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NiM EC 55 Pug Operation Groups!


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I have it on good authority that Zuhara will cover all our repair bills. :jawa_angel:


About that......


I kind of lost all my money. In a fire truck accident the other night. So you might need to bring your own repair funds......:D


In all seriousness, we will go for as long as everyone is willing to go for. Regardless if it's something as high as 20 wipes or as low as 2.

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Alright guys, not sure if we're going to get anymore sign ups, so I'm going to go ahead and start planning for a time to see if I can get some other of my DPS friends to tag along. Most days seem to be available, but if I can get everyone's raid schedules, that's be fantastic for planning.


As it stands, it seems like a Wednesday or a Saturday might be the best two days, time tbd. So post back with your schedules please, specific hours you are online and Thor's raid schedule would be nice

Edited by ZooMzy
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Wednesday after 6 pm would work, but I go to work at 4:30 AM Thursdays, so I can't usually play late Sundays through Wednesdays. Thursday from 6 pm, to 3 AM, is good. As are most Fridays and Saturdays from 11 AM to 5 PM. Sundays from 11 AM to 11PM.


((mountain standard time))

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Alright, judging by the comments here, I believe we have some major conflicting schedules lol.


But it looks like we can squeeze in a run on Wednesday afternoons, when Arali gets home from work at 7 (9 PM CST, 8 PM MST) and that's it really. We could try something for Saturday as well, but that all depends on if Arali works at that time too.


What about you Thor? Does Wednesday night at 7 PM server time work for you?

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Lemme know here if we are on for Wednesday for a trial run. Otherwise I'll be parsing and getting helix components on hedra, or I'll be going after the gree pvp achievements with the awsome op healer I met a few weeks ago on hedriah. ((loners or duo groups, or lineups for the pylon, BEWARE my wrath tonite, lol. On the other hand, if any of you have 2 person team or a solo that loves to pvp in an open world style, lemme know and we can have some one on ones)):D:D
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Lemme know here if we are on for Wednesday for a trial run. Otherwise I'll be parsing and getting helix components on hedra, or I'll be going after the gree pvp achievements with the awsome op healer I met a few weeks ago on hedriah. ((loners or duo groups, or lineups for the pylon, BEWARE my wrath tonite, lol. On the other hand, if any of you have 2 person team or a solo that loves to pvp in an open world style, lemme know and we can have some one on ones)):D:D


Given that I didn't see the event coming back until recently, we'll try to get a run scheduled for tomorrow after 7 PST. Depending on how many people we get, we'll see if we'll go about the operation or just hang out until the event ends before scheduling a pug NiM EC run. I know a lot of people are busy with the event in terms of game commitment, so it's no worries if we hold off for a week or two!

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Eh, even if we don't to a run tomorrow you can put your double glow stick of doom to use in ilum, lol. Can't count the times in war zones where one of my secret alts has been guarding a node, only to see that glowstick appear from thin air and wreak havoc on my cd's ( usually I'm dead by the time I type "Zu at pylon, HELP" lol.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright, if members of this thread are still following, we are going to try to run on Sunday this time. I know this will conflict with schedules, but we're going to try a run around 7 PST at night unless we have people looking to change the time.
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