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Advance Class Respec


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For crying out loud Bioware get with the program, the number of people who want this far outweigh you and the other (rather foolish) players who don't.


/not signed


Please provide your statistical source for that ridiculous assumption.


Why people cannot roll multiple toons I do not know. There has never been an easier MMO than this.


As an additional comment, let us assume that BW do actually implement this, why should your non legacy titles etc be transferred to a new advanced class? You have in no way shape or form achieved these things playing the new class, and as such, legacy items aside, should reap none of the rewards.


As previously stated, the game is full of people who cannot play their class by the time they reach 55, and these in general will be the ones who want to buy this function, since anyone who is half decent at the game will already have multiple classes and have learned them the correct way. Cannot play class A, buy perk to change to class B, even worse at it, wait 30 days, pay BW again and change back. In the meantime you could of rolled a new toon and levelled to 55 in less time, and saved yourself the money.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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For crying out loud Bioware get with the program, the number of people who want this far outweigh you and the other (rather foolish) players who don't.


No they don't. Its just a few lazy, noisy complainers that want this feature. In the time you guys have taken to cry about this issue you could have got the class you wanted to 55 multiple times during double XP.


Advanced class change could be exploited as a way to pay to win, and depending on how it was implemented, I would give serious thoughts to quitting the game if they added it.

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Seriously, I think both sides here assume that the other side is a minority, while I think we are rather looking at two equally sized groups. The feeling that the people who want the AC change are more in quantity is achieved by those people actually gathering in threads about it. So, if you look at a thread about a specific topic, it's likely that people who support the OP will post.


Now, back to the topic. I'm a little bit on the "implement" side of town. I'd only do this with one char, my Sorcerer, change him over to an Assassin. Now, all my other chars are just fine. But I'd want to make my Sorc an Assassin because I simply think the Inquisitor was meant to be one. Personal opinion here.


Why'd I not reroll up to now? Call me lazy all you want, but I leveled 8 chars up to 55, and I have no intention of doing it a ninth time. Going through the same planets for the trillionth time is the most boring I can imagine. Alright, Kuat makes this rather easy, but also running Kuat aprox. 100 times is a rigorous and boring task.


I don't see the point of people complaining like this: "There are already enough people who can't play their class, we don't need more.". Now, you give the staggering proof that this topic here has no influence on that with the first half of your sentence. There are already enough, which means that AC change can't be responsible for it. Face it, there are people who really can learn to play a class in a matter of less than a month, so why shouldn't these people be allowed to change?


Because Bioware said "This is Permanent!" on level 10 since release? WoW, a Developer not keeping his word. That'd be something entirely new and an unimaginably shocking thing, wouldn't it?


I also think comparing this to a WoW class change is rather far fetched. The WoW Classes are far from each other, the furthest you can do is a respect, true. However, taking my earlier example: The Assassin and the Sorcerer share some basic abilities with each other, they share an armor type, they share a skill tree and they share Companions. Their basic data is the same thing. Comparing them to a class change in WoW is too far fetched. Now, changing from Medium Armor to Heavy armor in case of a Sentinel could be hard, I agree on that.


Why shouldn't achievments be transferred over to the other AC? It was this character I achieved the title with. There's no doubt and no discussion about it. And in terms of skill, it wouldn't be hard to get them again. Do people really think that players who play an Assassin couldn't get the same achievments with a Sorcerer because the skill difference needed is so high? Ridicolous.


The AC change should come with a high price (I'm looking at the cost of a character transfer. Around 1.800 - 2.000 CC ) and a cooldown of 30-60 days per char. At least a two month cooldown should be applied to prevent AC hoping. But I sign the petition to make one available at all.

Edited by Alssaran
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No thanks. In fact, none of the MMO's I've played before has allowed for such a feature even though it has been brought up 100 times by many, many players. This was especially true in CoH/CoV when it comes to power set respec requests. In any case, it is not an "original" or "creative" idea by any stretch of the imagination.


The reasoning behind the developer's refusal is quite simple really. At the core, class respec is pretty much an anti-MMO concept. Think about it. What is the central foundation that every MMO is built upon? Content grinding. Why? Because it keeps the players interested and thus, spending money to continue playing. The degree or severity of *level grinding* varies from game to game but it is still there none-the-less. This type of repeated character grinding has even spawned a sub-genre within the MMO population aptly named "altoholics".


As things are in SWTOR currently, if one truly wishes to experience the play styles and capabilities of every single class, they would have to make 8 characters (Imp/Pub mirrors) and play them to level 55. If BW allowed for AC respec, that number would be cut by half and it would not be a stretch to say that players will get bored of the game quicker. After all, it is hardly difficult to get a character to max level in SWTOR nor does it have an overabundance of classes to pick from to begin with. Heck, I already have 5 level 55's (and the 6th well on the way) even though I left the game for a year and 4 months.


As such, AC respec is just not a good idea at all because if implemented, the developers would be effectively shooting themselves in the foot.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Choices have consequences. Learn to live with them. Otherwise make another character.


Advanced Class is one of those consequences that doesnt make sense, like spagetti rolls within a tortilla.


I do like arbitrary choices that make sense, but locking advanced class WITHOUT ANY REAL CONSEQUENCE OF PICKING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, doesnt make sense.


You can respec CREWSKILLS which you "pick and stick with" AND CHANGE ANYTIME.

Edited by ZahirS
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Advanced Class is one of those consequences that doesnt make sense, like spagetti rolls within a tortilla.


I do like arbitrary choices that make sense, but locking advanced class WITHOUT ANY REAL CONSEQUENCE OF PICKING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, doesnt make sense.


You can respec CREWSKILLS which you "pick and stick with" AND CHANGE ANYTIME.


The only thing here that doesn't make any sense is you.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Says the troll?


No. Advanced Class Respec is a must


The only troll here is YOU. In fact, in your thread you created about this topic you ignored all valid points I brought up. Advanced Class Respec is not a must, and will not happen.


Deal with it.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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This discussion reminds me of early hours fleet chat on the Ebon Hawk pubside.


No, no, and NO to AC reset.

I actually think that the Skill Tree reset is a bad idea, given how there are HEAL-specced sages who wanna DPS during a WZ -- or even worse, an OP. Giving people the choice to switch between two fundementally-different classes -- Shadow and Sage, per se -- is as bad an idea as giving a grenade to a monkey.


Quality of play has declined severly, and what is proposed would just mess it up even more.


I, however, think that there should be an ability to "restart" a character from lvl 10.

This is different than the AC change in that it resets everything, your story, your titles, your achievements on this toon, even your earnings and gear.


For instance, you rolled a trooper, and picked a Commando as an AC. Then, at about lvl 15 you realize that your heals are bad, and that you have a green beam of "come shoot me!". Given how you did not know about this, beforehand, it might be nice to start over, and I mean "start over".


IT can be said that your origin world can be cleared easily, but I will disagree: Hutta takes forever, for instance, and going through it a third time (if I did not like my Operative) would be such a pain.


In summary: I am totally against this idea, but if it is to be implemented, I say have a "character rollback" up to the stage where you chose your AC.

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