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Thinking of transferring here


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Hey all!! So prior to 2.0 expansion, I decided to leave The Bastion because doing ranks/pvp every night w/o doing anything else got...well boring/repetitive. I rerolled on Jung Ma hoping to find some good RP because I've not experienced that aspect of the game b4. JM has some good RP but I feel I could get a better experience on this server. To end this nonsense lol Does this server have:

1. Good RP for RP noobs like myself?

2. Are there many spots to RP?

3. Open world pvp events?

4. Decent PVP competition (just curious)

5. and anything else I'm not asking???


i'm looking into bringing out that sw nerd in me from a RP point of view while still kicking *** in pvp

Thank you!:)

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For your questions about RP, I would suggest asking at begerencolony.org. Most of the people active on this forum are PVP'ers, and the RP'ers tend to hang out there. As for PVP... the server transfers have left PVP here in a pretty abysmal state. We lost a ton a excellent PVP'ers and gained a large contingent of derps. Queues pop when groups are rarely full and often go the entire match without backfilling. We have problems now with AFK'ers and even if you're in a really good premade, the other 3 people are often bad enough to lose you the match no matter how well you play. I'm not sure we've had competitive ranked since the transfers, but PUG ranked has been pretty active. Open world PVP has always been next to non-existant here.
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Queues pop when groups are rarely full and often go the entire match without backfilling.


For what it's worth, this seems to be a game issue related to the recent backfill change; I've noticed the same thing on the Bastion, and I hear it's a new issue on other servers as well.

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For your questions about RP, I would suggest asking at begerencolony.org. Most of the people active on this forum are PVP'ers, and the RP'ers tend to hang out there. As for PVP... the server transfers have left PVP here in a pretty abysmal state. We lost a ton a excellent PVP'ers and gained a large contingent of derps. Queues pop when groups are rarely full and often go the entire match without backfilling. We have problems now with AFK'ers and even if you're in a really good premade, the other 3 people are often bad enough to lose you the match no matter how well you play. I'm not sure we've had competitive ranked since the transfers, but PUG ranked has been pretty active. Open world PVP has always been next to non-existant here.


Queues are quite active at all times of the day thanks to APAC transfers actually. You'll get quite frequent pops during peak hours 6pm - 12am server and slightly less frequent pops until about 4am. As far as warzones without 8 people, that seems to be an issue of our imperial counterparts who left the server leaving many competent pvpers to retreat to the republic side. There's been a ton of pub vs pub warzones, so possibly LaVall has been queing imp side.


As far as ranked goes, there's really only Infamous left on the server who has an actual ranked team at the moment. The rest is more or less impromptu unplanned ranked.

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As far as warzones without 8 people, that seems to be an issue of our imperial counterparts who left the server leaving many competent pvpers to retreat to the republic side. There's been a ton of pub vs pub warzones, so possibly LaVall has been queing imp side.


I queue 6pm-10:30pm server time on the republic every day. I queue Imp for a few matches before 6 and occassionally on weekends. Most of my imp warzones are imp vs imp and suffer from the same unfilled group issues. However as Valya pointed out, this is happening on other servers as well.

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As for RP, there not quite as much as you would expect, however there is often a little rp going on in the fleet cantina, or nar shadda. Also the guild community encompassing THE SITH ORDER/THE JEDI ORDER/REPUBLICSPECFORCE/ and I forget the imp agent and bounty-hunter one,, are very RP focused. They usually hold Rp recruitments on all of the starting planets during the week. Hope to see you around soon!
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For your questions about RP, I would suggest asking at begerencolony.org. Most of the people active on this forum are PVP'ers, and the RP'ers tend to hang out there. As for PVP... the server transfers have left PVP here in a pretty abysmal state. We lost a ton a excellent PVP'ers and gained a large contingent of derps. Queues pop when groups are rarely full and often go the entire match without backfilling. We have problems now with AFK'ers and even if you're in a really good premade, the other 3 people are often bad enough to lose you the match no matter how well you play. I'm not sure we've had competitive ranked since the transfers, but PUG ranked has been pretty active. Open world PVP has always been next to non-existant here.


I second LaVall's post regarding visiting begerencolony.org. There is a vibrant RP community with almost nightly events as well as a consortium of both Pub and Imp guilds. Check it out! :D

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Also, to say the pvp has been left in an ABYSMAL state since transfers is grossly exaggerating, lmao. PVP is just fine on this server. You will still find baddies and every once in a while a PUG good enough to beat a premade. We have also been pug'ing up ranked on a weekly (sometimes more often) basis which we call kickball. There is competition but it will not be like you had on Bastion, which it sounds like you're totally ok with so YAY!


