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So Unicorns have been hosting ranked kickballs this past week, and thats always fun, but i for one want to see some guild vs guild rateds. are there any guilds/ppl that could get a full team together to try and queue against unicorns if we can scrape together a team with whatever we have left on this server?
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So Unicorns have been hosting ranked kickballs this past week, and thats always fun, but i for one want to see some guild vs guild rateds. are there any guilds/ppl that could get a full team together to try and queue against unicorns if we can scrape together a team with whatever we have left on this server?


CP is slowly getting our 55's geared finally. Hopefully we will have full team soon:rolleyes:

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CP is slowly getting our 55's geared finally. Hopefully we will have full team soon:rolleyes:


awesome. honestly i dont know that we'll even have a competetive comp, weve lost some good players to transfers/boredom but im hoping we can at least scrape something together. who doesnt need the extra ranked comms and everyone wants to try and get good wz ratings for that firebrand gear (although i still prefer to rock the old rated war hero gear) :D

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I will try my best to get a PD group at some point, it's just challenging getting 8 of anything now :(


ik how you feel. plus i gotta split my time between JC and pot5 since im tryna get on someones ranked team on pot5 as well.

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Can see what's up with some legion members, but I doubt a full team since we can barely raid 2 nights a week :p

and then there is the having no pvp gear


lol true. especially since my amazing operative healer cant even come out to kickball when they say they would!! i cried for a little bit. but then i found physco and had him heal our team which worked out really well. so i guess we didnt need you crysta :p jk but we're doing it again tonight starting in maybe half an hour so you should try and come out :D but if you guys had some friends that werent even in guild you could get them. like i told roxxy i dont think unicorns will be able to put up any serious team. ill be happy if we can get 8 guys queued up regardless of comp

Edited by Cinerous
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I will try my best to get a PD group at some point, it's just challenging getting 8 of anything now :(


If you guys ever need an extra man feel free to whisper me if I'm on. i could either heal or pewpew depending on what you guys have on a given night. Same goes with any imp guilds trying to get a team together and my marauder. All my toons are in at least augmented partisan. Pvp is sorta watered down here since transfers but I definitely feel like we have enough solid players kicking around for 3-4 rated teams.

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A few of us from System are back. Swij, Viphen and Maxximus. We've been playing with a few others that jump into our mumble (all are invited). We're interested as well if anyone wants to set something up Republic side.




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I thought kick ball was the best part of the game. glad to see it back. I can heal/dps pub. just dps imp.


need more ppl to /cjoin pubpvp and /cjoin imppvp so that you'll know when ppl are forming grps. :cool:


oops. wrong thread. :o

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hell yea physco im tryna get my team together and im sure i could find a dps or healer spot for you if we have room. youve been on my team repeatedly in kickball and id be glad to have you running with me more. once i start to fill spots on my team ill get back to you and figure out what times would work for you and if that would work for us.


in regards to pub rateds, once i get back in country ill start setting up more kickball nights, but some nights ive had a friend go over pubside and get a team together. ik at least 2 or 3 nights weve had pub teams, but ill make it a point to announce what days/times ill be doing it and ill be sure to try and get ppl from pubside a team as well. the only disadvantage to having a pub team and an imp team is we cant really swap out players as easily as we can on imp vs imp to balance the teams but im sure we could figure something out. and im glad you like kickball im trying to revive interest in rateds/kickball on this server, once we get legit teams queing up ill make a schedule for at least 2 nights when the rated teams can't queue up so we can do kickball.

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a lot of ppl have 55s on both factions. I don't think it'd be too bad. I don't really care which faction I play on so much as I like the idea of relatively even teams each in voice. Edited by foxmob
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My guild is trying to put together a team for ranked warzones. We are a PvE guild but a few of us have been really enjoying PvP, and should be geared in a week or two. I look forward to finally getting the chance to play ranked.


I'm sure we'll get our asses kicked at first, but I hope we can eventually become good enough to hold our own.


I missed out on the last kickball night, but hope to participate in one sometime.

Edited by Kickimanjaro
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My guild is trying to put together a team for ranked warzones. We are a PvE guild but a few of us have been really enjoying PvP, and should be geared in a week or two. I look forward to finally getting the chance to play ranked.


I'm sure we'll get our asses kicked at first, but I hope we can eventually become good enough to hold our own.


