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The Kaggath Returns!

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Apologies for the absence everyone, but over the past few days I've been experiencing some internet issues. Anyway I'm back now so you can look forward to my loud and boisterous opinion popping up all over the forms like usual. :D


Anyway, yes, the Kaggath - your all baying for my blood etc. etc. I'll try and get it out as soon as possible. Likely tommorow at the standard time if nothing IRL crops up.


P.S. I want a Varactly mount!


P.P.S I absolutely love your new avatar Selenial - awesome and unique. :p


P.P.P.S Is anyone else's PM system acting up lately? Mine is. :(

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Apologies for the absence everyone, but over the past few days I've been experiencing some internet issues. Anyway I'm back now so you can look forward to my loud and boisterous opinion popping up all over the forms like usual. :D


Anyway, yes, the Kaggath - your all baying for my blood etc. etc. I'll try and get it out as soon as possible. Likely tommorow at the standard time if nothing IRL crops up.


P.S. I want a Varactly mount!


P.P.S I absolutely love your new avatar Selenial - awesome and unique. :p


P.P.P.S Is anyone else's PM system acting up lately? Mine is. :(


Guess who's back,

Back, back?

Beni's back, back back,

Tell a friend!


Omg i missed you :D

Super looking forward to the kaggath...


P.S: We all are :p


P.P.S: Thanks :D


P.P.P.S: Plenty of peoples, if you mean you can't see what you're typing... Was working fine with me and warren the other day, so it only seems to be hurting a few pplz. Try a new browser? I'm using Chrome...

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Anyway, yes, the Kaggath - your all baying for my blood etc. etc. I'll try and get it out as soon as possible. Likely tommorow at the standard time if nothing IRL crops up.


P.S. I want a Varactly mount!




P.S I predicted it last year when I picked this Avatar :D (for those keeping score at home, I started with this, went to 2 versions of the Kaleesh, and switched back at the beginning of Summer.)

Upon a new Initiate wishing to wear a color in their text, they shall undertake an Initiation, conducted by the masters... The masters must:

Instruct new members to wear aprons, hit them on the head with a bag of hair, force them to play dead while other members pretend to conduct a murder, hasty burial, escape, trial, conviction, execution and proper burial on behalf of the faux dead, while, once more, they are lying silently, pretending to be dead.


Signed: Selenial, Aurbere, Starsquirrel, Raylafelana (X - Now LadyKulvax) and Beniboybling, on behalf of Color text users everywhere.


Hey Sel, I'm in charge of that bag and I swear I always put tapes of the Star Wars Holiday Special in them. GL is still breathing down my neck for those...


Oh, and I recommend we dress the body in that snazzy tauntaun sleeping bag :D




Aside from that, *pulls cyan mask down over his face*


"Shall we begin?"

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Hi everyone!

I'm sory if this post doesn't belong here and bothers anybody. I'm new to the whole RP department of the game so I hae a few questions.


Is there any guide or something for this Kaggath? Its quite confusing to me at the moment. Where does it actually take place? (I guess its too late now to participate in this round. So if anybody of you could point me out a place with some rules/basic guides to this I would be really grateful.

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Hi everyone!

I'm sory if this post doesn't belong here and bothers anybody. I'm new to the whole RP department of the game so I hae a few questions.


Is there any guide or something for this Kaggath? Its quite confusing to me at the moment. Where does it actually take place? (I guess its too late now to participate in this round. So if anybody of you could point me out a place with some rules/basic guides to this I would be really grateful.


Welcome to the place most of the Star Wars General Discussion Forum regulars hang out.


I will be your guide this morning, as many of the others are sleeping or doing god knows what at this hour.


So, firstly this is the Kaggath, the place I actually made my first foray into the SWGD forum. Our friendly neighborhood Beni created this originally as a Versus series where he takes two characters from Star Wars lore and pits them against one another in a duel to the death.

For all those of you aren’t aware, the Kaggath is an ancient rite of the Sith, ‘one part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match’. The two combatants have full use of their power bases, be it armies, strongholds or fleets, in order to outwit and outmanoeuvre their opponent. The Kaggath is no simple lightsaber duel, although it can come down to one, and the arena can be anywhere: a planet, star system or the entire galaxy.


Before we begin, let’s go over the ground rules a final time:


The arena: the known galaxy.

No outside help of any kind, the combatants cannot call upon assets outside their power base, or other prominent powers. This excludes allies of the era i.e. Darth Sion & Nihilus, the Twin Suns, Hanharr.

No outside involvement, other powers will not and cannot interrupt or affect the battle, for the purpose of argument they are non-existent.

No surrender, fight to the death!

No superweapons, discounting the Mass Shadow Generator.*

Technology level is universal (unless considered archaic or advanced at the time): blaster fire, armouring, lightsabers etc. are all the same regardless of period, all that matters is size, quantity and power.

Use your imagination: obviously these powers existed in a different time frame but let’s just pretend.

We, fans of the franchise that we are, use our vast knowledge base as well as extensive source book, novel, and comic collections (and yes, more often than not, a healthy dose of Wookieepedia) to debate who would win (anyone can pitch in with arguments for either side at any time). Beni, the impartial soul that he is, tallies the votes, considers the debates, and declares a winner. Often scenario writing and character analysis are heavily involved.


