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Sitting in chairs around the galaxy!


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There have been several threads for the ability to actually sit in chairs for a long time now ...

Sadly things never changed ...


I once even wrote a suggestion here to at least change all the stools in the Cantinas and on the fleets into something one can sit on ... Never happened ...

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15 seconds is a little bit short for a whole role-playing session, don't you think ? ;)


I though adding 'cartel market' will make it obvius.


ofc that portable throne taken out of a pocket is not enough. my ship has a sofa and a bed, I wound't mind sitting on it, same for cantinas all around... how hard can it be...

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  • 1 month later...
For RP and all that cool stuff, itd be awesome if we could interact with galaxy wide objects like chairs, couches, lifting weights, training droids...ALL DAY COOL STUFF!



I understand "all that cool stuff" but I dont completely understand what many mean by "roleplay" when it comes to sitting. People say that often too. Isn't playing any video game in general pretty much "roleplaying"?


One doesn't play a game and pretend to be a gamer playing a video game, they "play" to step into the shoes (role) of the protagonist. When SWTOR loads your toon and your companion onto the screen, you have literately (digitally) entered another world and cease to be you, for the duration of your experience in that other world, or starship. It's roleplaying by default. Anyone who ever grew up with Star Wars inherently knows this. Pew! Pew! VROOOMMM!!


I don't think sitting in a video game has anything more to do with roleplaying in a video game than does using the chat to communicate, it's just all part of the game, where you are already roleplaying. Sitting helps, but it helps the game in general, not just for "roleplay" because the game is in itself roleplaying.


When I first started "sitting" on a chair or stool in a video game, it was in the text based MUD's (multi-user dungeons) games. You would sit in a tavern, bar, cantina, library, temple, prison cell, etc taking a break from the game (roleplaying) and just chat, about anything from dating to illegal raves (early 90's). Then you would go back to the game and grind doing things in text that todays MMO's wish they could do graphically. The point was we were sitting inside of a game and not roleplaying, hence sitting is not just for roleplayers.


I noticed the same thing in SWG, but to a lesser degree because it wasn't as local as the online BBS's of the early 90's where you could play these multi-user online games and it had dancers taking all the attention. When people sat to private chat with someone in SWG it was more intimate. Most of the time, they would get out of character because of these one on one talks, where players would try to get to know more about each other outside of the game. They ceased to roleplay in those chairs.


This is a point I believe the developers should take into account, when considering the level of importance of "sitting". Its not just for the "roleplayers", it's something everyone in the game would be able to enjoy. Even those who claim they have no desire for it, because that all changes when a cute Twilek wants someone to sit down next to them for a "talk" or ... even a "drink", when hopefully the day comes where the cantinas get a development lift and become more interactive.


Which I am sure it will one day soon, just as I was confident from day one of the coming of the Galactic Starfighter expansion. :jawa_smile:

Edited by HiddenPalm
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I understand "all that cool stuff" but I dont completely understand what many mean by "roleplay" when it comes to sitting. People say that often too. Isn't playing any video game in general pretty much "roleplaying"?


One doesn't play a game and pretend to be a gamer playing a video game, they "play" to step into the shoes (role) of the protagonist. When SWTOR loads your toon and your companion onto the screen, you have literately (digitally) entered another world and cease to be you

Only if the player is role-playing. Otherwise they're just video game players controlling an avatar, with no more RP to it than there is Donkey Kong. Which is the way it seems most people prefer to play.

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  • 2 months later...
I can't speak for all players but I don't pay $15/month to sit in a chair.


I pay that to see the game get more and more polished as time goes on, which has been happening. Sitting down on a chair is very old school concept, it's not a big deal at all. Probably the same amount of effort to make the emotes. I pay that much to not hear the excuses. It's an MMO basic feature, that goes back to the text based Multi User Dungeons of the 70's.

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