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Crafting on the Progenitor.....


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Am I right in thinking that there is little demand for crafted items on our server? - I have Maxed all crewskills between 1/2 dozen characters and none of them can make a comfortable living out of crafting....

I have researched probably 1/4 of all the schematics to blue or purple level. I'm in a small guild and online-time is limited - so farming gear from operations is still out of our league.


. I'm not complaining -coz for me crafting is only a sideline.... Just wondering what people can actually make and sell for a reasonable profit? - After all if I can make 50K for 15 mins run around the black hole, or find 2-3 lucky lockboxes on Makeb, I'm making more money quicker than actually working for it!


I'm probably doing something wrong, so any pointers would be welcome!





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Hey Storm


I agree demand for crafting item seams limited, also if your guild are looking to join ops and willing to use TS i am sure The Last Legion would be happy to help you our numbers have gone down from people leaving the game over the last few months so we always seam to be short by one or two people.



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