I encourage you to read through a few of the previous Kaggaths to get a feel for it, then dive right in. We're a friendly, helpful bunch so don't worry if you make mistakes as long as you have a good attitude when (not if) you are corrected. (God knows Tune made quite a few :rolleyes:)


Now, this Kaggath is different. Many of the regulars participated in a failed attempt to create a galaxy-spanning fight where we each picked out our own factions based on our favorite characters, planets, armies, and navies. This was call the War of the Dream Teams (see below). When WotDT failed to take off, two threads split off to take it's place. The second Kaggath tournament (The Kaggath Returns) that functioned similarly to the first but with autonomous player-made factions comprising various leaders, troops, and forces. As well as Rayla's (LadyKulvax) Fleet Control thread which is player-controlled and is more RPish.


List of threads to intro you to our SWGD family.

Example of the first Kaggath Tournament

Some good reading material

Rayla's current WotDT spin-off

Aurbere's Battlezone (much like the old Kaggath.)

The legendary WotDT thread

Oh, and Beni is also heading up the forum's own The REAL Most Powerful Project


Now, I noticed you mentioned RPing, well if that is your thing I might direct you here. But if Lore is your game and you love to learn and debate about your favorite characters then this is the place for you. I encourage you to peruse our vast archive of Kaggath threads namely this one to see how a Kaggath plays out. Or see Aurbere's Battlezone linked above for a more personal duel. If you just like arguing about who's the greatest then Beni's most powerful threads linked above are for you. And should you merely wish to ask or share something Star Wars related in or out of universe feel free to post a thread.


I do respectfully ask, should you join us, please adhere the two sacred rules. No name calling/Flaming/Trolling and dealing in the established cannon (though we do form opinions based on cannon so feel free to do that.)


Now, all that said... I understand some info overload is in order. Take your time and get back to us with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Sincerely, Star, Aurbere, Beni, Rayla, Tune, Sel, Warren, Canino, Talon, Marcelo, and Wolf (really sorry if I missed anyone)

Edited by StarSquirrel
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OK, OK! I get it. Patience! :D


*Clears throat* (read with the link playing)


We've been patient for 3 days now! The time for patience is over! Now.... now is the time for battle; for blood, conquest, and victory! For glory!


Our enemies have only grown stronger in our absence, and now they believe they can defeat us. Now is the time to show them who is truly stronger!


Now is the time for glory!

Now is the time for blood!

Now is the time conquest!


Now is the time for the Kaggath!

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*Clears throat* (read with the link playing)


We've been patient for 3 days now! The time for patience is over! Now.... now is the time for battle; for blood, conquest, and victory! For glory!


Our enemies have only grown stronger in our absence, and now they believe they can defeat us. Now is the time to show them who is truly stronger!


Now is the time for glory!

Now is the time for blood!

Now is the time conquest!


Now is the time for the Kaggath!

Oh my, for that the Kaggath is coming early. :D
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*twirls arm into intricate bow*


Thank you, thank you. Hold your applause. Stop it, I'm blushing! :o


Seriously though, haha- I knew my war speech would work! They never fail, do they?


EDIT: Star, I know you are changing your avatar. You are a sly dog, aren't you?

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*twirls arm into intricate bow*


Thank you, thank you. Hold your applause. Stop it, I'm blushing! :o


Seriously though, haha- I knew my war speech would work! They never fail, do they?


EDIT: Star, I know you are changing your avatar. You are a sly dog, aren't you?


Well I've been playing that musical selection for around 10 minutes now so....


edit: caught red-handed, didn't want to get left out of the fun, but I just love the coincidence that my avatar is the next mount to be released so... I got the best of both :D


Edit 2: so funny thing, my other avatar is actually the female Veractyle while my current one is the male from all appearances.

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Liked your old one more Star ;)


Just as an upfront notice, going for meal with my new Step-Mother (Cute story, 65 year old newlyweds :p) at about 4pm GMT.... Not sure when I'll be back :(


P.S: I'd like your new one better if your font was Lime Green or something

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So how bout now?


Like it, but Number two with Some Sort of Green font as long as it's not aurbere's shade would be awesome, no more confusion with Rayla too :D



PS: Sea Green (Number 2) or Green (Nuber 3) would look great with it...

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She's changed it again. I like that one better, but I still prefer the old one. I like the splash of purple. And I think lime green as a font is too much of a strong colour.


Look at us, we're like virtual fashionistas :p


We should host our own little Fashion show once Warren has passed the Initiation test :D

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Perhaps I should change my font color as well. Maybe, a nice orange? Or perhaps grey? Just to reflect my new droid avatar.


P.S. I like to think he is an assassin droid. However, I think he may be a battle droid. Anyone know?

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Perhaps I should change my font color as well. Maybe, a nice orange? Or perhaps grey? Just to reflect my new droid avatar.


P.S. I like to think he is an assassin droid. However, I think he may be a battle droid. Anyone know?


He looks like a Guard Droid I encountered guarding the Tarisian Archives in a Republic Planetary quest, not sure though.... I'll go check on youtube :p


Edit: Yep

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