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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Went back to WoW....Can't handle it?


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Most of my former guild came from WoW and went back to it last year. I followed along and played through it for the first time (I am an old school FPS gamer, TOR is my first MMO other than Planetarion), power leveling a character up to MOP (getting there 2 weeks after release), then questing along with the rest. Glad I did it actually, a chance to see a phenomenon. Some of it was inspired story telling (but delivered no where nearly as interestingly as the voice acting here). Played some vintage end game, did the first three raids in raid finder and normal mode, finished the first in HM, and left after 4 months. Just could not take the community. The expectation that everyone performed at peak progression raiding mode (or their imaginations of what that looked like) made learning the various roles soul sucking for me. I had never tanked before TOR and folks were by and large quite supportive since everyone was learning the mechanics at the same time. But there, folks expect everyone has been playing since at least Battle Chest (although everyone claimed Vanilla nobody apparently liked that grind).


Anyway. Back for the new stories and for my light sabers. All of my fond memories of MMOs are here, so why should they be distant memories?

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SWTOR is the best mmo when it comes to leveling.


the CRZ kicked in the last 10 or so levelsin my first time through and it became a gankfest with no way to get even (since gankers are from other realms more often than not). I would rather put knitting needles through my eyes than deal with that again.

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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after ltch king but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of Pve progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


does WoW's end game PvP still suck?

Is the world PvP bad?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation?




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