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Fresh 55 for PvE


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I'm well versed on both marauder specs, anni and carnage, for PvE. I played anni exclusively until RotHC, and have leveled as Carnage. My only question is, is anni a better spec to start out with at 55 before you get specific stats, or is carnage still top DPS, even for an undergeared 55?
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Shouldnt really make a difference at this point in your gearing. Pick whichever one you like. They both parse about the same, but I personally do better as carnage. I find it less annoying than keeping dots up and watching stacks of a proc lol. I also played a fury warrior in wow for four years (during vanilla-wrath of the lich king), which is basically a carnage marauder in a nutshell. To each their own :)
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