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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The blame game


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If you decide to start throwing blame around when your team loses a WZ they really should have won, at least make sure you get it right. For example...


AHG, we were winning the center battle for kills and orbs. Then we lost.


Was it the fault of that lone NON-STEALTH defender we left at our pylon, who called out as soon as he got mezzed by the skilled ninja capper. And then our pylon was capped out from under us before anyone else could get there? NO!


Was it the fault of the stealthy who did not go to their pylon and try to ninja it for us during the last round? Well, actually that stealthy (me) did go there, but the enemy was smart enough to be guarding-the-pylon-for-the-win with 5 guys. I can't mezz 5 people, so NO!


I'll tell you who's fault it was. It was mine. For running back to our pylon with an orb, while we had a decent lead, and thinking, "wow, we should really have more than one guard here". And then blatantly ignoring my own thought and running back to mid. It was also the fault of pretty much the rest of our team, who all did exactly the same thing. Multiple times. Including the guy who was throwing out all those blames at the end, hoping something would stick to someone.


So, next time you are looking to blame someone, if you are not willing to look in the mirror at your own performance and at least consider that maybe some of the fault is yours, then just shut the h**l up.



Sorry for this pretty much useless thread. Just so tired of people looking to blame anyone and everyone *else* for a lost WZ.

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had a guy last night talking in ops how we suck, he was a sniper with total 7k damage.


in WZ of yours, well. some classes can't guard.

1.if you see assassin/operative guardin OUT OF STEALTH - don't let him guard.

2.stealth classes guarding on the top of a node - don't let him guard.

3.marauders - while they are durable - they shouldn't guard.

4.juggs on the top of a node - don't let him guard.


if you have total control of mid, no enemies there, something is fishy, go support a node.

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The thing that drives me nuts about AH is not the fact that stealthers can ninja cap it during a mez; but rather the fact that people still seem to just want to leave a single node guard so they can go death match in the middle, then complain when the node is stolen.


Hell. A single stealther is childs play. Seen plenty of smart stealth duos to where a solo guard doesn't have a chance. Even a stealther, as they are going to anticipate one is there if no one is and scan the area until they find you.

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The thing that drives me nuts about AH is not the fact that stealthers can ninja cap it during a mez; but rather the fact that people still seem to just want to leave a single node guard so they can go death match in the middle, then complain when the node is stolen.


Hell. A single stealther is childs play. Seen plenty of smart stealth duos to where a solo guard doesn't have a chance. Even a stealther, as they are going to anticipate one is there if no one is and scan the area until they find you.


BH/Troopers have in stun use ability that can prevent capping.

it's funny to see when I guard on a node pretending to be stupid, I get mezzed, I break cap with shoulder cannon, and guy stuns me again and caps only to see my resolve is full and I still interrupt...

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when you feel like you should do something, you really should do that


Yep. Never meant that rant as any excuse for my own falling down on the job. As I said, it was me and the whole rest of the team that had a major fail. That rant was all about the guy who just starts in with the "we lost totally because XYZ did this thing wrong!" Even when XYZ didn't do that thing wrong.


And I totally agree with what technohic said, that you should really just have 2 guards there. But I swear EVERY time I go try to be that second guard, I end up solo guarding because the guy that was there takes off for mid as soon as I show up. :mad:

Edited by Banderal
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But I swear EVERY time I go try to be that second guard, I end up solo guarding because the guy that was there takes off for mid as soon as I show up. :mad:


So infuriating. Makes me want to troll them all and call out that I have 3 stealthers, then when they all come, run off saying "haha! Suckers!" :D But then, when they all abandon the last guy there, if that guy even stays, it would be my fault no one was guarding the node.

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