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I've tried to get my Girlfriend to dump me numerous times, and keep failing...I swear I could shoot her cat and tell her it was because I felt like it and not apologize and the next day I'm forgiven regardless. So annoying.


Also, one time I ran over a duck that was standing in the middle of the road...I couldn't help but laugh because honestly, why is a duck just sitting in the middle of the road.

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have you tried telling her best friend? most girls like to gossip with each other.....


also, I think the duck was sitting on the road because it was warm (maybe)


Her best friend has told her several times to break up with me....several times in front of me. It is actually kinda funny. Oh, and telling her I didn't want to see her anymore didn't work either...she just laughed and showed up at my house the next day. Text bombs the hell out of me at work...I can ignore her for several days before she just shows up at my house....it is getting ridiculous.


The duck wasn't in the road because it was warm...It was in a pretty shady back road that never got much sun, and it was at 1:00 AM...I think it just fell asleep in a strange place.

Edited by Braxxiss
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Her best friend has told her several times to break up with me....several times in front of me. It is actually kinda funny. Oh, and telling her I didn't want to see her anymore didn't work either...she just laughed and showed up at my house the next day. Text bombs the hell out of me at work...I can ignore her for several days before she just shows up at my house....it is getting ridiculous.


that's really weird.... I can totally understand that you want to break up with her, good luck!


The duck wasn't in the road because it was warm...It was in a pretty shady back road that never got much sun, and it was at 1:00 AM...I think it just fell asleep in a strange place.


poor strange duck

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There is nothing wrong with being introverted and preferring to keep to yourself rather then pretend that you care about the lives and problems of other people. Humans need social contact to an extent because we are social creatures and lack of social contact literally leads to severe mental problems. However, you don't need 200 facebook "friends" nor do you need to be out on weekends to satiate that need. As long as you can express your thoughts and feelings to another human being, that innate need is met.


It's the attitude of the media and those more socially active that propagate the rather false idea of what is "normal". As long as *YOU* are comfortable you have nothing to feel bad about or feel sorry for yourself. If you feel lonely and miserable then get in touch with old friends but if you don't after being honest with yourself then there is nothing "wrong" with you. When it comes to personality and psychology, nothing is really normal, only what other people push as normal and those people can be safely ignored as they are more often than not incredibly uncomfortable with themselves, so they try to push their own ideas and notions onto others in search of reinforcement.


Which, ironically, is what it may seem that *I'm* doing, but I'm not. I've just studied psychology too much for my own good.


This certainly helped make me feel better, I only have a few RL friends, but they're really good ones, and the friends I have online are also really close, they keep me happy.

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If you've got the legs to look good in a kilt, you don't need an excuse!


The Ministry of Fashion in my house wouldn't go for it and I really don't wish to wear one. I was just playing up the suggestion.

Edited by TheBBP
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I have a girlfriend. She's nice person and really cute, but...

I think i don't love her.

Yes, we have a good time together. We have a good sex, but still... I dont love her.

At first, when we just started to date, that was amazing. We could talk all night by phone.

Now its different.

She loves me but she is more like a friend to me now.

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I have a girlfriend. She's nice person and really cute, but...

I think i don't love her.

Yes, we have a good time together. We have a good sex, but still... I dont love her.

At first, when we just started to date, that was amazing. We could talk all night by phone.

Now its different.

She loves me but she is more like a friend to me now.


That happens. Sorry bud. It's a tough situation.

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There is nothing wrong with being introverted and preferring to keep to yourself rather then pretend that you care about the lives and problems of other people. Humans need social contact to an extent because we are social creatures and lack of social contact literally leads to severe mental problems. However, you don't need 200 facebook "friends" nor do you need to be out on weekends to satiate that need. As long as you can express your thoughts and feelings to another human being, that innate need is met.


It's the attitude of the media and those more socially active that propagate the rather false idea of what is "normal". As long as *YOU* are comfortable you have nothing to feel bad about or feel sorry for yourself. If you feel lonely and miserable then get in touch with old friends but if you don't after being honest with yourself then there is nothing "wrong" with you. When it comes to personality and psychology, nothing is really normal, only what other people push as normal and those people can be safely ignored as they are more often than not incredibly uncomfortable with themselves, so they try to push their own ideas and notions onto others in search of reinforcement.


Which, ironically, is what it may seem that *I'm* doing, but I'm not. I've just studied psychology too much for my own good.


Just to add on here, this is a pretty good infographic on introverts. It's obviously not scientific but almost all of it perfectly described it. Don't let people try to change you just because they think everyone needs to be extroverted with tons of friends.


My confession: I'm a proud introvert. It doesn't make me anti-social, I just keep my thoughts to myself unless I have something to say. I also don't like forced conversations, as I'm terrible at small talk. If I do try and make small talk it ends up being very stressful just to figure out what I should say.


I've tried to get my Girlfriend to dump me numerous times, and keep failing...I swear I could shoot her cat and tell her it was because I felt like it and not apologize and the next day I'm forgiven regardless. So annoying.


Also, one time I ran over a duck that was standing in the middle of the road...I couldn't help but laugh because honestly, why is a duck just sitting in the middle of the road.