RP is almost nightly with weekly events. (Reemphasizing checking out begerencolony.org as that community site is extremely active with the rp'ers and the r-curious like myself.) =p


I'm seriously confused where some people get their info when answering these posts. o_O;


EDIT: Forgot to mention I left Jung Ma last summer as its community was just a bit too small for me, BC does NOT have that problem. =)

Edited by SimplyKupo
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Also, to say the pvp has been left in an ABYSMAL state since transfers is grossly exaggerating, lmao. PVP is just fine on this server. You will still find baddies and every once in a while a PUG good enough to beat a premade. We have also been pug'ing up ranked on a weekly (sometimes more often) basis which we call kickball. There is competition but it will not be like you had on Bastion, which it sounds like you're totally ok with so YAY!


Great stuff I'm liking the idea of transferring over.

What's your char name? Maybe I can tag along with you and you can help me find a good guild to learn from or what not

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Great stuff I'm liking the idea of transferring over.

What's your char name? Maybe I can tag along with you and you can help me find a good guild to learn from or what not


Sure thing, I'm mostly on my operative, Lydiah as she is my main. And currently if I am pub-side, I am focusing on my little kitty commando, Miqo'te.


I'm not on west coast time like the server is but it works out well as I end up logging in around 10 or 11am server time for a little bit, and then around 9pm server time almost daily. =) And if you register on the begerencolony site I'm Kupo there too. (In case you can't find me in game I typically have that site pulled up on the other screen.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey all!! So prior to 2.0 expansion, I decided to leave The Bastion because doing ranks/pvp every night w/o doing anything else got...well boring/repetitive. I rerolled on Jung Ma hoping to find some good RP because I've not experienced that aspect of the game b4. JM has some good RP but I feel I could get a better experience on this server. To end this nonsense lol Does this server have:

1. Good RP for RP noobs like myself?

2. Are there many spots to RP?

3. Open world pvp events?

4. Decent PVP competition (just curious)

5. and anything else I'm not asking???


i'm looking into bringing out that sw nerd in me from a RP point of view while still kicking *** in pvp

Thank you!:)


seems before 2.0 begeren colony was a wonderful place to RP,now,just look at our server: pvp this,pvp that,pvp ranking.lately BC really really feels like a pvp server.what is begeren colony like? zahura goes around yelling at players who arent PERFECT in PVP and talks severe trash to those who dont play EXACTLY the way he plays. if you can ignore his mean aggressive loud mouth,the RPers on BC tend to come out at nite.

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My first fan. Now I can feel confident in telling my friends that I have made it *sniffle*


As for the chat, try to ignore this person's ranting as I'm sure I don't need to tell you that one person's PvP rage will not determine a server's overall reputation, especially in the RP department. Most of the RPers, as I have discovered, are broken into two different types of RP:


1) The mature IC players of BC. These guys are the example of experienced roleplayers, often running guilds dedicated to business and faction oriented ventures, such as smuggler alliances and branches of the Imperial Reclamation service. Like LaVall and Kupo have already stated, a good number of these guilds can be found on begerencolony.org and are always interested in welcoming new RPers. I'm sure you can find out more information about the types of events they hold from the BC.org calendar :)


2) The players who struggle between IC and OOC. A lot of guilds on this server also like to delve into the drama and guild wars type fighting system between each other, forming alliances with powerful allies by whispering and solving their quarrels through PvP dueling. A majority of these guild members rarely can see the difference between IC (In Character) and OOC (Out of Character). I would suggest heading over to BC.org first if you are fresh to RPing before you interact with various guild such as Sith Accademy, to prevent complete confusion on how they RP (some people wouldn't classify them as RPers at all, but again, check out the other site for more info).


As for PvP, LaVall summed it up pretty solidly. The unranked que on this server is dominated by 4 man premades, and most of the WZs can be decided based on the actions of one individual player rather than a team, and real ranked guild matches do not exist unless it is planned before hand here on the forums. Most victories in the WZs are won by exploiting the weak players on the team (IE: Stealing the side node while the two defenders fight far away from the node, easily firepitting the ball carriers, etc.) rather than the hard fought battles over a node or a back and forth game of Huttball. The best source of competition I can point you towards out of the regular que is in the Ranked kickball nights we host, as every other night that isn't Wednesday or Friday is very competitive. Saturdays are also the guild que nights, so we'll have to see if those are even more competitive!

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seems before 2.0 begeren colony was a wonderful place to RP,now,just look at our server: pvp this,pvp that,pvp ranking.lately BC really really feels like a pvp server.what is begeren colony like? zahura goes around yelling at players who arent PERFECT in PVP and talks severe trash to those who dont play EXACTLY the way he plays. if you can ignore his mean aggressive loud mouth,the RPers on BC tend to come out at nite.


Wow. Why y'all gotta hate on someone who plays better in pvp than most of us? And not to justify hurtful language in war zones, but 55 pvp has been in a dismal state recently, with 7 55 players going to cap and guard a pylon in ancient hyper gates, for one example. Those of us who are experienced players sometimes get fed up with plp at 55 in pvp not doing the simplest things, like guarding, focusing marked healers, calling incs, etc. This isn't a case of not knowing how war zones work, in lowbie it's understandable, at 55 it's a case of just not caring. So those of us who care will call it like we see it. Nuff said, lol. /end rant

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