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Casual Player looking for Guild


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Just to give you a little history. I am not new, yet am. I bought the game when it first came out, but stopped playing it around June/July of 2012. I was once on the Sedyn Kyne server, and in the Savage Arms Guild, which was the top Guild on the server. I know that's not saying much considering the size of the server at the time, but it was fun.


I am looking to be part of top dogs again, but I would like it to be a more casual environment. I can't deny, the environment of the guild I was in at the time was very stressful, as it was less casual than I cared for it to be, and was one of the reasons I left. I want to be part of the best, but I don't want it to feel like work, so if you are Guild that loves to do the best you can at beating FPs in all modes, and enjoys being competitive both in PvE and in PvP, but know how to be good sports, and just enjoy the game, please look me up, because I would love to join. Thanks.

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