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Best companion for leveling?


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Well I leveled with Khem untill I got Ashara, used a hybrid spec with the deathmark proc and Ashara on bleed mode, melted mobs rather quickly I must say.


Ashara is a beast! Khem is one hell of a tank but Ashara is such a killer you don't even need a tank.

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I was able to use HK from level 1 but eventually just stuck with Khem from my teens and on. I was able to solo just about every heroic (including some 4 man) with him. It helped that I leveled as Cybertech and was able to keep him very well geared along the way.
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I was able to use HK from level 1 but eventually just stuck with Khem from my teens and on. I was able to solo just about every heroic (including some 4 man) with him. It helped that I leveled as Cybertech and was able to keep him very well geared along the way.


How is HK, by the way? Is he worth all the trouble?

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I have HK-51 on my healer sage at 55, and my 29 sorc is using him, also in heal spec. I have yet to test it in lightning spec--but my sorc is tearing things up since HK kills so damned fast and can take a punch. HK is just a nice option to have...I like Khem enough...but hate almost all the other sorc companions...HK offers you just that...variation. Plus he can be a decent crafter if you decide to shelve him.
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I use HK both as a healing Sorc and a healing Scoundrel. He is well worth it. Just be sure that if you disable his aggro dump. It is better if the mob hits HK than you. I am still leveling my sorc, but when I leveled my scoundrel, HK was hands down the best option I had. Great DPS AND the same DR as any of the 'tank' options. He even holds aggro better than they do on single targets. Add in Assassinate (automatically kills a silver and lower mob) and the scale tips in his favor without question.
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I'm almost to 50, and it's a toss-up between Ashara and Andro for clearing out routine mobs. More dakka -> things dying faster -> faster leveling. I eventually went with Ashara like most people, sending her in first while i charge up an AOE or DOT. The secret is to keep her geared up with blues and purples and not just the green quest drops... this applies to all the companions incidentally.


Khem I reserve for special boss fights or when I'm pulling too much aggro.


The healer companion, is more for assassins, and I rarely use him... I could see him being useful for madness specs though.

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