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So everything passed level 50 is required paid content.


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Quite amusing how people don't have the brains to even read the point I'm getting at.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have content.


I'm stating that its a very shady business model because YOU HAVE TO PAY for the expansion, Even as a subscriber you can't do any of the new content that is released freely unless and ONLY AFTER you buy the expansion.


On top of the money I spent on the Collectors Edition, subscribed since day 1, and spent a small margin of money on the Cartel Market, why should Bioware be inclined to release content that completely requires a 10$-20$ purchase? It'd be one thing if you could still Level to 55 and do operations if your not interested in the expansion, but the sole fact that its required is ridiculous.


If Bioware really wanted to make things alright, Subs irregardless if they purchased the expansion should be able to Level to 55.


I have a question for you. I understand what your saying. You believe you should be able to reach level 55 so that you can do all the new FPs that are coming out after RoTHC. You feel since you pay a monthly payment you should be able to do so. I get that.


What I don't get is that EVER MMO out there does the same. When WoW released any of its expansions and if you don't own them can you reach the new max level? No. If you don't buy the expansion you cant continue leveling up.


Any content that Bliz releases. Updates. changes to existing raids, quest what ever that are at those points in the game that you cant reach should you be allowed to do them even though you didnt buy the expansion? No you didnt pay for that access.


BW/EA is just following the industry standard of having you buy the expansion to access stuff beyond it.

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I have a question for you. I understand what your saying. You believe you should be able to reach level 55 so that you can do all the new FPs that are coming out after RoTHC. You feel since you pay a monthly payment you should be able to do so. I get that.


What I don't get is that EVER MMO out there does the same. When WoW released any of its expansions and if you don't own them can you reach the new max level? No. If you don't buy the expansion you cant continue leveling up.


Any content that Bliz releases. Updates. changes to existing raids, quest what ever that are at those points in the game that you cant reach should you be allowed to do them even though you didnt buy the expansion? No you didnt pay for that access.


BW/EA is just following the industry standard of having you buy the expansion to access stuff beyond it.


Actually. Not all MMO's out there do not charge for expansion packs.

Of modern ones:

WoW, SWTOR, and Rift are the only ones that I know of


Aion is on 4.0 (i think) and they have never charged for new content

Eve online has never charged either.


I am sure their are other examples but those are the ones that I specifically know about.


I still have no issue with SWTOR charging, Just saying that saying that all MMO's or that it is the industry standard because WoW does it is not true.


But them doing it is also not unprecedented.

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You didn't expect to ride the gravy train forever did you?


It is a company, and there are employees to be paid, and expenses for new things to come out. You don't actually think they all work out of the goodness of their hearts, and subs hearts, so that you can play free?

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... look at the other fees they might try to force out of us later down the road.


Last I checked, I play (and pay for) this game, because I choose to. At no time has a Bioware/EA employee shown up at my front door with a gun, and mugged me for cash.


I am not a BWEA fanboi, and I have no problem agreeing with people who have legitimate gripes/concerns, and I have had plenty of my own since I started playing this game over a year and a half ago.... I continue to play the game, because it is FUN to me, and I choose to continue giving BWEA money each month, to pay for the entertainment I get from the game. That said, if you really are feeling like you aren't getting your money's worth, switch to a Preferred account status, or find another game to play that will make you happy. Because obviously, this game isn't meeting your expectations.

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B-b-b-b-but the subscribers need everything for free!

I'm sure Bioware is crying all the way to the bank for those poor players. MMO entitlement. First world problems. :D No one ever buys a subscription to HBO and then runs to the HBO forum shouting about their content, and why it should be free. The game is a service... not a servant.

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No, I paid for the expansion,

I don't think its right that a Sub that PAYS EVERY MONTH, would be required to buy the expansion to be able to get this "Free" content they release.


If they put it inside a cardboard box, would that make you feel better?


You have absolutely no clue what an expansion pack for an MMO is.


Protip: The MMO developer decides what to charge for and how much, NOT YOU. If you don't like it.. you have choices..... but complaining in the forum that the business model is flawed or wrong is not one of those choices.

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Whether you like it or not, anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content,

not "Free" as Bioware will tell us.

LOL, they never said anything after Level 50 is free. There was nothing after Level 50 when the game went to the F2P/Sub hybrid model. They always said levels 1-50 were free. They never said expansions would be free. No game with a hybrid model gives away end-game content for free.

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