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Just wanted to give a shout out to chaotic pixels who put together a team against Unicorn Stampede (from what I understand both teams were just made up from whoever was online in guild) Pixels took the first win in a Civil war, we took the 2nd win in a great game of voidstar, and unicorns won the last match which was civil war, however Pixels had a DC so right now it's 1 win to 1 win. Just wanted to say thank you for queuing up all the guys on my side had a lot of fun and are looking forward to some more ggs against you guys. Hopefully we'll be able to get some more guilds to queue up for ranked now that there's 2 guilds that are queuing. Also roxy I gotta talk to you in game about possibly moving our Sunday time a little bit later?


i'm on most nights from 6-11 hmu

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The Ebon Remnant/Bloodbath will probably have a team in a few weeks. We finally were able to build some interest to get some groups going yesterday and it went better than expected. Still have problems with focus fire but I think we're pretty set with heals. :cool:
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The Ebon Remnant/Bloodbath will probably have a team in a few weeks. We finally were able to build some interest to get some groups going yesterday and it went better than expected. Still have problems with focus fire but I think we're pretty set with heals. :cool:


I may help my guildies with that if it's Friday-sunday;)


I don't have any pvp gear though, my slinger stole it from us.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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I may help my guildies with that if it's Friday-sunday;)


I don't have any pvp gear though, my slinger stole it from us.


Lmao... I dont think it would matter for you. You're kinda pro.


But yeah my scoundrel took up all my gearing time. My op not yet even full partisan and unaugmented, even so I'm hitting in the millions. Aside from Sith'ari none of us were fully geared and I think there were 2-3 in full pve gear. That's why I said in a few weeks we could get this going for real. But just the fact that my Guildies are finally interested is great news for me.


Less solo queueing.

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I would love to get in on this but there seems to be scant pub interest - are there any pub teams forming, and if so, any spots for scoundrel heals?


My pub guild has been talking about getting a team together. I'll let them know you're looking.


You have any imps toons? There's only like 3 of us left on my imp guild but I'd like to play my marauder more!

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