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State of PvP on BC - Video


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After seeing the success of "kickball" that was hosted on our server on 07/04/13 I'd say our server is doing fantastic in the PvP scene. A big shout out to all the guilds/players that decided to stick around. Looking forward to the next ranked WZ next week on 07/10. In my opinion I think it's refreshing to see new players in the mix. I've seen a handful of new guilds actively queing with two to three members at a time. In a good month or two we are going to see some really strong new players. I'm definately looking forward to it.


I also made a quick

for a guildie to show my UI setup and rotation for fellow healers. I discuss the state of the server briefly. Check it out and let me know what you guys think!

For those considering transferring to our server, I think you will enjoy the tone we've set.




Edited by Juniormonk
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Hell yea, BC has the best community imo. *life day cheer* I feel like we offer a perfect niche for (although not limited to) semi-casual players.


One tip I am definitely taking from your video is moving my raid frame closer to center so I can click on a specific person easier. I use shift+tab to target friendlies but it's so random at times it can take way too long to cycle to the right person and moving my mouse all the way over to the side is just silly. Thanks punk! =p


I dunno how you can do it without the health numbers up though, I need the text for those tough "who gets the next heal" moments. >.<;


I liked the intro too. XD

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It's MONK not PUNK! :rolleyes:

And thanks for watching/commenting on the vid! I do like my raid frames in the middle like that. So I can see what's going on instead of staring to the left all day. I tried the numbers but it got too clumpy. So I just got used to gauging how much my heal will fill up their bars. I do get thrown for a loop when uber tanks don't get healed as fast because of all that HP...

Edited by Juniormonk
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I think your commentary on the state of 55 PvP on BC is spot on. Yes we took a big hit with the server transfers, but many good players are still here and still queuing. Kickball was fantastic fun and I hope it is something that will continue for a long time. One of these days I'd like to be ON your team and not against you though!


It was interesting to see how you have your skills set up. I tried moving my ops frame to the middle but it turned out to be a huge disaster as I use my mouse to exfiltrate and I just ended up clicking on teammates without going anywhere. I just can't seem to find a good place to put it that allows me to navigate across the map, watch turrets/nodes, and be able to select a teammate for heals easily. Maybe I'm asking for too much. :D


P.S. It's MINT, not MONK or PUNK. Sheesh, get it right already! :p

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Punkmint mayhaps? :D


This was my compromise on moving the raid frame Roisinn.


I didn't like it off to the left or toooo center since I use a combo of mouse and keyboard to turn, depending on the situation and how far fingers are already stretched for abilities, lol. If this is still too center, it seems to make more sense off to the right a bit more imo... since that's the side the mouse is on? I dunno it just made sense in my brain and to the right does seem to be where I leave my mouse active. =)

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Great video. I am encouraged by the turn out we have had lately and like you I absolutely expect to see new teams breaking onto the sceen in the next few months

*cheers* heres to the future of Ranked PVP on BC!

Edited by Kagonesti
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I think the bottom line is no one should feel intimidated for being new to pvp on our server at this point. We've proven that we are cool with anyone that is wanting to get into the pvp scene. That goes for guilds as well. If you have a brand spanking new guild looking to make a name for yourselves then chime in and make some new friends.

It's kind of a reset for the pvp scene.

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This was my compromise on moving the raid frame Roisinn.



It seems so simple and obvious now... duh. Thanks Lydiah! :o I went back to having two columns on the ops frame and moved it over just right of the center so it's directly next to any node/door/turret that is in the middle of my screen. I also enlarged the ops frame as much as I could and shrunk down everything else. I already know where all my skills and everything are anyway. I have only tried it on a lowbie healer sorc I started leveling so far but I can't imagine why it wouldn't also work with Roisinn's setup as well.


... We've proven that we are cool with anyone that is wanting to get into the pvp scene. That goes for guilds as well. If you have a brand spanking new guild looking to make a name for yourselves then chime in and make some new friends...


I couldn't agree with you more. I have played quite a few MMOs and this is the first game where our guild and I have felt a part of the community and the community has made us feel a part of it. I know that's totally cheesy to say or whatever but it's the truth. I appreciate how friendly and accepting nearly everyone on the server is. It is an absolute pleasure playing with and against you guys and gals, of both factions. Thank you BC. <3

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I couldn't agree with you more. I have played quite a few MMOs and this is the first game where our guild and I have felt a part of the community and the community has made us feel a part of it. I know that's totally cheesy to say or whatever but it's the truth. I appreciate how friendly and accepting nearly everyone on the server is. It is an absolute pleasure playing with and against you guys and gals, of both factions. Thank you BC. <3


I think it is because your guild has great players that aren't elitist. Everyone one of them have been really cool with everyone else every time I see you guys online.


@ Lydiah - If that works for you then perfect. This has been my "look" for a long time so changing it now will mess up my brain. I've gotten too used to clicking around the raid frames for movement.


Great video. I am encouraged by the turn out we have had lately and like you I absolutely expect to see new teams breaking onto the sceen in the next few months

*cheers* heres to the future of Ranked PVP on BC!


A toast to you, sir! CHEERS!


great vid monk and hope next kickball goes just as well.


Thank you! I think this will become a regular thing now. The Cowboy Funk show was an idea I've always wanted to try. This might be the start of a fun show after all. Hey thanks for setting up YET ANOTHER kickball session. To everyone who came out and to the server.




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XD Don't feel bad Roisinn, I can't believe I never thought about moving the frame at all until PUNKMINT said something about it, lol.


And... *sniffle* So much feels in this thread. <3 Tis true though, best freakin in-game community I have ever come across... EVAR! <3

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Punkmint mayhaps? :D


This was my compromise on moving the raid frame Roisinn.


I didn't like it off to the left or toooo center since I use a combo of mouse and keyboard to turn, depending on the situation and how far fingers are already stretched for abilities, lol. If this is still too center, it seems to make more sense off to the right a bit more imo... since that's the side the mouse is on? I dunno it just made sense in my brain and to the right does seem to be where I leave my mouse active. =)


I like what you've done. The bottom action bars seem pretty wide. I prefer condensing them for less mouse movement. Here's my compromise. I removed the 2 action bars on the right and brought them down. I also made a mini action bar bottom center for immediate spells and medpacks

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