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NiM EC 55 Pug Operation Groups!


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Hello everyone! This may seem a little random, but I'd like to go ahead and post up a thread in here for hopefully forming a group to run consistent weekly runs of Nightmare Explosive Conflict, the hardest level 50 operation that still tests the average 55 in terms of their ability to run mechanics. Now the original plan is just to at least farm tank mounts for people that want them and possibly go for title runs, but if this takes off in the direction I hope it does, then hopefully it can be a weekly op that is run for people looking to work on their raiding capabilities.


So if you're perhaps interested in pugging out for a NiM EC run and tweaking your capabilities as a raider, or just want to run something, copy and paste a reply like so:




Advanced Class and Spec:

Gear: (IE: full 69s, 3 66s and 4 72s)

Avaliability: (What time of day and what days are you available to dedicate a couple of hours to raiding?)


I will require everyone looking to attend to at least be in full Partisan WZ gear (63) or above ("Dread Guard with Partisan Earpiece and Implants" is also acceptable), and to also be level 55.


And again, the reasons why I chose NiM EC over say, SM SV and TFB for the weeklies, are because:


1) I want the tank mount lol

2) Maybe the title

3) NiM EC is mechanically challenging. Despite it being level 50, I strongly believe that it's a perfect operation to mold new players looking to improve their abilities as a raider because it teaches you the importance of mastering tough mechanics and to avoid the tunnel vision syndrome. Which, if you can run a boss' mechanics flawlessly and can always be aware of your surroundings, it doesn't matter what gear you have: you can clear anything.


So, if anyone is interested, feel free to respond with a post using the format I typed above! I'll post a raid team list based on the people we get in a later post, as well as a date in the week to run this.


EDIT: Oh, this is Imperial side, btw






EDIT 2: Here is the current lineup for the first team, time is TBD once we fill up


Tank One: Zuhara, 69 Assassin

Tank Two: Ash'toraa, 63 Assassin

DPS: Velkia, 69/63 Mercenary




Healer: Maris, 69/72 Operative

Healer: Thorii, 72/69 Sorcerer


Two ranged DPS are REQUIRED to run this! Three and four ranged would be fine, but we absolutely need to have two.

Edited by ZooMzy
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I'd be interested.



Imperial Agent - Medicine Operative

Full 69 gear with several 72 pieces.

Available most nights save for Thursdays and Sundays.


Awesome! Here's the current setup we have right now:


Tank One: Zuhara, 69 Assassin (Can also DPS)

Tank Two:





Healer: Maris, 69/72 Operative Healer


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To bad your not on pubside. My imp toons rant nearly as geared as my commando dps. Full Arkanian set bonus, with some verpine mods. Partisan and dread guard relic. Parse between 2.2 and 2.5. Lemme know if ya plan in forming a pub group and I'd be happy to help out if it doesn't interfere with my guild raid schedule. ((Friday and Saturday nights))

Good luck to u guys.

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To bad your not on pubside. My imp toons rant nearly as geared as my commando dps. Full Arkanian set bonus, with some verpine mods. Partisan and dread guard relic. Parse between 2.2 and 2.5. Lemme know if ya plan in forming a pub group and I'd be happy to help out if it doesn't interfere with my guild raid schedule. ((Friday and Saturday nights))

Good luck to u guys.



Gear really isnt an issue anymore for Nim EC for someone like you. You could do the raid in full campaign and be totally alright. and we run nim ec every week in guild -.-

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Hehe, nice try there. But since this is my thread, and something I'm actually using to possibly help some people, I think I won't be playing the usual game ;)


To bad your not on pubside. My imp toons rant nearly as geared as my commando dps. Full Arkanian set bonus, with some verpine mods. Partisan and dread guard relic. Parse between 2.2 and 2.5. Lemme know if ya plan in forming a pub group and I'd be happy to help out if it doesn't interfere with my guild raid schedule. ((Friday and Saturday nights))

Good luck to u guys.


Yeah, gear is not really an issue, as anyone can get Partisan level gear, which is way below Basic gear at level 55. In order to set up some sort of system though, we need to at least set the line where people need to have that level of gear, and imo, 63s with Partisan Earpiece and Implants is a level where the average player can benefit the ops team in completing NiM EC.


If someone is willing to run pubside ops, more power to them! But unfortunately, my loyalties remain to the Empire so I won't be running thing there or even joining up :/

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Lol. Beginning to wonder the same. What's to prevent you as ops leader from ninja-ing the tank in master looter then leaving the group high and dry. My offer stands though if any one on pub side needs a hand I'll help out. Send hedra an in game mail if anyone needs a hand. I learned from other raiders, and I'd like to help others get good at raiding as well.
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As it is we don't even know your in-game ID. What is the name of the toon you want to raid with, so some of us can see if your legit or not. Lot of us know most of the good raiders on the server, and also know who the ninjas and other baddies are. Let us know who you are so plp know who they wil be trusting to be fair about a tank drop lol. Not saying I doubt you, but a tad more info would be cool. If stuff checks out I could bring my assassin respecced to madness. I can get her geared in a few days thanks to legacy smuggling.
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Well, if it's any consolation, I already have the tank mount now after a run with a guild that allowed me to tag along. So clause number 1 is now complete, but 2 and 3 still remain.


