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Ultimate Multiplayer PvP 2vs2 Tournaments!!!


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I've decided to stick with what I do best, and that seems to be pvp tournaments.


The next event on my list is the following:


Ultimate Multiplayer PvP 2vs2 Tournament on Tatooine


This multiplayer tournament will be a "double elimination" style bracket.


This tournament will be both factions, all classes, with any group composition allowed. There will one spokesperson from each group of two, that must sign up on this Challonge Tournament Bracket.



In addition to signing up on the Challonge page, each group's leader, must sign up here on this thread. Please state your team name, and the names of the players within each team. That information has to match the info placed on the Challonge page. .


This, like the others I've hosted, will be a "no holds barred" event, meaning all stims/meds/adrenals/grenades are allowed.


Entry Fee is $200,000 credits per team.

Date and Time are soon to be announced. ( event will take place, aprox 1 to 2 weeks ).


I'm developing a promotional video as well, which I'll post up here when it's complete. That video will show the locations and describe the generic rules. Those rules will be placed to protect the combatants.

Edited by UncleOst
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WELL, I've been at the outlaws den last few evenings gathering footage for the promotional video. I must say (politely), that the server is perhaps too diverse at the moment for an event such as this.



What I really would prefer to say, is that this server has too many idiots!!



...I think for every person that I spoke with about the 2 vs 2 event, that were looking forward to it, there were at least another 10 others that were there to derp/screw things up. Too many kids I'm afraid, and that's fine. The only reason Tatooine was an option for this tourney, was to allow the possibility of a same faction 2 vs 2 match up.


Perhaps I was hasty, in effort to release a video for you all. Unfortunately I can't afford the risks involved with hosting a tournament, within Tatooine's volatile landscape. lol. I knew better, but I gave it a chance. If I can't even get people to co-operate for a promo vid....well....


It is with great regret, that I must cancel this endevour as a "double elimination" galactic 2vs2 event.


I instead have a different format that will be applied. The next event thread I create, will focus internally within each faction. The winners of each faction's events internally, will then face their galactic counterparts single elimination.


"Fighting on Tatooine, is like waking up with the clap."

Edited by UncleOst
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