that's nit picky I guess.

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Being a former Imperial Officer and renowned smuggler, I am sure Han would be smarter then that. In fact, if you recall an Imp Officer says..


"Several escape pods have been jettisoned."


So this would cover the illusion that Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and the droids actually left the Falcon. Plus with the scanning crew, I sure would hope that the smuggling compartments would have some sort of thing to keep from being detected. As for the prison block, that one Imp was checking to see if the prisoner escort was legit but Chewie broke out and the firefight started.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Far as Endor the Emperor WANTED the rebels there. He wanted to crush them in one stroke. What he failed to account for, ewoks. Which is just one of those flukes in battle.


Far as the Original Deathstar, again Tarkin WANTED them to escape. Remember he placed a homing device on the Falcon which lead them to Yavin 4. Literally had it not been for Luke Skywalker, Empire would of yet again wiped out the heart of the rebellion in 1 afternoon.

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Being a former Imperial Officer and renowned smuggler, I am sure Han would be smarter then that. In fact, if you recall an Imp Officer says..


"Several escape pods have been jettisoned."


So this would cover the illusion that Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and the droids actually left the Falcon. Plus with the scanning crew, I sure would hope that the smuggling compartments would have some sort of thing to keep from being detected. As for the prison block, that one Imp was checking to see if the prisoner escort was legit but Chewie broke out and the firefight started.


Yes, but as he has they jettisoned shortly after take off this has to be a false computer entry, given that Han would have had seconds to make the false entry, so couldn't give any air of authetiticty, the officer saying this had to have no technicals skills at all. So the scanner crews should have had back up until the entry could be properly verified, which even a basic tech would see right through.

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Yes, but as he has they jettisoned shortly after take off this has to be a false computer entry, given that Han would have had seconds to make the false entry, so couldn't give any air of authetiticty, the officer saying this had to have no technicals skills at all. So the scanner crews should have had back up until the entry could be properly verified, which even a basic tech would see right through.


But if you recall, when the scanning crew did arrive that is when Han and co got em and then lured the Stormtroopers in and so forth.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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In episode 6 when Han Luke and Leia went to endor on that imperial shuttle also shows a lack of security. (First of all put aside the fact of the force users and just consider that luke, darth vader and the emperor were just ordinary people who did not have the force). So the rebels were trying to land a stolen imperial vessel on a high security area that would have required high security clearance. First the the ship would have shown up as stolen in the empires computer database which would have immediately caused the empire to deny the Han, Luke and Leia from landing. after they land gets even better. We find out that they brought a squad with them but there is no imperials around anywhere. Since the ship was showing up as questionable in orbit and then given permission to land Im pretty sure that the empire would have sent a squad to go to the landing site and check it out. .


you missed the bit where Vader stepped in because he sensed Luke on the shuttle then?


And that Luke then went to meet Vader distracting the imperials further. Given their rigid command structure I have no problem believing that the shuttle then got forgotten about by the higher ups/the person in charge of allowing landing.

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So after watching the original trilogy again last week I came realize something. Considering the fact that the empire had a very powerful military they had some pretty bad security. I will first address the death star in episode 4. When the millennium falcon first landed on the death star the empire recognized the ship as the one that blasted its way out of mos eisley which contained the two droids. they searched the entire ship but overlooked the smuggler compartments. I find it unlikely that they would have overlooked it since they had boarded the ship once before as Han had mentioned to jabba. Basically the empire should have had the falcon on file as a smuggler ship and therefore under close watch.


1) He never mentions they found the smuggler's compartments

GREEDO: Jabba's through with you. He has no time for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser.

HAN: Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice?

This would indicate he dumped his cargo before being boarded because they were not hidden. He may have even added them after this, so as to avoid the situation again.


2) One would have to assume smuggler's compartments are defended against scanning, otherwise they are pretty useless. (they purpose would be to get past imperial inspections as in any other case of unwelcome boarders they would just kill Han take his ship and find it later as they were going over it at their leisure).


3) Han Luke and Chewie kill the scanning crew before they can search anyways.

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But if you recall, when the scanning crew did arrive that is when Han and co got em and then lured the Stormtroopers in and so forth.


Yes but the Storm Troopers should have been with the scanner crew until they had verified the ship was empty. Standing outside waiting was poor protocol in the circumstances, as I said give how little time Han had to fake the computer entry, anyone with some technical expertise would have spotted anomalies. Which means that the procedure was extremely slapdash.

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Yes but the Storm Troopers should have been with the scanner crew until they had verified the ship was empty. Standing outside waiting was poor protocol in the circumstances, as I said give how little time Han had to fake the computer entry, anyone with some technical expertise would have spotted anomalies. Which means that the procedure was extremely slapdash.


The Stormtroopers did make sure the ship was empty, they made a sweep before the scanning crew went aboard.

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Ultimately it comes down to overly complicated planning on the side of the Empire. They did want Princess Leia to be rescued from the Death Star (I) so they could track her to the new rebel base. So any half-*****ery on their part can be hand-waved away as "part of the plan."


The better argument is for ROTJ, where the Imps were going to let the shuttle through with an old, valid code anyway when Vader stepped in and got all Force-y on them. Perhaps such an "important" installation (supposedly providing shields for the supposedly not-yet-functional DSII) should have insisted on only the newest security codes. Then again, maybe security was so lax because the station wasn't as critical as it was supposed to be. But if all the Imps knew the moon station was a ruse, it's likely the information would have been leaked.


So I guess it comes back to the Emperor wanting the rebels to think they had a chance at victory, so they would commit all their resources and consequently get wiped out by the fully functional battle station. Although why the Emperor would pin his entire strategy on the success of a huge battle station that had previously proven to be great at blowing up planets, and really sucky at defending itself from tiny fighter ships is one of the great mysteries of the universe. His strategy should have been to get all the rebels into orbit around a planet or moon (say the forest moon of Endor, for example), and then jump the DSII to a safe distance and blow the moon up! I can't imagine the rebel fleet could survive being in orbit of a destroyed planet.


Hey, I'm pretty evil. I should hire myself out to Evil Empires as a strategist.


So how about letting the DS plans get stolen in the first place? Somebody in Imperial IT Security should have lost their job over that one! (Or maybe IITS had just moved into their new offices in the Death Star, in which case my condolences to their families.)

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