My name in game is Zuhara, level 55 assassin, as I had hoped my original post of "Zu" would note for some of you to know who I am. So for those of you who have run with me, I can claim that I do not ninja loot and I am setting up this thread in the spirit of the attempt to revitalize our server with the recent departures of some of our top raid and PvP guilds.


Hopefully, the clarification is going to kill the troll. And if you can get a toon geared up, I can mark you down for DPS! :)

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Well my apologies zu. Of course I know you lol. I will work on getting Ashtor'aa dps gear over the next few days. Question, would you rather I dps, or would you like me to off-tank. Most of my experience on Ash is tanking. And I've done EC a lot on pubside. I'm sure if we have teamspeak we can figure it out. Let me know so I know what gear to get. Also if you want, I can check with Draxzim to see if anyone else in our guild is interested. As I said b4 I'm free on weekend days ( not evenings) and weekday evenings after work.


Again I apologize for my previous comments, but ive had a lot of bad experiences with ninjas and trolls since the double xp and server transfers. Of course I feel absolutely stupid now I know you, lol.

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Well my apologies zu. Of course I know you lol. I will work on getting Ashtor'aa dps gear over the next few days. Question, would you rather I dps, or would you like me to off-tank. Most of my experience on Ash is tanking. And I've done EC a lot on pubside. I'm sure if we have teamspeak we can figure it out. Let me know so I know what gear to get. Also if you want, I can check with Draxzim to see if anyone else in our guild is interested. As I said b4 I'm free on weekend days ( not evenings) and weekday evenings after work.


Again I apologize for my previous comments, but ive had a lot of bad experiences with ninjas and trolls since the double xp and server transfers. Of course I feel absolutely stupid now I know you, lol.


No offense taken, I understand how ninja looting is a pain to deal with. I approached it without a concern as I never have really had a bad experience with a ninja looting gear (I usually don't pug when I'm getting geared out), so it's good that we cleared that up for some readers now. Half of it was also because a troll was trying to give the impression that I am not to be trusted, which I'm sure he won't be coming back in here now that he knows that we're friends :)


And by all means, post whichever role you feel more comfortable in. I will need an off tank, but I think I'm going to run the first few groups we form as a tank myself because the mechanics are very crucial, so Drax may need to be on hold if you run tank spec. I'm also working on mastering NiM Kephess myself anyway, so it will be a good opportunity to at least get some players experienced with the fights.

Edited by ZooMzy
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K. I'll go as off tank then, will work on finishing ash's tank set I have some campaign and partisan on her now. Question will we use teamspeak? Also if you take up thor's offer to dps/heal I'd be awsome with that. I raid with him all the time. I'll also start talking to my current raid group to see if next time my commando does the raid, they can give me the important tanking tips.
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K. I'll go as off tank then, will work on finishing ash's tank set I have some campaign and partisan on her now. Question will we use teamspeak? Also if you take up thor's offer to dps/heal I'd be awsome with that. I raid with him all the time. I'll also start talking to my current raid group to see if next time my commando does the raid, they can give me the important tanking tips.


Alright, I'll list you as 63s right now and I actually just noticed his post change lol. Here's our current lineup:


Tank One: Zuhara, 69 Assassin

Tank Two: Ash'toraa, 63 Assassin





Healer: Maris, 69/72 Operative

Healer: Thorii, 72/69 Sorcerer


Need 4 DPS to sign up now, and we will form a time based on everyone's schedule once we have the full team. I can fill you in on exactly how to run most of the mechanics, as I have a good understanding of how the first three bosses can be easily tanked. Kephess will be a pain, but we'll work on him when we get to him.

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Thorii is healing? LOL


I've seen him DPS in WZs, so healing a NiM operation is just him doing the opposite, right?


Don't worry, we're going to have a prayer before the run to lessen the amount of pain it will undoubtedly cause :D

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Hey ill bring my Merc dps im useing the pvp implants ear piece and relics but all other pieces weapons and armor are all 69


Perfect! I'll go ahead and mark you down for DPS :D


Tank One: Zuhara, 69 Assassin

Tank Two: Ash'toraa, 63 Assassin

DPS: Velkia, 69/63 Mercenary




Healer: Maris, 69/72 Operative

Healer: Thorii, 72/69 Sorcerer


Need 3 more DPS to sign up and then we can plan a time. Make sure you guys also put your preferences, so I can better pick a time that suits everyone!

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Yeah c'mon guys! Let's do this. We may wipe a bit, but if I have anything to say, we will have fun, and it will be a great chance to meet some of the up and coming raiders on the imp side of the server.


I have it on good authority that Zuhara will cover all our repair bills. :jawa_angel:

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