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They must've changed the mechanics on it, surely in an attempt to fix the perma-snare bug. The timing is different from when you hit the scamper ability until you actually roll.


I only noticed since I get bored waiting for pvp queues in the fleet, I run around and scamper-jump (it is possible). With the newest patch it stopped working and I figured a new way to scamper-jump, by waiting about .5 sec after hitting scamper and then jumping. Seems a change in the mechanics of it. Also,

The wait time in between rolls seems less.

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They must've changed the mechanics on it, surely in an attempt to fix the perma-snare bug. The timing is different from when you hit the scamper ability until you actually roll.


I only noticed since I get bored waiting for pvp queues in the fleet, I run around and scamper-jump (it is possible). With the newest patch it stopped working and I figured a new way to scamper-jump, by waiting about .5 sec after hitting scamper and then jumping. Seems a change in the mechanics of it. Also,

The wait time in between rolls seems less.


I can confirm the immobilization duration being much lower, allowing chained Scampers to happen much more quickly.


As for beneficial bugs, I could not reproduce the bounce-scamper or jump-scamper behavior (basically more distance per Scamper) that existed in the 2.0 Beta test. Which I'm hoping somehow slips through the cracks, and accidentally becomes workable again.


The Scamper-Jump (can we call it a Scamper-fizzle?) behavior I believe you are referring to. Is what Gunslingers are abusing with Hightail It, in the "Macro Rollbang" videos. This is where you Hightail It/Scamper without moving anywhere.


It can be trivially reproduced by hitting Scamper and immediately pressing the jump button. I tested with my macro keyboard and there seemed to be a 150-200ms window to achieve this effect. Maybe they could add some coding to the client to handle this "edge case."

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I looked up Macro Rollbang and didn't find any video. I can Scamper jump but I don't see how it can be used as an exploit. It's harmless.


Gunslingers have a talent called Scatter Bombs in the Saboteur tree that drops 5 scatter bombs as they Hightail It. Dropping them all in one spot can be accomplished by Hightailing It into a wall or using the jump trick to Hightail It in place. This is a devastating amount of burst damage.

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Gunslingers have a talent called Scatter Bombs in the Saboteur tree that drops 5 scatter bombs as they Hightail It. Dropping them all in one spot can be accomplished by Hightailing It into a wall or using the jump trick to Hightail It in place. This is a devastating amount of burst damage.


that definitely needs addressed.

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