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Rage VS Vengeance for PvE

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I use an UW SA relic and an Arkanian Kinetic Tempest dmg proc relic. Would I be better off with a clicky relic instead of the dmg proc? Or is the dmg proc better on average but just more random?


You should see more results and higher dps from the clicky power as long as you're maximizing your uptime with it(getting the full 30s duration and also clicking it the second it comes off cd). The power gained works incredibly well with your Cascading power proc and then couple it with an adrenal and the SA proc and it's an amazing dps boost.


The dmg proc relics are better utilized by a class with DoT dmg. The reason being is that they're hitting the mob multiple times per second whereas a Rage jugg only has the short duration Force Crush. So we can't ensure maximum proc's of the dmg proc relic. DoT classes generally proc it every time the ICD wears off. Rage Juggs can't ensure that and won't get as many proc's from the dmg proc as those DoT classes will.

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Im sad I have been playing my merc for the last month came back and my parse is horrible only 2200 :( I need. help will post a parse if I can figure out how to link stuff I know how to run torparse. and " upload" to torparse but dont know how to view it online or link it.


With my gear lets just say I should be geting 2700+ easy


I had always been a vengi jugg untill a month ago but made a new toon but hes 55 now so im coming back. NEED HELP!

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