I missed out on the last kickball night, but hope to participate in one sometime.


hell yea man, im out of the country right now, but as soon as i come back ill post on the kickball thread some times that ill try and get it going. the nice thing about kickball is that it lets ppl that have more ranked experience lead the teams and pass on their ranked knowledge to the guys that havent had as much experience. i will hopefully be able to get a unicorn team together once i can lure ppl in with the idea of actually going up against a legit ranked team. so whenever any team gets close to being ready ill try and rally my guys. looking forward to bringing ranked back to this server :D

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My pub guild <Jawas Stole My Bike> is pretty close to being able to field a team. Probably a week or two away. Just out of curiosity I was wondering who else is interested in fielding a team and how close you guys are to being ready to queue up? It seems like there are at least 4 or 5 guilds that have enough regular pvpers to get something together. I doubt any of us will have a perfect comp so everyone should be on kinda even footing at least. I'm thinking once we start having games more and more guilds will get squads together and give it a go.
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My pub guild <Jawas Stole My Bike> is pretty close to being able to field a team. Probably a week or two away. Just out of curiosity I was wondering who else is interested in fielding a team and how close you guys are to being ready to queue up? It seems like there are at least 4 or 5 guilds that have enough regular pvpers to get something together. I doubt any of us will have a perfect comp so everyone should be on kinda even footing at least. I'm thinking once we start having games more and more guilds will get squads together and give it a go.


im trying to get a unicorn team together. gimme a week or 2 and hopefully we'll have a full team. we wont have any perfect comp or anything, and we will be trying out some new comps but im currently looking for 2 or 3 more players for my team, we wont be perfectly geared but at least we should hopefully be queuing up sometime in the coming weeks. unfortunately we've lost a lot of our players to transfers to PoT5 and Bastion. ill make a post on this thread once we get a team and a schedule going.

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Hey guys, this is more directed at Chaotic Pixels than anyone else but other guilds are more than welcome to comment as well. Roxy I heard you say your guild will be coming out for kickball on Saturdays then try for guild rateds on Sunday? Is that still true? If so what time will you be queuing up on Sunday? I can make no promises, but my Unicorns team is ready just need one more person (that we can either pug or find another Unicorn online to fill that spot till we get a permanent member to fill the role) but we would love to test our new team (and I refuse to put my rated team against a KB team) and get some practice running together in ranked so roxy if you could lemme know if and/or when you guys plan on queuing I'll see if I can get my guys together. That invitation applies to all

Guilds that want to put a rated team together. Just comment on this thread and let me know when you guys can queue and we'll try and make something happen.

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but my Unicorns team is ready just need one more person (that we can either pug or find another Unicorn online to fill that spot till we get a permanent member to fill the role)


As most know, B30 left for greener pastures. Which most nights I find myself running naked thru the Guild hallways eating cheese puffs and messing up the place. Other words, bored out of my mind. So, if US, or anyother imp team is looking to fill a void just look me up in game or on here.


I haven't competed in very many ranked matches, but way more regs than I care to mention. Pretty good on Soul no matter the spec, Lil'Focker is op heals, which is pretty close to face roll ftw. Still learning a bit on my merc Hitman, but deeps is fairly decent and getting better. Healing as a merc, well I'm going to need alot more practice there.


Would prefer staying on JC, just looking for some action.

Edited by Harglerode
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Hey guys, this is more directed at Chaotic Pixels than anyone else but other guilds are more than welcome to comment as well. Roxy I heard you say your guild will be coming out for kickball on Saturdays then try for guild rateds on Sunday? Is that still true? If so what time will you be queuing up on Sunday? I can make no promises, but my Unicorns team is ready just need one more person (that we can either pug or find another Unicorn online to fill that spot till we get a permanent member to fill the role) but we would love to test our new team (and I refuse to put my rated team against a KB team) and get some practice running together in ranked so roxy if you could lemme know if and/or when you guys plan on queuing I'll see if I can get my guys together. That invitation applies to all

Guilds that want to put a rated team together. Just comment on this thread and let me know when you guys can queue and we'll try and make something happen.


we usually try to start putting things together at around 7'ish server time and yes that is our goal but as i said with summer plans and all its up in the air, but as of know its posted on our guild calander

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we usually try to start putting things together at around 7'ish server time and yes that is our goal but as i said with summer plans and all its up in the air, but as of know its posted on our guild calander


Okay I'll tell my guys we'll try and start getting our team formed around 7pm server time (I think server time follows east time zone?) if you can't get 8 CPs are you gonna try and pug someone or just say screw it and try again next week?


Soul, I have to give preference to guildies since its obv a unicorn team but I'll keep you in mind if we're ever down a man and can't find a guildie to fill the role. I like all the b30 guys I play with on pot5 and if you're cool with them you're cool with me in my books.

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we usually try to start putting things together at around 7'ish server time and yes that is our goal but as i said with summer plans and all its up in the air, but as of know its posted on our guild calander


Just wanted to give a shout out to chaotic pixels who put together a team against Unicorn Stampede (from what I understand both teams were just made up from whoever was online in guild) Pixels took the first win in a Civil war, we took the 2nd win in a great game of voidstar, and unicorns won the last match which was civil war, however Pixels had a DC so right now it's 1 win to 1 win. Just wanted to say thank you for queuing up all the guys on my side had a lot of fun and are looking forward to some more ggs against you guys. Hopefully we'll be able to get some more guilds to queue up for ranked now that there's 2 guilds that are queuing. Also roxy I gotta talk to you in game about possibly moving our Sunday time a little bit later?

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