Have you ever tried just, in no uncertain terms, telling her that you are breaking up with her? Not just telling her you don't want to see her, or hoping she figures it out.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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My confession? Well, like many here, I am an introvert. Nothing wrong with that. I like having some time on my own and I will speak up if something needs to be said. Mostly, though, I'd rather listen to what other people have to say. My stories are not interesting to me because I've already lived them! :t_tongue:


But, despite being an introvert, I really enjoy presenting/performing. Yes, I get nervous and want to back out nearly every time I have to do something like that, but once I start, it is an amazing feeling and I like entertaining or educating people.


But when I'm done, please leave me alone. :t_biggrin:

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I am a very "manly" kind of guy. However, I know nothing of working on cars. Matter-o-fact, a busted down car turns my stomach. Nothing causes more stress in me than a busted down car. Everything else I can usually work out a solution for. Right now, my wife's car is in the shop getting a new engine and it is making me ill.

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I am a very "manly" kind of guy. However, I know nothing of working on cars. Matter-o-fact, a busted down car turns my stomach. Nothing causes more stress in me than a busted down car. Everything else I can usually work out a solution for. Right now, my wife's car is in the shop getting a new engine and it is making me ill.


I'm the same way, but I still work on cars. Terrified of it and don't like doing it but I'm broke as hell so I do all my own work and maintenance. Rebuilding my motor from the ground up right now.

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I am a very "manly" kind of guy. However, I know nothing of working on cars. Matter-o-fact, a busted down car turns my stomach. Nothing causes more stress in me than a busted down car. Everything else I can usually work out a solution for. Right now, my wife's car is in the shop getting a new engine and it is making me ill.


That's probably just indigestion from the cost. :t_wink: I know... I had to replace the engine in my car late last year. :t_frown:

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I'm the same way, but I still work on cars. Terrified of it and don't like doing it but I'm broke as hell so I do all my own work and maintenance. Rebuilding my motor from the ground up right now.


I only have basic maintenance in me. Spark plugs and such.



That's probably just indigestion from the cost. :t_wink: I know... I had to replace the engine in my car late last year. :t_frown:


Cost definitely IS part of it. I also feel ill because there they have me by the cajones and I don't like it.


i play to many games

im to anti - social

i take to many drugs to forget and not think


I am sorry to see this brother. You must have something positive going. You have a computer, this game, a sub and a roof over your head. What can you claim that is good in your life?

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Im thinking about leaving the guild that my husband is GM of (im an officer). He says he wants to play the game with me and have fun, yet whenever he logs into the game he almost avoids me like the plague and turns into an elitist a**hole. He never was that way until just recently. Im at the same gaming level as him and can out preform him at times.


Also thinking about just letting my sub go F2P or transfer. We have started fighting about the game recently. Mostly me calling him out on his BS.

Edited by bowlergirl
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Im thinking about leaving the guild that my husband is GM of (im an officer). He says he wants to play the game with me and have fun, yet whenever he logs into the game he almost avoids me like the plague and turns into an elitist a**hole. He never was that way until just recently. Im at the same gaming level as him and can out preform him at times.


Also thinking about just letting my sub go F2P or transfer. We have started fighting about the game recently. Mostly me calling him out on his BS.


I hope you guys can work things out. Games are trivial and shouldn't cause a big divide.

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I hope you guys can work things out. Games are trivial and shouldn't cause a big divide.


Me too. But alas, we both love SWTOR and each other. Its like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde...wonderful husband and father outside of game, rarely any tiffs..but SWTOR turns him into someone else.

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I'm generaly an easy going dude, very forgiving, patient. some pug pvp games turn me into Hulk. It leads to small fights with fiancee. She doesn't like me being angry and swearing at my screen. Hope it won't go to far...
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I'm generaly an easy going dude, very forgiving, patient. some pug pvp games turn me into Hulk. It leads to small fights with fiancee. She doesn't like me being angry and swearing at my screen. Hope it won't go to far...


Does she play SWTOR as well?

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Does she play SWTOR as well?


well, a bit (she made a male body type 3 jugg,very ugly, said he reminds her of me :D ). not hard time player, we'r still looking for a game we can lan together (Sins of the solar empire, counters strike, mobile forces, did dungeon siege twice whole game in co-op). But she likes (for some reason) watching me play more then playing with me :confused:


I know I need to control my outbursts, it's just some pvp pugs that make me rage, other then that, I'm calm like a sheep who sniffed wrong grass.

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well, a bit (she made a male body type 3 jugg,very ugly, said he reminds her of me :D ). not hard time player, we'r still looking for a game we can lan together (Sins of the solar empire, counters strike, mobile forces, did dungeon siege twice whole game in co-op). But she likes (for some reason) watching me play more then playing with me :confused:


I know I need to control my outbursts, it's just some pvp pugs that make me rage, other then that, I'm calm like a sheep who sniffed wrong grass.


I know with pvp its hard to do. Only way to get her to understand why you get so PO'ed is to compare it to something that happens with her... ie: kids, in laws, etc.

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I know with pvp its hard to do. Only way to get her to understand why you get so PO'ed is to compare it to something that happens with her... ie: kids, in laws, etc.


she understands why, she doesn't like how I react - if that makes sense.

but I'm already working on pug pvp Hulk anger managment. It's just a game.


but thanks for advice, will try mentioning to her using one of these examples (already have 2 in mind).


Maybe your husband has it same as me, some things in game that he can't control make him the way he is in-game, while outside being a saint :)

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